

A short oneshot. Really short one. Smomething that suddenly popped into my mind while thinking about BTS Suga's The Last and Stray Kids' Voices. 

As it just came with no warning, I don't exactly have an idea how to describe this. It can happen to pretty much anyone so you can read it with an open mind. 


Suga's The Last

Stray Kids' Voices


일요일 , 9 월 23일 



Those voices came back 

Those haunting voices


You are not good

What are you doing here? 

Why are you here? 

You are not cut out for this

You don’t have what it takes to be here 

You will ruin them

They will be talking behind your back 

They want you to go 

Don’t you feel ashamed of yourself? 

My heart beats faster with every sentence whispered into my ear

I wonder if everything is true


I cried. Again.

Is crying all you can do? 


But they said that I am doing well. Good job and well done. Keep up the good work.

But do you know what’s in their minds? They are just trying to appease you. They pity you. 

Why? Because you are incapable 


But I did everything I could. 

Or so you think.


I tried my best to learn as much as I can. 

And what about all those mistakes that you did? Who will have to pay? 


Please stop, I am tired. I believe I will be better. 

Or you are just in denial


Please let me be in peace. I want to be free. 


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