its been too quite,, ottoke?

200 dollars BET



Sera’s pov


It has been a week I was absent from class. I got the medical leaves, the doctor said that I needed to rest a LOT to cure my ankle. Even though its holiday, it had been very dull days for me since I was all alone in my bedroom reading the novels, surfing the net, watching the dramas.


I once again took my pink smart phone. I pressed a few buttons, and yet, the result was still the same – DISAPPOINTING!!


Even though my inbox were full with incoming messages, but, the only message that I wanted to read so badly was not send! Sometimes, I wondered was it so hard to press a few buttons just to type “Are you okay?”? Or He doesn’t even bother about my health. Didn’t he realized that I was absent for a week?


I sighed.


On the other hand,


L’s  pov.

Recess time,

Infinite lounge


“It’s very silent here! Don’t you think so?” Sungyeol asked.

“Mmm,,, It’s very silent ever since Sera was on leave right?” Hoya agreed.

“Mmm, I felt the same too, right hyung?” Sungjong asked me while munching his sandwich.


I answered nothing and continue on eating my salad.


Out of sudden, Sunggyu burst into laughter.


“Let’s visit Sera!” He suggested.


All infinite agreed happily.


Yumi’s pov


I was packing my books into my bag, getting ready to go home but out of sudden I could see a guy was heading towards me calmly.


“Yumi shi.” He greeted me.

“Ah,, Hoya sunbaenim, what can I help you?” I answered nervously.


How could I not nervous if this was the second time Hoya, the Infinite’s mighty athlete- the best state tennis player was talking to me!


“We, Infinite decided to visit Sera! Do you want to join us?” He asked happily.

“Sure!” I agreed.



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Hello bat!!!!
bunnyluvsyou #2
Chapter 18: ahhhhh its 2013 please update XD!!!!
Chapter 18: SO CUTE! Waiting for next chapter and more, update soon and thanks for your hard work! :D
this story is way too cute...kekeke...keep updating...
qsnow94 #5
ItzumiAiehara #6
Myungsoo with his expressionless!
Aznlilyros3 #7
the last bit of chapter two... is it like a paraody of gossip girl? ^^ i laughed at that. AWESOME JOB ^^ *fist pump to the air* fighting.
thank you rubbish_lovee,, I'm glad that you like it :)
rubbish_lovee #9
this story is so cute!!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!! :DDD update soon!
cavendish_han #10
the story is interesting, they'll make a cute couple >< make myungsoo fallen for her XD