
Secret Boyrfriend?

Friday came and Hwayeon went home earlier to clean up before their guests could arrive. She still could not believe her brother could do this to her, bringing his friends to their movie night. Suddenly, she was hoping that they would be called somewhere else for a meeting, a show, a gig or whatever, and just leave her alone. It's not that she doesn't like them or anything. But because she doesn't want anyone else to be watching with her, other than her brother and her boyfriend. Secret boyfriend, that is.

After cleaning, she went up to her room and washed up. It's gonna be a long night today. 

Gray came home a little after 5 o'clock with Simon D, Loco, ELO, Uglyduck, Wonjae, Woogie and Sik-K, much to his great amusement.

"Wow, hyung. This is actually the first time you ever asked anyone else other than VV:D to your house," said Loco.

"Why? Don't you let people hang out here?" asked Woogie as he looked around the white-painted living area with a long black couch in the center and an entertainment system right across it. 

"I guess here's where we'll watch the movie then," said ELO.

"Sunghwa doesn't let people come here anymore because his sister is living with him now while finishing her university degree," said Simon D removing his shoes.

"Oh. You mean, Hwayeon is here? Like right now?" asked Uglyduck.

"You have a sister?" said Woogie.

"Yeah. She might be upstairs doing something," answered Gray. He watched everyone as they got in and settled into the couches. And among everyone, Sik-K was the only one who didn't look as excited as the others. "Hey, Minsik. Are you okay?" he asked.

Sik-K stood there looking at everyone, frozen. When Gray sent him the invite through text, he really wanted to say no. He knew Hwayeon didn't want her brother to know about them yet. But then Woogie saw him at the stairs towards AOMG's office and urged him to come. He should've asked Gyujeong and Hwimin to come along but they already were on the way to Busan for the weekend. He couldn't say no, especially not when they practically dragged him over to the car that was waiting at the parking lot. 

"Yeah. I'm fine. I'm just... Wow... You have such a cool house, hyung," he said trying to cover himself, but half-heartedly sincere with his statement.

"Thanks," smiled Gray. "You guys feel at home. The kitchen is to your right, if you guys want anything to eat or drink. I'll just go up and call Hwayeon."

Gray left them there and Loco showed them where the PS4 console was placed. He went to Hwayeon's room and knocked before opening the door. He saw her in her bed, holding up her phone while watching something. He had to rap on the door again to get her attention as her headset was plugged in.

"Oppa. You're here."

"Yeah. For a long while now. What are you watching?"

"I saw this clip from the Running Man episode with Blackpink's Jennie. I've been laughing at Kwangsoo-nim so hard."

"Ah. Hurry up with that. Our visitors are here already."

"Eh? Really? I thought you guys would come later."

"Yeah but we all met earlier. Do you want pizza?"

"Sure. Gino's pizza?"

"Hmmm... Do they do delivery?"

"They should. But shouldn't you know that since you and DoK2-nim are friends?"

"I have never ordered anything there for delivery before so I don't know."


"Get your up and go down. Simon D is waiting for you."

"Eh. He really did come. Who else are here?"

"Hmmm... Hyukwoo, ELO, Woogie, Kiseok hyung, Wonjae, Jukyung and Minsik."


"Yeah. Kwon Minsik. You know, Sik-K."

Hwayeon officially lost her head now. Especially after seeing him smile, a victorious one. He just did not do that.

"Are you trying to say something?" asked Hwayeon.

"Huh?! Nothing. Just saying that you should get out of this room and join us downstairs. This is your movie night, remember?" said Gray walking out of the room and down the stairs.

Gray caught the guys starting a game on the PS4 while Loco was reaching for the playing cards on the shelf. Woogie, Uglyduck, Wonjae and Sik-K were on the couch while Simon D and Elo waited for Loco to sit back on the table. "So, is she up there?" asked Simon D, Sik-K slightly leaning his head to them to hear their conversation.

"Yeah. She is. Want to order some pizza? I don't feel like cooking for you guys," asked Gray.

"Pizza and chicken," said Elo.

"Can we have cake, too? Or maybe some burgers from the Famous Burger," smiled Woogie.

"Hmmm.. Maybe one or two. I'll make a call. Do you know what Hwayeon might like?" asked Loco as he sat beside Elo.

