Calm Down, Satan

The Timid Tamer's Tale

Like I had expected, I was too excited to fall asleep on the night before our school trip.

Thankfully, that factor later helped me to sleep soundly on the bus, and of course I leaned myself against Chaeyoungie.

Why would I ever let that chance go to waste?


Despite the awkward height difference, I was capable of making myself comfortable on her shoulder while the scent of her calming strawberry perfume sent me off to dreamland.

I eventually fell into a deep slumber, all the way until we have arrived to our first location.


“… ari. Come on Minari, it’s time for the penguin to swim.” was the first thing I heard upon waking up.

After gradually blinking my eyes open, I immediately found the tiger cub’s face right in front of mine, who was staring into my eyes warmly.

Oh, how I wish I could wake up to this sight every morning.

Every day would be a great day.


Ignoring my increased pulse, I let my bones crack loudly from stretching my own limbs while everyone else made their way outside.

I took my time since I was still half-asleep and gave her a soft smile for her patience. “お早よう.”

“Yes yes, ohayo Mina-chan, now let’s go.” she huffed while pulling me up from my seat and leading me out of the bus slowly.


Since I was still drowsy, I didn’t even realise it when Chaeyoung wandered off with our teachers as the group who weren’t going into the water.

I was left with the rest of the students who were waiting to get changed into their swimwear.

I started to feel anxious without her presence.


As soon as we entered the changing rooms, I speedily got the job done with the sole purpose of reuniting back to Chaeyoungie’s side as soon as possible.

Despite achieving a new personal record for the shortest amount of time taken to get changed, I couldn’t reach my actual objective since things didn’t always go the way we wanted them to.

Instead, I found my worst nightmare coming to life.


A crowd formed around me right after I left the changing room, leaving no routes for me to escape and trapping me in the centre.

They were shamelessly gawking at my body since it was their first time witnessing me in a different attire other than our usual school uniform, while the fact I was showing extra skin made it ten times worse.

Their lustful stares made my stomach churn.


I had wanted to impress a single person with my choice of swimwear, yet I was too absorbed with the thought that I had forgotten about the unwanted attention I’d also earn from everyone else.

It was safe to say that it was far too late for me to be regretting my life decisions.



As I desperately prevented myself from breaking down in public, my body’s temperature rose hotter and hotter as time ticked past.

I felt like I was going to combust into flames from the extreme level of uncomfortableness, and I had no way out.

I really wanted to dig a hole and bury myself in there until I naturally decompose.

I merely wanted to enjoy the water, yet all I felt was fire.


But of course, my tiny bodyguard never failed to take action when she senses a problem.


I felt like crying tears of joy when I saw her head pop out in between the bodies of our classmates, before she squeezed her whole petite body into the circle to join me.

I instantly grabbed onto her waist and hid behind her.

I felt so much safer already, and it was all thanks to the one whom I wanted to impress.


Although her body was so small that anyone could literally lift her away with a single arm, she acted as a sturdy shield that successfully fended off any possible danger.

Her strong aura was more than enough to make people control themselves properly.


She looked at me and gave me a reassuring nod.

Omergawd Chaeyoungie’s so cool asdhgsgkajhasl. (Translation: Gay panic intensifies)


“STOP STARIN’, YA’ S!” I heard her growl after turning back to face the others, threatening to amputate their s violently.

It made me wonder about the extent of her hatred towards that specific body part.

She had experience with physically kicking them before, and now she was taunting to cut some off.


As you can see, gentlemen, it’s best not to anger her.

Despite my efforts, she still bites.



Thanks to her clear verbal warning, the crowd soon dispersed with only a few female schoolmates remaining to ask about the maintenance of my figure. I chatted with them until I saw Chaeyoungie returning to her seat.

I was too afraid to be alone by now, so I did what I do best-

Follow her around like a shadow.


Wherever there’s a tiger, expect yourself to see a penguin waddling close-by.

That’s a wild Myoui Mina right there.


“Go swim. I thought you were pumped about this part of the trip.” she tilted her head in confusion as she saw me approaching.

I timidly asked her to join me but she revealed that she didn’t know how to swim.

Another additional point to her cuteness level.


“ I can always teach you, Chaeyoungie. You can trust me!” I excitedly offered, yet she seemed to really dislike the idea of entering the pool.

“As you can see sweetie, I didn’t bring any swimwear.” she reasoned with a toothy grin, thinking she had won with the excuse.

