Part 8: Letting Go

The Promise
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“You'll see,” Dahyun said as she stood up. She offers a hand to Sana who raised a brow in response.  

/What are you up to, Kim Dahyun?


Everything about Dahyun made Sana's senses go haywire. The moment the younger girl intertwined their fingers, it was game over for Sana. She couldn’t help but think how perfectly Dahyun’s hand fit in hers-- a dangerous thought to entertain.


She didn’t know where these feelings came from. Her initial attraction to the blonde was undeniable but the fondness that followed came out of nowhere. She just felt like she had a connection to the girl. Dahyun’s energy was magnetic and her humor never failed to make Sana laugh. Dahyun was checking all of Sana’s boxes. She was quite honestly the most ideal person Sana could ever think of being with. But she was also someone Sana couldn’t be with.

/You’re not mine to keep, but I can’t seem to let you go.


Sana wished she knew what went on inside Dahyun’s head. She wished she knew what the younger girl thought of her. Friends don’t just intertwine their fingers when they hold hands, right? This felt far too intimate; but somehow it didn’t feel foreign. There was a familiarity in Dahyun’s touch that Sana couldn’t place.

Sana thought of letting go of Dahyun’s hand. Because maybe holding on meant something else. Maybe holding on meant pursuing her feelings. Maybe holding on meant hoping that Dahyun felt the same way. Maybe holding on meant forcing Dahyun to break her promise to Mina. Sana couldn’t do that to her friends.

Still, Sana decided she couldn’t let go. Not of Dahyun’s grasp nor of Dahyun herself. Maybe it didn’t matter what she meant to the girl or what her feelings for Dahyun would entail. She just wanted to be around the girl and be there for her. And so she let Dahyun take her to her suite.


“What are we doing here, Dahyun?”

“Just wait here a sec. I’ll be right back. I just need to grab something,” Dahyun said before she rushed into the suite.

From outside Sana could hear two unfamiliar voices. She didn’t want to eavesdrop but they were not being very discreet about their questions to the other girl. It was almost as if they were purposely saying things out loud to embarrass Dahyun. There was laughter and giggling, and Sana could hear Dahyun telling them to shut up.


Dahyun opened the door after having disappeared for a minute and as she walked out Sana heard someone shout, “Don’t forget to use protection!”

Sana couldn’t help but let out a laugh and yelled back, “We will!”

“I’m sorry, please pretend you didn’t hear any of that. Those two are such dweebs,” mumbles a flustered Dahyun who began dragging Sana away from the door.

Sana couldn’t help but pinch Dahyun’s cheek. It warmed her heart to know that Dahyun had other friends who were just as goofy.


"It’s cute. They’re excited for you. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” Sana teased shooting Dahyun a wink.

Sana didn’t think it was possible for the other girl’s cheeks to become even more flushed, but she was quickly proven wrong.


“Sana-chan! Why are you like this?” the younger girl whined dropping the basket Sana failed to notice Dahyun had been carrying.

Sana shrugged. She honestly didn’t know why she was being flirtatious. An old habit she guessed. “Uh what’s with the basket?” Sana asked.


“We’re gonna have a picnic,” Dahyun said as she led Sana to the elevator.

“Why are we going up then?”


“Rooftop? Kim Dahyun, you said you hated high places!”


“Yeah, but the view is so worth it. The sun is going to set soon and the skyline looks amazing. Trust me! Though if you plan on going near the edge, count me out.”

They reached the top floor of the dorm building and climbed the stairway going up to the roof. Sana knew that they were probably breaking a few rules, but she didn’t care. She would have broken all the rules for Dahyun.


Dahyun’s dorm building certainly wasn’t one of tallest buildings in the city, but it was taller than most of the buildings that surrounded the campus. As they walked out on to the roof Sana marveled at the view in front of her.

Her eyes were fixated on Dahyun who was taking in her surroundings. The golden glow of the sunset reflected off the younger girl’s skin making her look even more radiant. Sana couldn’t help but smile.


“Isn’t it beautiful, Sana-chan?”

“Yes,” Sana replied knowing full well she hadn’t even taken the time too look around because she’d only been looking at one thing.


Dahyun pulled out a blanket from the basket she’d brought and laid it on the floor. As Dahyun was setting up their picnic, Sana took the time to look at the surrounding city skyline. Dahyun wasn’t wrong. It was definitely a sight to behold.


“So what did you pack for us, Dahyunnie?”

“I..uhh hope you like Italian. I bought it from that place near the Flatiron building.”

“That’s perfect! I was just craving some pasta. Mina really missed out!”


Sana noticed Dahyun flinch at the mention of her roommate’s name. She didn’t realize Mina had that effect on Dahyun. Tough it’s not really that surprising. Mina was Mina after all. She had that effect on a lot of people.


“Sorry you’re stuck with me instead of her, Dahyun. Seeing how much you’ve planned in less than 24 hours --you must really love her, huh?”

“Woah woah, hey don’t say that! You’re not anyone’s second choice. You know I love spending time with you. And I don’t ‘love’ her. I barely even know the person she is now. But I do want to try and get to know her.”

“So this romantic rooftop picnic you planned was just for you to get to know her?” Sana retorted sarcastically.


Dahyun apparently wasn’t going to let Sana . “You think this is romantic?” Dahyun said as she bit her lip and wiggled her eyebrows at Sana.

/You little . You got me.


Sana tried to think of a witty comeback, but she only ended up stumbling over her words. Dahyun wouldn’t stop laughing so Sana ended up pushing the younger girl till she fell over.

“HEY! I give. I give. I was kidding. I know you don

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Also happy Valentine's day ❤️
This story was so cute 😭❤️❤️
Chapter 13: Love this story so much. Saida soulmates with a little bit of Mihyun ❤️
Chapter 13: Oh, men! Gostei tanto dessa fanfic que nem consigo colocar em palavras... Obrigada por escrevê-la não parece suficiente! MAs obrigada!
Chapter 13: This was really amazing I would read it again and again and again and again. Love the way you write. Thank you for sharing with us.
Chapter 13: Here's all my uwus. You deserve it!
19 streak #7
Chapter 13: <3
reader9300 #8
Chapter 4: Was hopping for some mihyun along the way. I have been blessed
Chapter 13: Wow