"A double cheeseburger," said Sik-K looking at the game start, remembering what Hwayeon ordered one time they went to a burger joint.

"What?" said Wonjae not sure what he meant.

"Uhm... That is what Hwayeon likes. How did you know?" said Gray. 

"Huh?!" said Sik-K. "No? That's what I like," he said covering himself. "I want a double cheeseburger if you guys are ordering for everyone. Thank you," he continued.

"Oh... Okay," said Loco looking at Gray.

"Do you know who Hwayeon-ssi is, Minsik?" asked Woogie. "I never met her."

"Uhm... No... I don't..." Sik-K started to say.

"But you've always asked about her when we were hanging out with Goosebumps," said Loco

"Uhm... Because I've heard Wonjae and Jay hyung talk about her before," said Sik-K. "And didn't HAON say that he met her already?"

"Just by chance," answered Gray.

"She's beautiful," said Elo.

"Just like Sunghwa hyung," smiled Uglyduck.

"You know, let me get up to her room and make her come down," said Simon D standing up. "Make sure those food have arrived before I even come back," he said sternly. 

Sik-K watched Simon D walk over to the stairs. He wanted to see which room he would enter. That would definitely be HWayeon's room. Woogie nudged him to look back on the game as they were starting. Sik-K told him to play one game first as he needed to text someone.

To Hwayeon:
Hey. Are you at home?

To Sik-K:
Yeah. I am. I... I can't believe it. Are you here?

To Hwayeon:
Yeah. I'm downstairs with the hyungs. It's crazy. I almost slippend.

To Sik-K:
I know. I'm so sorry. I didn't know he wanted you to come over. Kiseok oppa is in my room right now...

Tk Hwayeon:
Will you come down?

To Sik-K:
Yeah. I will. See you. I can't wait to see you. <3

To Hwayeon:
Same here babe <3


Meanwhile, inside Hwayeon's room...

"Are you really gonna be looking at your laptop the whole time that we're here? The boys are waiting for you downstairs... And for that movie to start," said Simon D, flopping himself on Hwayeon's bed as she got her laptop ready, and texting Sik-K.

"Yeah. I was just looking for the movies I like. Then I'll bring it downstairs, too," she said.

"How is school, by the way?" asked Simon D.

"Crazy," she answered turning in her seat to look at him. "I mean, it is easier than highschool, not much schedules. But the amount of research I have to do is crazy."

"That's university for you, baby girl," said Simon D. 

"Is Wonjae really downstairs?" she asked.  

"Yeah. He is. Really miss him, huh?" asked Simon D, lying on the bed leaning his head on one hand. Hwayeon nodded with a smile. "Then what are we waiting for me. Let's go down," said Simon D. He immediately got up and grabbed her hand to come along. Hwayeon almost stumbled when she lifted herself from her seat. Out they came from the room and to the stairs.

At the top of the stairs, Hwayeon could already see her brother and his friends in the living room. She saw Wonjae with Jukyung and Minsik on the couch with someone she's not familiar with. "Don't worry. That's just Woogie Park, the producer. And Sik-K, the rapper," said Simon D. "Everyone. Lee Hwayeon," he said, making everyone look at them approaching.

He let go of her and proceeded to Gray who was talking to someone on his phone. She greeted Loco, Elo, Uglyduck and Wonjae. Elo introduced Hwayeon to Woogie who just ended a game with Minsik on the couch. "Nice meeting you. I've heard a lot about you," said Woogie reaching his hand out to shake hers.

"Ah... Same here. I heard you're with H1ghr Music, too," said Hwayeon.

"Yeah, I am. I heard you're friends with Thurxday, too. It's a shame Gray hyung doesn't let you hang out with us. You could pass for a model with your face," smiled Woogie.

"Haha. Minus the height," said Wonjae looking at her.

"Shut up, Wonjae," said Hwayeon walking over to the couch where Sik-K was sitting.

"This is Minsik, by the way," said Uglyduck. "You know, Sik-K."

"Yeah. I know. Hi," said Hwayeon smiling at him and reaching her hand out.

Sik-K reached for it and smiled. "Nice to see you," he said with a playful grin.

"Okay. Well, excuse me. I have to use the toilet," said Wonjae standing up. "Is it the door to the right, Hwayeon?"

"Yeah. straight ahead, past the kitchen." she answered, now being left alone to sit next to Sik-K. 

