Our Time Together

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“Our time is not much, and has never been much. That’s why I really want to stay with you, for the rest of the time we have.”


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Chapter 3: Hhh Hyukjae my baby (he's younger than me in this fic so I'm older now and can call him my baby) got hurt (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`) it was for a good cause though,,,,, just don't push yourself too far 我的傻逼宝宝 (•ө•)♡

And who dis girl, coming in, assuming without knowing all the facts (; ・`д・´) 卧槽

And I like Donghae's and his mom's dynamic! It's fun and light-hearted (ㆁωㆁ*) and all because of Hyukjae~~~ his influence~~ 哈哈哈

Thanks for the update (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ 愛你
Chapter 2: asdfghjkl does this delinquent Donghae look like Skip Beat Donghae by chance? Because even if he isn't; it's too late and that's my vision for him now (´-﹏-`;)

And Stalker Hyuk is totally hilarious. I honestly live for those small coincidences where people share a connection that isn't that common (both irl and fics! Love them all (≧▽≦)♡)

Hahahaaa even if he doesn't want to admit it, his head is full of Hyukjae already (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

And thank you for the quick update~~ ლ(´ڡ`ლ) giving me all the updates. And I'm happy to support and comment on your fics! They're all interesting and I'm happy too ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
Chapter 1: Hhhhh I'm so intrigued already! It's an interesting prologue but it leaves me with questions that I can't wait to be answered (ㆁωㆁ*)

And wow, they're younger in this fic than I expected lol. It's not a bad thing! Just a lil surprised (・ิω・ิ)

HMMMM I WONDER WHICH SCHOOL HYUKJAE WILL GO TO. I CAN NEVER GUESS HUH. (๑•̀ㅁ•́๑)✧ Haha school life is going to be interesting now!