Chapter Ten: Good-bye Part 2

Don't Forget Our Little Kiss!


Waking up early the next morning, Ukiss was getting ready to head back to the hotel to get their things and make their way back to Korea for their next schedule. They never really got a real break.

The others were waiting out front while Kiseop was searching around for Lian trying to say good-bye to her before he just disappeared. Ten minutes passed and time was of the essence now. Grabbing one of the people in the hall he asked, “Do you know where Lian is?”

The boy just shook his head and it made Kiseop’s smile fall and become sad. He handed the boy a letter and asked him to please give it to her when she came back. He was heart broken once more not able to say a real good-bye to her in person or over the phone.

Leaving the club they made their way to the hotel. An hour later they were on their way to the airport and he keep checking his phone for any news of Lian. He had left his number in the note but still no word from his first love.

“Kiseop!” he heard someone screaming off in the distance. It wasn’t like the fan girl screaming they usually got  at the air port. It was a male voice, not that boys didn’t scream either but this was more of a sound of desperation then one of adoration.

Stopping where he was he saw Kim Joon run toward him which was a big surprise because he knew he didn’t like the guy and he didn’t like him. Joon straightened himself up and pushed through the crowed. One of the security guards was about to push him back but Kiseop called out letting him know that it was ok he had something to say to Joon.

“What do you want?” Kiseop asked in a dark tone but had a pleasant look on his face trying not to cause a scene in front of his fans.

“I just didn’t want you to leave with out getting your good-bye from Lian. She sent me here to say good-bye to you. She wanted to apologies for not being able to come in person but one of her family members had a heart attack last night and was sent to the ER so she is with them now keeping her family company.” Joon said all cold and stern out of breath.

“Thank you.” Kiseop said softening his features even more and feeling grateful to Joon for coming out all this way to clear things up. Lian hadn’t forgotten about him and that was all that mattered to him. “Tell her the same for me and I hope to see her soon in the future.” He explained and then turned around to catch up with his band mates.

“I wish I could….. but she already said good-bye to this world.” Joon whispered to himself as tears started to fall from his face. 


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foamtwt #1
They met and had such a perfect moment :(
But she had to die? :'(
Anyways, I loved the story.
Please write a sequel to this story it is so good. I love your writing
Love it <3
well depending on time and what people want I could do a sequel........ but i want to work on my other stories firs. Comment and tell me if you want me to write a sequel.....
Yeah sadly it is... From the very begining she was fated to die.... Its sad I know but kiseop will never know that....
ghiseop #7
is that really the end.?? awww...~~~ how sad :((
gonenuts4strbux #8
protective kiseop <3333<br />
please update soon! :)