The doorbell to the apartment rang and Gray went to the door to open it. "It's the delivery from the Famous Burger, for sure," said Loco standing up. Elo and Woogie were left on the table as the older hyungs took care of the delivery. Hwayeon found this opportunity to move closer to Sik-K on the couch. 

Sik-K slouched into the seat and settled his hand on his right leg, a position he knew wouldn't get the hyungs' attention. He looked at Hwayeon and saw her move even closer. He took this opportunity to move his leg so that his knee touches her thigh. And instantly, Hwayeon blushed. "Cute," whispered SIk-K.

"Hwayeon-ah..." called Gray from the door. She then moved to kneel on the sofa and look over to the back. "Could you stand up and give me my wallet please? It's on the table," said Gray.

"Nah. Let me do it," said Uglyduck, grabbing the wallet from in front of him. Hwayeon mouthed a 'thank you' to him before he stood up to the hyungs at the door. 

Hwayeon slipped back on the couch and took this opportunity to reach for Sik-K's left hand resting under his right. "Missed me that much?" she asked silently as she sat back down. 

"You have no idea," smiled Sik-K, looking at her with much longing.

Hwayeon smiled and just wanted to trample him on the couch right there and then. "I wish I could kiss you," she pouted. But then, they heard the guys walking back into the living room with the food they ordered. Hwayeon immediately let Sik-K go, much to his dismay. 

"Did I hear something about a kiss?" said Gray as he set one of the boxes on the table, Simon D right behind him.

"Huh?! No. Of course not," said Hwayeon. "What do you guys have?" she asked.

"Burgers and pizza, and chicken," said Loco.

"And a platter of pasta from Gino's," Simon D added. 

"Let's eat while you prepare the movie," said Gray.

"Sure thing," agreed Hwayeon.

"I'll help her out," offered Sik-K.

"No, come eat here. You're a guest," said Gray.

"Eh. Don't mind him. They're both maknaes. Let them do the work. Go on," said Simon D.

The two didn't say anything anymore. They looked at each other and stood up to go up to Hwayeon's room to get the laptop. Gray watched them until they could no longer see their backs.

"They kinda look good together, don't you think so, hyung?" asked Elo.

"I still don't get it, why you're trying to catch the two when you obviously know that there's something between them," said Loco.

"Yeah. It's no coincidence that Sik-K knows and follows her Instagram," said Woogie. 

"And did you see how Sik-K's eyes bulged when you held her hand?" said Wonjae.

"Haha. He would either get mad at me or get jealous and argue with Hwayeon," said Woogie.

"Then they'll break up," smiled Gray.

"Ayyy.. That's too harsh," said Loco.

"Is this what this is all about? Making them break up?" asked Uglyduck.

"Catching them, then making them break up," said Elo.

"Geez, Sunghwa. Let your sister date already. It's not like she's stupid enough to let Minsik her around," said Simon D.

"Yeah. Hwayeon is smart," said Elo.

"I want her to date someone. But I was really hoping it was someone else," said Gray. 

"You're just a sore loser because Hwayeon is already dating someone, while you're still single. And everyone here thought you were the player type," teased Simon D.

"Aish. Shut up," sneered Gray playfully. 

"Hey. I just wanna know," said Woogie. "How long have you guys known Hwayeon?"

"Since we met Gray hyung, with VV:D," said Elo.

"Yeah. He used to babysit her a lot," said Loco.

"But she wasn't really a baby then. She was already in highschool," said Gray.

"Ah... I see. No wonder she was so comfortable with you guys," said Woogie.

"And how long has Sik-K known her?" asked Wonjae.

"I think it's just this semester," said Gray. "This is the first semester where she comes home past 7pm, which she never usually does."

"Except when she goes ing around with Sik-K," smiled Simon D, the others following.

"Ay! Don't talk like that about her," said Gray.

"They might just be doing that right now," Simon D added

"Nonsense. Hwayeon would... Oh my god. They're alone in her room. ," said Gray, instantly letting go of the cup of soda in his hands and dashing to the stairs.



Inside Hwayeon's room, she let Sik-K sit on her bed while she unplugged her laptop from the charger.

"I like your room, blue," said Minsik looking at the walls and the dainty vintage desk she has that serves as her study table.

