The Abnormals

Everyone in the world is different. So you shouldn’t expect everyone to be like you. Just because someone is different doesn’t mean they should get ostracized for it. But the world likes to ostracize those who are different from the rest. Especially those that can be considered unpredictable and dangerous.

That's what people felt like to those that have the abnormal gene. Having the abnormal gene means you have some sort of power. Something that only 5% of the entire world has. For those with the gene it seems like a small percent but those without it think it’s way too high.

Which is why the shock collar was introduced. Since there is no physical difference between someone with the gene and without it, everyone is tested for the gene when they are born. If they contain the gene, they get a tracking device put into them so they won't be able to hide until they get their shock collar.

At the age of five is when they end up receiving it. The shock collar limits them to only using their powers for one minute every hour. If they use it more than one minute per hour, they get shocked which is excruciating.

Once the shock collar is one, it's on. The only way of getting them off are in certain hospitals if they believe there is damage to the collar or neck. But they will only come off long enough just for them to get a new one.

But just because you don't have the gene doesn't mean your kids are safe. There are cases where two non-gene holders end up having a child with the gene. That is what happened to the Kim family.

"I think you're surely mistaken" a woman said. "There is no way my son has the gene."

"I agree with my wife" a man said. "This is a cruel prank to play on us. I don't care how bored you guys may be but there is no way my son has the gene."

"I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Kim" the doctor said. "But I doubled-no tripled checked and it is confirmed. I know that for people in your position, it wouldn't be ideal to have an abnormal as a child."

The man and woman couldn't believe what the doctor was saying. There is no way their son can have the abnormal gene. The percentage is so small how could their family suddenly be cursed with it. This could ruin their family. Both of their families were known to be greatly against abnormals.

But at the same time, they've tried so hard for a child for so long. The first two years they tried, nothing happened. Eventually they went to a doctor and he told them that they aren't able to conceive. They were heart-broken. But finally a miracle happened five years later and they had a son.

"How much?" the man said spoke after a long silence.

"I'm sorry?" the doctor said taken aback.

"I said how much" the man repeated. "How much money will it take for you to get rid of it?”

The doctor’s eyes widened. Get rid of it? He knows that they weren’t expecting an abnormal as a child but this is just too much. The man noticed the doctor’s expression and knew what he was thinking.

“Not the child” he said. “The gene. How much will it take for you to get rid of it?”

The doctor relaxed a bit when the man explained.

“Right. Well you see there is no cure or no way to get rid of it.”

“But if we were to put money into the research to find a way to get rid of the gene or at least control it without having the collar...” the man trailed off.

The doctor sighed. He’s had many situations where the parents have asked if there’s any way to get rid of the gene. If there was, he’d mention it. But the only way to control it is by the chip and then collar. Plus it is a major crime to have an abnormal running around without a collar.

Though he knows that the Kim family isn’t one that gives up if they set their mind on something. He knows that they’ll give however much money is needed and that they are able to afford it.

But this is a risky proposition that he can’t help but be surprised that he’s actually thinking of accepting. Though there is one thing he has to know before he does anymore thinking.

“There’s one thing you have to promise one thing” the doctor said.

“Anything” the man said.

The doctor let out a deep breath.

“You have to promise that you’ll protect everyone under the project. This is a risky thing and we have to know that someone will protect us if word gets out.”

The man opened his mouth.

“Even if the project fails.”

He then closes it.

“But until then, your son does have to have the tracking chip. We'll also need constant updates on him. If he does show some sort of abnormality, please contact us and make sure no one else knows.”

The man nodded.

"Of course."

The five-year old boy was on his way to the hospital. He didn't know why since he was feeling fine and he did go to a check up about a month ago. Though his parents insisted saying they needed to get something checked for school. He still doesn't understand why he had to stop having fun on his birthday to go to the hospital.

While the boy was smiling with happiness, his father on the other hand was smiling but with a hint of nervousness. He didn't want it to show too much to make his son think there is something wrong. But what with is happening today, how could he not be a bit nervous.

"We're here! We're here!" the son said.

The father chuckled.

"I can see that" he said.

As they walked in, the boy greeted the receptionist.

"Hello Kyunghee-noona!"

"Hello Seokjin" she replied. "Are you hear to see Dr. Son?"

"Uh huh."

"He's waiting for you guys in his room."

"Thank you!"

Even though the father has been down the hallways many times, today they just seem longer. Today is the day he finds out if society will treat his son cruelly or not. At this point it isn't even about having him having the abnormal gene. But just being able to have a regular life. Well as regular as the son of a politician can have.

When they entered the room, the father sat down in a chair while Seokjin sat down on the examination table. He swung his legs as they were hanging off the table. After a few minutes, the doctor came in holding a tray.

"I'm sorry for the wait" he said. "I just had to make sure everything was ready."

The doctor looked around and noticed that the man's wife isn't here.

"Insook isn't here?"

The father shook his head.

"She said she didn't want to be here in case..." the father trailed off looking at his son.

"Ah I see. Well turns out the error was an easy fix that we realized could've been fixed a while ago. Our apologies that we didn't figure it out sooner."

"So does that mean..."

"That Seokjin will be okay? Yes."

The father let out a breath of relief. Though Seokjin was confused. Was he sick? What did the doctor mean by he will be okay? The doctor motioned for the father to stand up. Which he did and walked over to his son.

"Can you please give me your wrist?" the doctor asked Seokjin.

The son nodded his head and held his left wrist out. The doctor felt around Seokjin's wrist until he felt a very small bump. He kept one hand on the bump and the other wiped his wrist clean. He then took a syringe and Seokjin's eyes widened. The doctor could feel him tense up quick.

"It's okay just look at your father and tell him what else you want to do today" the doctor told him in a reassuring voice.

"Well um I want to get ice cream" Seokjin said while facing his dad.

"Didn't we just get before here" his father asked.

"Well now that ice cream is gone and I need new ice cream."

"Same flavor or a new one?"


"Both? I don't think your mother would like that."

"She doesn't have to know."

The father chuckled.

"Alright" he said.

"And done" the doctor said.

The son looked at the doctor with slight disbelief. It was done? He didn't feel anything at all. Good, he thought. He didn't want his wrist to hurt for the rest of his birthday.

"Since it is your birthday, I'll let you pick out three things from the prize box instead of one" he said.

"Yes!" Seokjin replied.

The son hurried over to the prize box to pick out his prizes. He practically knew the prize box by heart but he still has trouble picking out what he wants. While he was picking out his prizes, the doctor pulled the father off to the side.

"He'll still have to come every month for a year for a check up" the doctor said. "Even though it seems like his body has so far accepted the new chip, we still don't know how it'll react later."

The father nodded.

"If he happens to need any medical papers for school, please contact me."

"Thank you."

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Ishouldstopfanfics #1
Chapter 1: I feel like this story is gonna be so great I can't wait for the second chapter !!