please read.

hello, everyone! i'm sorry for disappearing and abandoning my story just like that but to tell you the truth, i truthfully did not have the intention of discontinuing of claws and fangs because i spent a lot of time editing pics and sketching out ideas for it so i was super ecstatic to write the story. unfortunately after i released the first chapter, only a few chosen characters commented and i had the second chapter ready in store as well, but the poor interaction really dragged my spirits down and most of the chosen ones weren't even here to read it so i lost my inspiration. 
to applyfic writers, it's both happiness and a drag for them to release the official characters for their story because a sudden drop in their subscription is always bound to happen. i experienced the same thing but still, i was very happy to get this story started. however, the same reason above discouraged me greatly and finally, i decided to drop of claws and fangs. it might sound like i'm mad and that i'm blaming my readers or whatsoever but i'm not, i respect your choices whether or not you want to read my story! i'm just stating my reason of abandoning this story so i hope you guys will understand and won't get mad at me!
i came back because i truly want to finish what i started. however, i know that not many people are interested in this idea so i'll be releasing a new applyfic though i'm still keeping the supernatural theme (or not). to my previously chosen applicants who are still active, if you ever decide to apply for my new story as well, your character will automatically be chosen.
to everyone who's still here, hopefully, and still susbcribed to my story, i hope you'll support my new story... until then! 
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thinking about making a trailer!


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Chapter 13: Not gonna lie I kinda laughed because my legitimately thought I commented and instantly thought I wasn't part of the problem. Only to realise that I infact did not leave a comment, as a result I can't help but feel immense shame as a result for contribute to such a tragedy at least, however, the website will still be continued to be blessed with your writing.
Chapter 13: I am saddened and ashamed of myself for I am one of the chosen applicants who didn't comment on the first chapter. I am mostly surprised though, like why didn't I comment ??? Cause I remember reading the first chapter and laughing at the trio's - Lucas, Siyeon, and Jaemin - interaction and loving them! And them going to a party, was it Siyeon's ex-girlfriend's party? Anyway, that's no excuse for my lackness. I clearly understand your reason for discontinuing the story. Lack of interaction and feedback takes a toll. In my part, I deeply apologize to you for not being interactive and wish you all the best in your next fic
Chapter 13: After reading your message, I agree with you on all fronts. the applyfic tag is both a blessing and a curse in this regard, you win when you get all of these amazing apps and different people interacting with your idea, you lose when the sub count drops and there are no new readers and the old ones slowly stop engaging. It's very hard to find motivation like that to continue writing, and even if an app is kind of an agreement between an appmaker and an author for comments, it's completely understandable that not everyone will be able to do that. It still and it's still unfair, and I'm glad you decided to talk about it and continue with your idea in some sort, even if it's an entirely new applyfic. You got a new sub both here and in the new story when it comes out, as well as a potential applicant (probably not on an alternative account that I have purely for apps), and I will stick around as a reader regardless. Hopefully others will too! Positivety and comments is something that can make everyone in our community feel better <3
Chapter 13: ah, i see. yeah, the lack of interaction and feedback
can really take a toll on the writer, but i completely
understand and respect your decision! catch me at
your new story though because i need your super-
natural world and lovely writing in my life uwu <3
take your time and see you soon! ^_____^
Chapter 3: hello i hope you're still there because we love & miss you <3
this is totally late but happy new year!! hope you’re doing well and you’re safe and okay and healthy. also hope that you still plan on continuing this story <3 <3
OMG FIRST OF ALL I WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR THE LATE COMMENT! I’m actually the worst so no surprise there. Feel free to hate me author-nim ??

Second of all, I want to say omfg I am so ready for this story! The detail about how hyeri’s body was found were INSANE, which I loved. No sugar coating around how gruesome it all was!

Omg, Luca running around and getting everyone together is a really good set up for the story starting!
Also Jinae and siyeon’s friendship is EVERYTHING.
I’m here for it ?

Jinae’s fear of werewolves and translating to fearing Lucas is so good and I love it, i was laughing the entire time hahaha

This story is so good! I cannot wait for more!
Also, if you ever are interested in having a beta to help with the language barrier or anything like that, I’d totally be down! I write my own stories as well, I love writing down this story is so good and worth it, I’m here if you need me!!
Chapter 11: ahhh!!! you don't know how excited i was to see the new story update! finally! it has started! first things first, what a way to kick the fic off with this golden chapter! it was awesome reading along and following lucas's perspective and ugh, eunyoung's and lucas's relationship is so interesting but so cute! i can't wait to see more of their adorable antics further into the story!

and lucas's little hope at their first meeting was so sad but so hilarious, i'm- jaemin and siyeon are such icons??? we stan a human duo who can put the big werewolf in his place haha! and i'll be honest, the description of eunha's party and lucas's little party flashbacks was so wild i was shooketh to the core. supernatural beings don't play around...

and no! that cliffhanger at the end! why? i seriously can't wait for the next chapter and lucas's crazy plans for getting the team to get to know each other! i'm already living for the group's interactions and they didn't even properly meet yet lmao!

good luck on your finals! it must be hard studying and trying to work on your fics at the same time... but do watch out for yourself and take your time! no pressure or stress! and at the author's thoughts: yES TO THE TRAILER PLEASE! I'M ALL HERE FOR IT WHEN YOU COME AROUND TO WORK ON IT!
Chapter 11: definitely make a trailer!!! that is if you have time and if it's not too much of a hassle for you. i'd love to see a visual representation kekeke

i really really loved how you portrayed eunyeong here and her interactions with lucas! i can't wait to see her interact with more of the characters as the story goes on keke.

also, i don't know the other characters as well but HAHAH to me, there was so much sass when jisoo said "oh, so we are supposed to introduce ourselves?" HAHA i think i love her already! also, #1 best friend award goes to jaemin by far, holy . i love how hee was fast enough to catch onto what siyeon was trying to say kekeke.

also "because he gets ticklish quite easily" got me bent bro HAHAHAHAHA. i genuinely thought that was funny and it seemed fitting to lucas' character.

anyways, good luck with your finals and your upcoming story!! and take care od yourself >:(

i definitely squealed when you released this and i have been waiting since the characters were released. this definitely was not a disappointment. can't wait to see what you bring next!!
Chapter 3: hsjsjhjss I DIDN'T THINK! thanks for choosing joohyuk, i'M dshskjhsks i really didn't think he'd get chosen but thanks a lot T T congratulations to the other chosen applicants and everyone else who applied!!! i'm excited, best of luck to you!