
dulo, gitna, simula
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“if you have chemistry, you only need one other thing..


but timing’s a ."


some people say there are two kinds of love;

the right love at the wrong time and the wrong love at the right time.

i found you in between.


i am now 25. six years after we decided to be separated, i figured maybe you are all I ever wanted. i have been wanting so many things for the past 72 months; a new car, a new hobby, a new pet, a stable career. but now it’s crystal clear, now I’m seeing you here.

blessing in disguise.

i’m grateful to have still been playing football because my friend having an ankle sprain might just be a good excuse to talk to you again.

hi, student doctor.

“hi, what happened here?”, you said with a smile when you slid the emergency room curtain open. you were taken aback by the sight you didn’t expect to see.

“hi”, seeing you in scrubs with a post-graduate intern label at the back sends me in awe.

five years after graduation and i’m still a nobody, while you’re here living your best life, taking on your best chances. i wish i was a part of that success.

i might want you back, Lis.

i’ve seen it in the movies, heard some anecdotes, but i didn’t realize that it was all true. and it can happen, to me, with you. six years of being apart, seeing you all of a sudden, rekindled the feelings i thought was long gone in my heart.

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oldbellar #1
Chapter 3: Oh wow bat ang galing mo sa mga.... Words haha
Athena009 #2
Chapter 3: man I hope you're proud of your works because it's amazing. all of it! I just stumbled to your profile a little while ago and I'm in love with your words. your books are all fascinating and well written. Please keep writing. kudos to you.