Study Session

A New Life

(I decided to get even more descriptive, so I have my thesaurus next to me~ Hopefuly it's long enough now ^^)

              It was the last month of the year, finals. People were panicking, studying different subjects in different classes, staying up extra late to study probably 3 or more subjects at once. I was at my locker getting my books for last period when Minho walks up to me, leaning his body against the other lockers in his white basketball jersey shirt over a navy blue t-shirt with black and red shorts and blue sneakers. 

"Hey, do you want to study together after school today?" He said with a big smile on his face, the one smile I've ever fallen in love with, like it's a drug that I've been addicted to for a while now.

"Yeah, sure. Meet me at my place at 4, okay?"
He tapped my arm with his coil exercise labeled 'MATH'

"Hm, no not today. How about we go to my place?"

"Oh, okay. What is your address?"

He laughed a little bit, that sweet low and quiet laugh.

"I'm 17. I have my drivers license. I'll pick you up at 4, okay?"

"Oh, um. Alright. At 4. Got it." 

"Alright, see you then.", he said with a wink and a smile that made my heart almost jump out and chase after him, and walked down the hall.

I had no clue he could drive. I've never been to his house. Will his parents be there? I didn't even know any of his siblings. Does he have siblings? 

I closed my locker to find a class prep next to me. Brittani, possibly thee most popular girl in our school, was standing next to me.

"Hey, geekface. I wanna know something. What's going on between you and Minho? Are you dating?" she said in her usual snotty tone she has when she talks to everyone.

This caught me completely offguard, not to mention completely random and coming from someone who used to never know I existed.

"I-I um, we aren't um.." before I could squeeze an answer out, she interrupted me.

She was glaring at me like I had the words "I'm better than you" written on my forehead.

"Glad to hear. You keep your grimy paws off of him. Stay as far away from him as you can. Once you are out of the way, I'll be able to grab
him for myself. You know he wouldn't be interested you, you ugly little whor-"

"Hey Missy, back off. Don't go talking down on her. Get out of here, you crayola rat." I looked up to see Minho behind Brittani. 

Why is he back?

She turned around, her blonde hair flying around with her.

"Excuse me? I have a name, you know." Oh boy, she's mad. Again.

" Well I don't know your name, so get out of here."

Her and her little possy of shopping slaves stomped out of the wing, pushing everyone to the side. All eyes were on us now. He looked down into my eyes, which made me turn red.

"4 o'clock, remember." he gave a smile and walked down the hall once again.

The bell rung and the halls were becoming empty as I sighed to myself thinking about how long it will take till 4 o'clock gets here. I stayed there with my back against my locker for about two minutes when I snapped out of La La Land.

"Oh crap, I'm late for my drama class." Drama class was the only class we didn't have together. I hurried down the empty hall to get to my class with Mr. Heppleston.


             I was at home fixing my hair and my clothes. I wanted to impress him, but I didn't want to seem like the other girls, crawling over him trying to impress him. 3:50 PM. I have ten minutes. I quickly brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant. I took a final look at myself in the mirror. No make up, like I own any. No fancy clothes or jewelry. I gotta admit, I looked pretty plain. 3:59 PM. Why isn't he here yet? Maybe he meant a few minutes after 4. 4:00 PM. I heard a car horn outside. On the dot. I looked out the window to see Minho in this white convertible. He drives a convertible? Holy cow. I hurried outside, screaming my goodbyes to my parents, and got to the car. 

"You own a convertible?" I said in astonishment.

"This is my dad's, he let me borrow it until I save enough money for my own car. Get in." he said with that wide smile of his.

He actually got out of the car to open the door for me. I felt so embarrassed, such a plain looking girl in a beautiful car with a gorgeous guy. When we got to his house, I thought it was kind of smaller than what I was expecting. Well his house is pretty normal for around here.

"That's your house?" I said, trying to sound like a normal person, but when I was jumping out of my seat on the inside.

"That? No, that's our neighbors. This is ours." He pulled the car into the nicely paved driveway of a huge house. I never knew we had a house like this here. My jaw dropped, literally.
He laughed at my reaction playfully.

"Sorry you're going to have to deal with my parents and my brother, Min Suk." He held open the door for me to get out of the car. I picked up my book bag that was at my feet and got out of the car.

He looked at me for a second and said, "You look great today, I just realized that." 

I looked down in embarrassment, not wanting to show my face. I didn't need a mirror to be able to tell I was blushing like crazy. I was getting pretty dizzy from the blood rushing to my head all of a sudden like that.