"Yeah. It makes me sleep more comfortable," she said smiling at him as she leaned on the desk. "Let's go?" she said.

Sik-K got up and stepped over to her. He smiled and took her left hand in his. "Before that... So what does it feel like? Hiding from your brother, especially when I'm also here?" he said raising his free hand and brushing the hair off of her shoulders. Hwayeon blushed again and felt her heart race. 

"Honestly... It is quite exciting," she said with a grin. She was only wearing shorts and the friction she gets from her thighs moving along his jeans was not making her feel any good.

"Great. Same here," said Sik-K holding on to her chin before kissing her lips. It started with soft pecks that slowly escalated to long, deep kisses. He now held her waist to keep the distance close. 

Hwayeon breathed and pushed herself back a little. "Not here, Minsik. They're just downstairs," she said, before he planted yet another kiss, now on her chin.

"Please? I didn't get to kiss you today," said Sik-K holding onto her neck before landing his lips again on hers.

But the two forgot to close the door when they came in, and Gray and the others was suddenly inside, watching them kiss each other.


The two released each other and tried to contain themselves. "Oppa," said Hwayeon trying to fix her hair. Sik-K tried to speak but decided to lower his head instead.

"I told you they could be ing already," smirked Simon D.

"It's... It's not what you think, oppa. I swear," said Hwayeon.

"I cannot believe you, Hwayeon. I knew you'd already know how to around with guys. But not inside our own house," said Gray.

"Uhm... What?!" asked Hwayeon and Sik-K together.

"Hyung already knows you're together, you and Minsik," said Uglyduck.

"What?! How?!" said Sik-K.

"Well, you're not particularly very secretive of your romantic exploits, you know," answered Elo.

"But... You knew?!" asked Hwayeon.

"Of course, I knew. I just put two and two together. You and Sik-K are in three same classes in university. You come home late. He comes to recordings late. He misses out on hang outs. You deny coming with me sometimes. You've learned about and all that. And Sik-K is a ing boi," said Gray.

"Hyung," Sik-K tried to retort his statement.

"And don't tell me that Skip and Kiss wallpaper on your phone doesn't mean anything," said Gray crossing his arms.

"How long have you known, hyung?" asked Sik-K.

"A good 1 month now," smiled Simon D.

"Oh my god. And you never told me anything?! Not even Minsik?!" said Hwayeon.

"If there's anyone who needs to talk, that's you," smirked Gray. "Get the down to the living room with your laptop and plug it in already," he said sternly.

Hwayeon pouted and took her laptop from the table. She marched out of the room, leaving Sik-K with the hyungs. He was supposed to follow but Uglyduck held his arm. "You need to stay," he said.

"I'm sorry," said Sik-K looking at Gray. "I've always tried to talk Hwayeon into telling you guys. But she says she'll find the right time to do it herself."

"We get it. Being in a secret relationship. That's fine," said Simon D.

"But to go kissing her inside her room?! When we're all here?! Wow. What a man," said Gray unbelieveably.

"Sorry. I just couldn't help it," said Sik-K bowing a little. 

"She looks good in just a pair of shorts huh?" said Uglyduck 

Gray almost hit him witb his elbow. But he looked back at Sik-K. "You better not make her cry or play her, or else, you'll be answering to me," said Gray sternly.

"And please don't try to kiss her again in front of all of us," said Wonjae. "It's too cringey."

"I agree," said Woogie. 

"Okay. Get your asses back down there before Hwayeon throws tantrums," said Simon D.

Downstairs, Hwayeon was sitting on the couch with her laptop. "I hope you didn't talk about me and some gossip while you were all there," she said still looking at her screen.

"You're lucky Sunghwa hyung didn't beat up Minsik," smiled Loco.

"Oh no, he wouldn't," said Hwayeon.

"Want me to?" asked Gray teasingly. Hwayeon only sneered at him.

"But I swear you shouldn't kiss him in front of us anymore. I hate it," said Wonjae sitting next to her.

"I'm sorry, baby," pouted Hwayeon before hitting his arm jokingly. "Of course, I won't. But are we cool? Like... He can be my boyfriend now?" she asked.

"If he survives this night," answered Gray.

"Let the movie begin!" said Uglyduck.




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Kaylie3Two #1
Chapter 2: Oh my gawd! I loved it! So freakin' much♡
jenniekay #2
looking forward to this!