I decided to prove her wrong with a grin on my own face.


“Anything can be a swimwear if you just jump in.”


With ease, I dragged her into the water with me, causing her to squeal loudly as soon as she contacted the cool water.

It was the most adorable sound I’ve ever heard in my life.

My ears were blessed.


Others were also enjoying themselves with teasing my cute little tiger, who spout out more profanities in embarrassment.

I decided to let her off the hook since I was enjoying the moment, though it was also because I lacked the hand to punish her as they were occupied with trapping her in my grasp.

I’ll get you and your cute buttocks next time.


She attempted to escape back onto dry land by slowly paddling herself away, but with merely a few I managed to catch up to her, pulling her back to my side effortlessly.

“YAH!” she panicked while squirming in my arms, splashing water everywhere.

“It’s okay, I got you.” I quickly pulled her into a tight embrace in hopes to calm her down a little, still making sure her head was safely above the water level.


With our bodies submerged within the pool, the feeling of our bodies against each other became an extraordinarily weird sensation; our outfits were stuck tightly onto our skin, resulting me to sense the lines of her body that were usually hidden beneath her baggy uniform.

She tends to hide her curves away due to her preferenced tomboy-look, thus I never had the chance to know how slim and sturdy her true figure was until now. My tiger has been fed and trained well.

I my lips as I discreetly observed her figure with my own.


… I sounded like a ert just now, didn’t I?

Mina, behAVE.

Someone needs to tame this penguin instead. Gosh.


She had stopped resisting after a while and I was simply holding her within my arms, somewhat back-hugging her within the pool.

My hands were coincidently yet conveniently placed above her sternum, which granted me enough access to feel her heartbeat.

I think we were both in danger of dying- our pulse were equally as fast.

I was afraid that she could also feel my own rapid heartbeat since my chest was pressed against her back, thus I chose to break the short silence with a question in hopes to divert her attention away.

“Do you want to try floating?”


… Yes of course she’d want to attempt floating after repeatedly expressing her distaste of being in the water.

Was that really the only sentence you could come up with?

You’re really a baka sometimes, Myoui.


“I just want out, thank you.” I felt her shaking her head just as expected.

Although I really didn’t want to let her go, I forced myself to comply to her request.

She’d probably find out about my feelings if we remained in that position for any longer anyways.


Chaeyoungie quickly sprinted to safety as soon as I placed her back onto the hard surface.

Despite missing her absence already, I decided to enjoy the rest of my time alone by swimming around the pool.

It was the easiest way to distract myself from my uncontrollable feelings, and also a tactic to avoid any unnecessary conversations with other people- since they’d need to catch up to me first.


I swam continuously until my limbs were sore, making me conclude that I had enough exercise for the day and should probably stop.

Dripping wet from the chlorinated water, I returned to Chaeyoungie’s side as she was holding onto my towel for me.

I noticed her blushing cheeks that weren’t red from being under the sunlight, while she refused to make eye-contact despite my best efforts to get her attention.

By smacking me on the face with my own towel, she only further proved how flustered her current state was.


Hmmm, I wonder why?

Just kidding.


“Mina!” I heard her cry out after I made myself comfortable on my luxurious chair, Son Chaeyoung.

I was scared that she’d get crushed to death at first, but eventually I enjoyed my own teasing too much to worry any further.

“Yah! I was almost dry!” she whined after I removed myself before I accidentally suffocate her with my body.


I giggled shyly as I saw my thigh-prints on her dry shorts.

They made her look pretty silly, but still cute nevertheless.


All of a sudden, I thought of another attack based on her last remark, and you best believe I seized that opportunity too.

I tried to act as innocent as I could, though my lips had already arched itself into a smirk as I spoke.


“Sorry for making you wet.”


Mina, you’re ertedness is showing again.

You’re more of a predator compared to an actual tiger at this point.

Return to your penguin state before she catches on, baka.



The sound of a loud whistle made me flinch while it saved my best friend from my endless teases.

Our teacher proceeded to ask us to get changed in order to leave for our next location, making most of the students head back into the changing rooms obediently.

I was the only one who hesitated to move, and it wasn’t because I wanted to continue swimming.


Chaeyoungie was about to follow the teachers again until I managed to grasp hold of her arm.

I begged her to accompany me to get changed, and thankfully she agreed.

I guess she felt bad for what had happened earlier on, but I didn’t mind her sympathy.

