Chapter 1

Confused Feelings

The seats were filled with fans, screaming and waving their arms around. Every time their favorite artists were announced the screams would increase in volume and even when nothing was happening there seemed to be a permanent chattering in the crowd.


There was long rectangular strips of pink confetti flying around in the air. The pink strips that fell on the ground stood out against the black stage.


    After every artist was announced and after all the screaming from the fans and singing from the idols. Breathing hard, Irene felt her muscles becoming heavy and tired from the intense concert with everyone from SM.


She felt warm from all the bodies around her and all the moving her body had done. At the beginning the air was cool but with all these bodys running around on one stage it was bound to become warm. She felt her arms relax when she realized all that was left to do was bow for the fans.


Searching around for her members hands, Irene frowned. The hand she was holding felt wrong. Instead of Wendy holding her right hand it was Yeri and Seulgi was holding her left. Wendy had run off at some point, she’d been looking for her sometime during the concert but she hadn’t been able to find the brown haired girl so she’d just assumed Wendy would find her. Irene turned her head around looking for the girl who supposed to be holding her hand when she was pulled down in the forgotten bow.


Standing upright again, her eyes caught the correct shade of brown. Several bodies moving around were blocking her view but she saw Wendy letting go of Joy’s hand and animatedly talking to Eric nam.


What was so important that she forgot to look for her? Thought Irene. Many groups had finished their farewells to their fans and were beginning to leave. Irene shuffled around, dodging bodies to reach Wendy. When she finally reached the short girl she hesitated to interrupt the two of them and instead turned to signal the rest of her member to go on without her and Wendy.


Standing behind Wendy’s back, she scanned the crowd, curious as to why a group of girls were screeching and screaming so loud. She looked at the girls and followed their gaze to Eric and Wendy. She stared some more, mind blank.


“Oh my god! Their talking!” she made out from all the noise in the group.


Yes, they were Irene thought is this really that amazing to them? Her eyes scanned Eric’s face, scrunched from smiling at something Wendy has said. Irene could not see Wendy’s face from her angle but from the way the brunette’s shoulders shook and the lift of her cheekbones, she could tell Wendy was laughing.


The group of fan’s screaming volume increased when Wendy playfully slapped Eric’s arm. Then all of a sudden the screeching and squealing made sense to Irene.

Not noticing it herself, Irene’s previous neutral face fell to a frown. As Wendy was touching Eric’s arm Irene pulled on the back of the girl’s shirt to get the brunettes attention. When that seemed to do nothing, Irene grew frustrated and pulled harder. A surprised and confused wendy turned around. Her bangs went down to her eyebrows, she questioned Irene with a look on her face.


The black haired girl hesitated for a second, she had forgotten her former intention. Remembering the black haired girl gestured to the the artists and idols leaving the stage. The rest of Red Velvet were among them, already their bodies were disappearing behind stage.


“Oh yeah, sorry unnie” Wendy laughed as realization dawned on her. “I’ll be quick” assured Wendy as she began walking towards the exit with Eric while continuing their conversation. Irene looked on in bafflement, she felt her face getting warm and her hands tightening to fists.


“Wendy, where are you going?” she said in a quiet low voice.


Irene surprised herself with the tone her voice took. Somehow the frustration Irene was feeling must have spilled into her voice because Wendy turned around her eyes slightly widening, she looked confused. Eric stood by patiently waiting for Wendy.


“I’m heading out with Eric, I’ll meet you guys later?” Wendy said, eyebrows lifting in concern. Irene could not understand the sudden blow of emotions she was feeling. Maybe she was more easily irritable from all the noise and fatigue. Whatever it was, it was very annoying and hard to control. “I just want to talk to him about something” Wendy finished.


Irene took a couple seconds to rethink her course of action.


“Okay, but be quick” Irene said, not being able to think of anything else to say. Wendy looked on quiz fully then smiled and nodded, returning to Eric.   




After leaving the stage and entering the cool breakroom Irene couldn’t believe herself. She’d had time to think back on what had happened while walking alone through the halls to her destination.


I was about to snap at Seungwan, and for what? Just because she wasn’t going to walk back with the rest of the members? And worst of all I was going to do it in front of Eric. Am I really so angry that I was going to make a scene? Irene felt ashamed of herself for almost taking her unjustified anger out at Wendy.


Imagine how confused and heartbroken she would be if I had just hurt her so abruptly and for no reason. Speaking of Seungwan, where is she? Thought Irene. Irene turned around several times inside the breakroom making sure Wendy wasn’t camouflaged with anything. Irene guessed the walk here plus her deep thinking must have occupied her for at least 10 minutes. Shouldn’t she be here by now, Irene thought.


“Unnie what’re you doing?” Joy said, giving a breathy laugh. “You’ll get dizzy.”


The tallest girl of Red Velvet was lying on a black leather couch on her back with the back of her neck on the side of the arms, creating an upside down face.


“Have you seen Wendy? I can’t find her.” Asked Irene to the upside down face while sitting down in a foldable chair next to the couch.


“No, didn’t you talk to her?” Joy questioned, one her eyebrows lifting. Irene breathed out and layed back on the seat.


“Yeah, she said she was going to talk to Eric” replied Irene.


“Then she’s probably with him, duh.” a new voice said. The maknae of Red Velvet appeared beside Irene, shifting her weight to one leg.


“Irene unnie we live in the age of technology, just text her.” Joy said, Yeri and joy cackled. Irene sighed again, trying to ignore there mocking. The black haired girl felt a hand on her shoulder.


“It’s fine unnie, i just texted Wendy.” Seulgi assured Irene. “She says she’s on her way right now.”


Irene nodded and thanked Seulgi. This wasn’t the appropriate time to be dealing with these feelings. She’d figure it out later, maybe her period was soon.


Irene conversed with her members, pushing her thoughts down. Wendy arrived soon after. On the ride home Irene looked out the window thinking of nothing.


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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hello
Chapter 1: She's so jealous . It's cute.
Applelion #3
Chapter 1: Awww I love jealous Joohyun, it’s so cute and enduring haha
Moonhalo #4
Chapter 1: nice start, lets see next how wendy explain to irene..
fany21 #5
Chapter 1: Nice?