A/N: Thank you

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So, I just got my 100th subscriber on this story and I'm so proud and happy. Thank all of you so much. This work was a huge labor of love. I worried about it and rewrote it 4 times before it started to take shape. I felt like nothing was right and I didn't know how to continue or where to stop. But when I finally got around to finishing it, all of you seemed to love it so much and for that, I'm incredibly grateful.

I have been thinking for a while on whether or not I should post additional material. Some of it would just be little drabbles, but I have a few ideas for bigger things than that. However, I have hesitated to write and post them because I'm afraid of ruining this work on its own. I also don't have the beta that helped me with Moonbright to keep me going anymore. They were a one time helper and they were phenomenal in helping me get my work to the next level. (I'm still looking for someone more permanent!)

I have something sitting in my files on my computer that doesn't feel ready, but I want to finish it at the very least for myself. If you are interested in such additional material, please let me know. Also, let me know what kinds of things you might like to know more about! I'm open to any suggestions. However, if I do post more material, I cannot promise to address all your questions. It depends on what stokes the flames of my imagination.

Once again, thank you so much for all the support. I hope to see you again soon when I have time

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Essa fic foi maravilhosa!
Chapter 1: It was such a beautiful journey! Thank you for this beautiful story! I haven't read this amazing fic such a long time.. i'm glad i found it!
Thank you so much!
Beauty_21 #3
This is a really nice story! Thank you for sharing this!!
LalaLola #4
Chapter 2: O my god i loved it so much! I got so emotional
fishdonuts #5
Chapter 1: i love this so much. easily the best harry potter au i've ever read. i had to pause and squeal a lot when jongin was confessing. that was my favorite part kjfdgnfkgjfdng

and i would /love/ to read more from this universe <3

(i honestly wish i can be half as good as you in writing)
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 1: wow. so long and never boring. congratz to this great ff
angelamy #7
Chapter 1: that's a masterpiece. i really really enjoyed reading it ?????
sujuxoxMD #8
Chapter 2: Well written. The flow was never disrupted and this kept me engaged. Wanted to read more.
Till_the_AM #9
Chapter 1: This story is pure magic!!!
Chapter 1: This was an absolute delight to read and I love it so freaking much! I read it in a go because I just couldn't stop. Ate my lunch late, but I have no complaints!! Such a beautiful piece, great job!!!

Jongin and Sehun were written so well. I loved how you built their characters and revealed more of them as the years passed! What a cute ending!! Thanks a lot for sharing!!!