An Ordinary Day


Jeong Eunji trapped in an everlasting loop of an ordinary day. Until she finds the small crack that changed her life.


(Inspired and dedicated to Jeong Eunji's song "The Box")



Dark and cloudy skies; Amidst the dewy nature of the air, Eunji found herself lying next to the pond resting after a stressful night.


Feeling trapped within her emotions, Eunji was unable to find the words to set her free from this curse. The days never change, the glimpse of light she always dreamt up never appeared before her. "Will tomorrow be any different?" She muttered under her breath. Kicking the dirt around her feet. "Of course not." She sighed. Then something happened.


What she saw moments later changed her life, a shooting star. They exist? Is this really happening? All of these thoughts surfaced in her mind. Eunji didn't hesitate for a second. With both hands together and locked. She closed her eyes and whispered to herself. 


"Let tomorrow change"


The sounds of the next day was not familiar to her. Eunji woke up in panic, only to find the bed she woke up in, was not hers. Putting on the only clothes she can find, she rushed outside the room and went into what appeared to be a living room. With five unfamiliar faces sitting on the couch watching T.V, she was at a lost for words.

Who are you people. Those words were etched into the living room. With five unfamiliar pairs of eyes set on only her. That's a good one unnie, said by one of the unknown people. Eunji didn't know how to react, but the immediate danger blew over faster than she expected. No really I don't know five pretty girls, Eunji retorted. The five girls all laughed and stood up to pat Eunji on the head and went into their rooms to get ready. One of them grabbed Eunji's hand and started walking towards the hallway of the dormatory. 


"Let's hurry unnie, we have to record showtime!" Eunji unbeknownst of what she said next. "Agh! Naeun you know I don't like being dragged along." Eunji said. Wait how do I know her name? What did I just say right now? Eunji kept thinking to herself, surprised that she replied to Naeun with information she didn't know she had.


Both Eunji and Naeun enter the taxi waiting outside their dormatory. Eunji still confused about her situation and decided to ask anyway. Where are we going? Eunji asked of Naeun. "Unnie, are you okay? You're usually the one on top of things like our schedule... But we're shooting for our show, called APink Showtime!" Naeun replied. Before Eunji could ask more questions, all the other girls got into the car and her train of thought was lost.


After a whole day of shooting for their show, Eunji was overwhelmed by the activities that the girls and her had to do today. But the one thing that has changed is that Eunji smiled at the end of it all. Remembering back on those ordinary days, the same clothes, the same odd job, and the feeling of being trapped in that ordinary box.


Everything is different now. A new tomorrow, a new Jeong Eunji to look forward to everyday. Five new girls in Eunji's life that bring a smile to her face. Without a second thought Eunji muttered under the same shooting star.






But she will always remember.

That kind of feeling while always living in a box.



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