I was simply happy that she was willing to stay with me.



Honestly, I wasn’t thinking much when we entered the women’s changing room.

It was out of sudden impulse that I dragged her into a stall with me.

I guess I was subconsciously addicted to the sight of a flustered tiger.

I mean- she becomes a thousand times cuter when she’s in her embarrassed tsundere-mode.

She’s irresistible.


Yet, my sudden courage disappeared as soon as I locked the stall’s door behind me.

As expected, she tried resisting my absurdness while I starting panicking like my usual timid self.

“Why am I also in here?!” she exclaimed.


Good question, dear Chaeyoungie.

Indeed, why was she in here with me?


What was going on in my mind?

Where did I get such bravery to abduct her inside when I’m supposed to strip?

What am I supposed to do now? Kick her out again?


Of course I couldn’t- that’d make things even weirder… but seriously, what now?

Oh wait, I still need to respond to her question.


“Please, I feel so much safer with you by my side.” I answered despite being just as confused as she was.

“But you need to change!” she reasoned.





“Just turn away and I’ll be quick.” I managed to mumble before I actually started trying to get changed.

I wasn’t expecting to feel this embarrassed when I tried to remove my swimwear.

My hands were shaking uncontrollably and it really wasn’t helping my current situation.


I cursed within my mind for speaking out before I could even think about the consequences I had to face.

I knew I wanted to conquer my shyness by acting bolder, but even I surprised myself this time.

I managed to crossed my own line, how silly is that?


I’ve lost count to how many times I’ve called myself a baka by now, but honestly Myoui Mina-

You’re a gigantic baka.


Fortunately, I wasn’t the only one who was losing my mind.

Chaeyoungie almost lost hers literally as a loud ‘bang’ echoed within our stall.


“Are you okay?” I quickly asked while struggling to reach the swimsuit’s zipper.

I could tell she was silently dying from the pain, but she managed to answer quite calmly. “Y-Yeah, you?”

“No, I can’t reach.” I confessed since I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time; we were leaving for lunch soon so I didn’t have all day to fight with my swimwear.


I shivered when her fingers brushed against my back as she helped me the outfit.

My cheeks immediately burnt up from the realisation that she was literally undressing me, but thankfully I had my back towards her so she couldn’t see how flustered I was from her touch.


I hastily changed back into my previous clothing without giving myself the time to think about anything else.

This situation was too risky for my own good, and my timid self couldn’t handle it anymore.



Chaeyoungie immediately fled as soon as I was finished, though she couldn’t escape for long since we were still seated next to one another on the bus; I was blessed with the window seat, so I focused my attention onto the scenery outside of the windows instead of the girl beside me.

I deeply regret acting so recklessly without my own permission, since I couldn’t even look at her properly without the butterflies within my stomach going insane anymore.

Hopefully I’ll be able to digest them along with our lunch later on, otherwise I’ve really dug my own grave.


Myoui Mina, let’s take a break from being a tease and spare your own fragile heart-

And poor Chaeyoungie’s.

She’s going to join your self-dug grave if you don’t calm yourself down.



… But honestly, how could I possibly?

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And there you have it folks, the official end to this wild series.
I can't thank you guys enough for all the support, but I truly hope it has been worth your time reading. MUCH THANK!!


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Chapter 5: Love all these point of views, I always fancy learning both sides of the story. Great work! Cheers to michaeng, hope to read more from you. ^^
chonganna #2
Chapter 5: Lol chaeyoung fainted
Sutoroberihime #3
Chapter 5: d( ̄  ̄)
Chapter 5: 100 fire emojis
dkdldb #5
Chapter 5: Ugh we love a top. And Mina, Chaeng would yeet herself off of a cliff anytime for you darling. Ah, true love. This was a really REALLY good read. It was awesome. I would want a sequel for the sequel's sequel please ( ̄へ ̄) Please do more michaeng! Love your writing!

Mina's point of view is really cute >_<
Chapter 3: what do the japanese parts mean(╥_╥)
Chapter 2: Honestly, the writing is A+. "ari... minari, come on," that part was exceptionally beautiful. I stopped for like 2 minutes and admired the writing. ing amazing.

Also, please continue Mina, with that perfectly erted mind of yours. You cutie. And chaeyoung, god, how the turns have tabled. The penguin is preying on the tiger. I love this
(´ ▽`).。o♡
Chapter 1: Mina you cheeky little bastard