Little Secret.

Long time Secret.

Hey so yeah. Enjoy XD 


It's actually based on a friend of mine who does this...secret XD Her husband thinks it is adorable. 








Lee Taemin has known Choi Minho ever since they were children. They went to Primary school together. They went to secondary school. They went to College and they went to University together. They have known each other for a very long time. They went from friends. To as close as brothers, to crushes and finally to lovers.


But Taemin has never ever ever seen Minho sleep. He only remembers a few times from sleepovers as children. But into intimacy as adults. Taemin cannot ever recall seeing Minho sleep. Even if he is tired. He makes sure that Taemin would never see him sleep. Even when he was ill. Minho would do his best to make sure that if he was resting Taemin had to go away and let him be.


Most nights Minho would take Taemin home. He guessed Minho was trying to be traditional or something. And felt rude to ask when their relationship in every other way was perfect.

But not one evening or night of passion ever ended with a goodnight kiss and good morning kisses the next day. Taemin has never woken up beside him to wake Minho up. Minho has always been awake before him.


Minho’s bad habit if they went away together, or if Taemin couldn’t get home was to pull an all nighter by staying awake until Taemin had gone home. And Taemin had been secretly dying to see Minho’s cute sleeping face. But he loves Minho and he knows how sensitive he is. Minho wants to share his whole life with him, that much is clear. And he promised him that one day Taemin will know every little secret he has.


Taemin didn’t want to ask about his bedtime secret. He wondered if Minho was afraid of the dark. Since Minho had never ever ever watched a scary film with him. Or maybe even wet the bed. Or sleeps with a teddy bear. Maybe he snores really really loudly. It was all silly things really. Taemin wouldn't care if Minho wore nappies to bed. He loved him that much, he just hoped Minho would share it soon.


On the 5th of May after a sunny weekend. Minho finally proposes marriage to him. An so a month later after a short ceremony at a register office at 10am. The two are finally joined as partners for life.

Minho is so happy to have Taemin as his official beloved, that he and Taemin spend their wedding day moving everything Taemin owned into their new house, or that being Minho’s apartment. They can live together forever as he claims now. And Taemin will now know Minho’s deepest darkest secrets.


It was definitely a hard day moving everything from one place to another, and ending with some expected and needed wedding night love making. Minho had lost all his energy. Taemin was exhausted himself, but Taemin had finally learnt that long awaited secret. As Minho finally drifted off to sleep next to him. So shocking. So surprising. After so many years of not knowing. To finally see Minho’s adorable sleeping face, just as perfect as he imagined.


But Taemin couldn’t believe what he was seeing.


Minho had his thumb in his mouth.


Taemin wanted to coo. He wanted to laugh. He wanted to hug Minho until he is tired himself. Because this is just the cutest secret revealed ever.  


For almost 27 years Minho has slept with his thumb in his mouth. A habit from a toddler he just never managed to break out of. He had managed to stop doing it when he was bored or nervous in public. But even watching a scary film he had to do it. It was like a security blanket. It felt wrong for him to not do it, and he had been ashamed to tell Taemin. A feared that he would walk away once he did.


But they are married now. It would be so much harder for him to walk away.


Minho had to finally come out to him with his bad habit, and Taemin must embrace it, after all he did vow till death parts them.


‘Minho?’ Taemin nudges him. ‘Minho wake up!’.


Minho hums awake, rolling over and curling closer. ‘Yeah?’


‘This is the reason why you never wanted to spend the night with me?’


Minho opens his eyes. ‘Huh?’


He suddenly moves his thumb and hides it under the pillow.


‘You your thumb when you sleep?’


Minho blushes a deep shade of red. He is silent for a moment, and then turns away, again closing his eyes. ‘ what?. You got a problem with it?’ He sticks it back in his mouth and les gently. ‘Divorces are expensive you know’.


Taemin smiles.


‘It’s cute’.


Minho opens his eyes. Turning back slowly and blinks ‘Really?’


‘Weird… but cute’. Taemin admits.


Minho is still the thumb tip when Taemin slowly pull his hand away. ‘Aren't you gonna kiss me? It is our wedding night!’


Minho smiles puckering his lips up for a kiss. Taemin pecks him before being rolled over and kissed lovingly down his neck. ‘You know years of my thumb has given me a talent in other things’. The elder winks.


Taemin scoffs.


‘Okay now that is weird!’


Minho grins. He rolls back and yawns loudly. ‘I’m so tired. You have my permission to wake me up first thing in the morning’. He glances a Taemin. ‘How ever you want’.


Taemin nods, shuffling down into the bed after flicking off the night lamp. It is quiet, but Minho has shuffled all the way over and cuddled into his new husband's side. The newlyweds first full night is officially happening.

Taemin cannot wait for tomorrow and actually falls asleep to the sound of Minho’s gentle thumb ling.


But Minho is about to learn a secret about Taemin he could have learnt years before, if he had just let Taemin stay the night…. Just one night and he would know...


Taemin is a sleeptalker. And a loud one at that.







Yes I know it's super short but it is a short story XD 



Please comment and let me know what you think XD 







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Chapter 1: Ohhh wow Minhoo^^ so cuteeeee.. I really can't imagine Minho sleeps that way.. I would be like Taemin.. it would be very amusing to watch him sleeping that way :) niceeee authornim^^ i love it^^
Chapter 1: aww, so adorable~
minho can't sleep without his thumb in his mouth ><
such a big baby boy taemin got there xD
Babematsu #3
Chapter 1: Awww that was so cute!
Chapter 1: this is good's like you change your style in writing and...
well ...
your stories were fresh!...this is new too...but...not like old ones!
Dont know how to say this .this is my comment.
I love your old stories more...
But of course you will write what you like...I'm sorry.I dont want to be rude.
I hope you understand what I mean!and dont be mad at me please....

thank You for the hard work~

Chapter 1: Awww so cute ~~~
Chapter 2: More? We get moooooore??? *bows to your greatness*
jusmee #7
Chapter 1: I wanna know what Taemin talks about in his sleep.
Chapter 1: This reminded me of that time when Taemin said that he never saw minho sleep
Chapter 1: Okay
thumb er and Sleeptalker
I .... WOW..... IT'S AMAZING
it's so cute and I could have never guessed it ...... but wow ..... this has me covered in a deal of awwwww and adoration ......
Aigoooooo cute
I love it !!
Aigoooo cute