Three Paths

The 7 Roads

The kitchen tiles almost send more chills up your spine than the result of the test glaring up at you from a few feet away, where you tossed it in frustration. 


No matter how many times you re-read the leaflet, two lines still means you’re with child, and still has no way of telling you who the baby-daddy is.

You’ve been intimate three times in the 4-5 weeks the test is telling you you’ve been pregnant.. with three different people. Coincidently, three of your employers. This kinda makes you a bad person, but mainly a horrible, horrible P.A. 

Title; Personal Assistant.

Included in the Job Description; Tutoring in English, Overseeing Healthy Eating, Tidying Up Around the Dorm, Buying Waters and Coffees, Updating Members on their Schedules, Kissing the Occassional (minor) Boo-Boo and Wiping the Occassional Tears. 

Not included in the Job Description; ing the boys.

God damnit.

Firstly, there was Jungkook. He was a sinful tease and hormonal young adult, you were simply going through a dry-spell. One thing lead to another while you were alone in the dorm- the day after he injured his foot- and that was the end of it. You’ve joked and laughed about it together since and everything is completely fine between the two of you, but you pray God he isn’t the father. He debuted early, so his younger years have already been devoted to his career, you’ll be damned if he’d have to lose the next 20 years to helping you raise a kid. 

Then, there was Yoongi. The whole affair was pretty impersonal, he got out of the studio late and pissed off at himself, and you both shared a few too many quiet drinks. You didn’t say a word to each other during it or ever since, in fact, you haven’t spoken to him much at all. If he was the father, it would almost be easier to just hand in your resignation and move back into the countryside alone. Yoongi.. definitely isn’t going to want anything to do with you.

Then, of course, Taehyung. Oh God, Taehyung. He was such a sweetheart. You were beating yourself up about sleeping with Yoongi, as well as feeling raw because of the way he’d treated you afterwards. You were always close with Taehyung and Hoseok, so you told them- and they were both complete dolls about it. You ended up dishing Taehyung the dirty details of the whole night, he was sympathetic at all the right times, laughed when appropriate and joined you in cussing Yoongi out afterward. He told you he couldn’t understand why someone would treat a girl so good in such a rough, unfeeling way. The rest was history- until now. He touched you gently, kisses you softly, and let you fall asleep wrapped in his arms, in his own bed at the dorm. Let’s face it,  t was exactly what you needed and if Taehyung is the dad you can’t even be mad.



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