sleep sleep sleep


Donghae can't sleep and Hyukjae tries to help, albeit making it kind of awkward for the both of them. (timeline around when they just debuted!)


au(?) where they didn't start out as really close buddies but strictly idols maintaining an image in front of the public and they live on the same level in the dorm and everyone has their own room and they are pretty heavy sleepers and that's pretty much it.

a short one i just wanted to write all of a sudden. pardon my lacking writing skills geh it's been really long since i finished a story i started writing out ;▽; 
ah, it's been really some time since i read or wrote for eunhae. i'm already out of the fanfic circle and it seems like many writers i followed stopped writing around the time i stopped reading too. about end of 2015-ish? it's honestly a pity. i think we grow up and sometimes, the way we think changes or maybe, some people just got out of the fandom. i tried many crazy stuff back then when I was much active as an elf. on twitter everyday to see what's up and all. nowadays, i don't really follow as closely anymore (but I really still love the group) and have my sis update me occasionally haha. knowing brothers and supertv is life on youtube hehe. watch them if you haven't! for me personally, i still ship eunhae but no longer as hardcore as back then simply bc to me now, they have their own lives and well, they are living humans so i can't really know how they will end up in the future. i like seeing them the shippy way but also as themselves. i still love reading (reading originals these days cough and they are chinese novels though and the chinese writers have many cool settings in the stories too cough), got into manga and anime a few years back and sometimes, i like jotting down random ideas that come to me too but haha haven't been writing them out. this is just a random short one i thought i could have some fun writing in the midst of my exams now.

(edited cover with photogrid since i'm on my phone now haha)

word count: 806

starting a short abo story next! do check it out if you're interested ( ̄∇ ̄*)ゞ


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977 streak #1
Chapter 1: I think this should be entitled, The Legend of Sleeping Together. " Thanks for sharing.
sweetylailai #2
Chapter 1: Nice and sweet! Thks!
chasinghyuk #3
Chapter 1: such an adorable short story!!
I could literally imagine Donghae pouting with his bolster as he made his way to sleep next to Hyukjae (although the poor bolster was given another home by Donghae, which was the floor lmao) I hoped Donghae slept well with his Hyukkie and that he doesn't need to rely on his sleeping pills frequently ^^ Thanks for the story! <3