"This is why you're my best friend, you can take a compliment and not get conceited."
Ouch. That struck like an arrow through my chest. 

Okay, you're alright. Pull yourself together. Don't cry, you wuss. Just go and study.

We walked up to the door and he just let himself in. I followed closely but leisurely behind. We took our shoes off and I followed him towards the kitchen. Surprise surprise, there were his parents. His dad was eating some kind of Asian stew while his mother read a book. They looked up at us for a split second before standing up to introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Choi Yoon Kyum, Minho's father." 

Choi Yoon Kyum? The professional soccer coach in Korea who was transferred to this country? No wonder they have all this expensive stuff, but why live in a small town like this?

"And I'm his mother, nice to meet you."

Wow, she is pretty.

"Nice to meet you, too." I tried my best to introduce myself formally, this is the first time I really had to speak formally. Suddenly Minho interrupted his parents for a question.

"Is Min Suk here?"

"Yes, he's in the living room."

"Alright then."

We had to walk through the huge living room before we could go upstairs. His brother, who looked much older than him, looked up from the Korean drama he was watching. I'm guessing he doesn't know English yet, since he asked Minho a question in Korean with a sarcastic and curious tone. I looked at Minho, his face was turning a bright tomato red. He threw a pillow at his brother, spit something out in Korean, then grabbed my arm, said "Let's go.", and raced up the stairs. I almost tripped and banged my head against the wall. We got up the stairs and to his room and I started panting. 

"What was that for?" I said between breaths, dropping my book bag onto the floor. He looked at me, blushed, and turned his head and mumbled "Nothing. Sorry about that. Let's get started."

We sat down for what seemed like minutes, but had actually been hours, with him helping me with things and me helping him out with his spelling of English words. I got a phone call from my parents telling me it's time to come home. I look at the clock, it's 9:30 already? I start to pack up my stuff when Minho looks at me.

"I'll give you a ride, don't worry." We went downstairs, through the living room, where Min Suk gave Minho a little smirk, and he glared at Min Suk. 

The ride home was fun, it was cold outside so we put up the roof. This time I got out before he could to open my door. I looked in the window, thanked him for the ride, and waved as he drove down the street.
I only got inside when I realized I forgot my exercise in his room. I decided not to text him until he got home.


                      I sent him a text asking him to bring my exercise to school tomorrow, he said okay, so that's one problem solved. I kept thinking about earlier today, when he said I looked great. I hugged my pillow and squealed, rolling on the bed. Then that moment that happened in school came into my head. 

"You know he wouldn't be interested you."
I stopped to think about that, they're right. He wouldn't like someone like me, so I shouldn't get my hopes up.

(Is this chapter better? It took me a while and now my back hurts because I always hunch when I'm at the computer~ I hope this one is much more to your liking~ I'm still waiting for comments! If there's anything you don't like or something you'd like, please comment!)

Till next chapter,
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It was a cute story.
saguilar #2
Aaand this is why Minho is my hubby. ^_^ and no not bcuz he's 'omgoshminhofromshinee' it's bcuz he's 'omgwhosthatguyineeetoknowhisnameiminlove' .. Oh what I mean is when I first got into Kpop march 20th 2011 (bcuz of super junior) I was watching anything to do with suju and I happened to click on a clip of let's go dream team. And so I decided to watch that episode (cuz of suju) and as I was watchin it i saw Minho and I was like struck by chupid's arrow and fell inlove. NO JOKE! I was like omgosh he's amazing. And I would watch that ep over and over then like 9 months later I found out he was in SHINee. Lol.
. Sorey for ranting about my story you probably think I'm weird. Lol. But anyways! AMAZING STORY! I LOVED IT! AMAZING JOB!!! ^_^ it was BEAUTIFUL!
reiyohiru #3
I like this story b(^^)d. Minho so a charming person, the story is fluff at the begining 대박 (awesome!)
ShawolMBLFT #4
Ur welcome
Thank you guys ;~;
I was so nervous cause no one was commenting and you guys almost made me cry xD

And I'm still crying over the fanfiction "10" that I read two days ago, so I'm not over it.

Really, thank you ;u;
ShawolMBLFT #6
That is absolutely an amazingly touching story
Soooo adorable and sweet
You should make it longer
It had this make-me-want-to-keep-reading vibe
Awwwwww what a sweet story! First person to comment here! ^^ every chapter was perfectly fine! Love it! Looking forward for your new story! ^^