
I'm Matsui Jurina, I Don't Get Jealous

Sakura huffed and threw her pencil on her desk. The red haired girl crossed her arms as her girlfriend was not only flirting with someone but two someones. Matsui Rena was already the "perfect" girlfriend for Jurina as everyone has at least said or thought about once. If that wasn't bad enough, Jurina had to flirt with the school's representive for cute and y, Shiroma Miru. To make it worse, it seemed like Sakura didn't matter to the flirtatious girl as these actions -- touching their shoulders, placing her hands on their bare thighs when they walk past, kissing them on the cheek, and hugging them -- were done in front of the cherry blossom. 

The younger bloomed with anger and marched towards the latter. Everyone's attention was on the said girl as her chair scratched backwards and fell onto the white tiled floor with a loud thud. Jurina smiled as if nothing happened, sprinted towards the younger, hugged her and planted a chasted kiss on her lips. And that was the power of Matsui Jurina, making the poor girl forget what she wanted to say. 

Before she remembered, her thoughts were interrupted when the classroom door slid open with sensei behind it. The students scurried to their seat as Sakura growled after sitting at her seat. 

"おはようございます,(Good Morning)" a student bowed holding her backpack on one shoulder. "私は Lee Chaeyeon です。かんごく人です。はじめまして。 (I am Lee Chaeyeon, I'm Korean, Nice to meet you) Chaeyeon looked around and saw a familiar face and waved at Sakura. While her classmates were confused Sakura smiled back. The two met in a musical competition a few years back when they were paired together and became the best of friends. 

As Chaeyeon strolled to her seat --next to Sakura-- Sakura thought of a way to get back at her crazy lover and smirked. 

When school ended Chaeyeon and Sakura had to go seperate ways, Sakura waved goodbye almost hitting some people in the face. Jurina caught up to her girlfriend wrapping her arms around her. Building up her courage, Sakura's face immediately changed, she moved away from Jurina and crossed her arms facing the older. 

"I'm mad at you," Sakura glared. Without giving the kissing monster time to ask why Sakura continued, "I don't like you flirting with other girls." 

"They aren't other girls, they are my friends." Jurina smiled and managed to hold her girlfriend's hand. 

Sakura once again pulled away, "What if I did that to my friend?"

"I wouldn't mind," Jurina shrugged as Sakura scofted. "Ah お母さん!(Mother) じゃねん (Bye)," Jurina kissed Sakura's cheek and headed toward her mother's car. "You don't have to worry I'm Matusi Jurina, I don't get jealous," Jurina blew a flying kiss towards Sakura. 

"We'll see about that," Sakura muttered. 

When Jurina's car dissappeared Sakura made her way to her bike behind the school. When she got home she ran through the door like it wasn't there, galloped into her room and jumped on to the bed pulling out her phone. Her phone rang 5 times before someone answered. 

"Yeoboseyo? (Hello?)" 


"Sakura! なぜはでんわしましたか (Why did you call me?)"

"私はあなたのてつだします(I need your help)" Sakura smiled. 

"どして(why)" Chaeyeon asked a with enthusiasm evident in her voice.

"You know Jurina is my girlfriend right?" Sakura started.

"I wouldn't if you didn't tell me before."

"I'm tired of Jurina flirting with other girls, or her friends as she says. Because she doesn't seem to realize that it makes me jealous. This is where you come in, help me make Matsui Jurina jealous. Oh and tell Eunbi too so she won't get the wrong idea."

"I'm only here for a month Saku-chan, the program doesn't let me stay any longer. But I'll see what I can do."  

"ほんとにありがとございます!(Thank you very much!)" 

"Fighting!" Chaeyeon laughed.

The next few days Sakura and Chaeyeon acted as a couple. Not many people cared as no one was really sure who Jurina's girlfriend was. At first it didn't bother Jurina as she still got Sakura's attention, but during that week Sakura spent so much time with Chaeyeon, Jurina was not her bubbly self. No matter how much Jurina tried she couldn't get Sakura's attention at all. At school she was always with Chaeyeon, at the cafeteria, in the hallway, in class, the two even walked home together. When Jurina tried entering Sakura's room from the window on the weekends she'd see Sakura with Chaeyeon or hear they're conversations over the phone. 

Even though Jurina wasn't going to admit it any time soon, she was definately filled with jealousy. Jurina stopped "flirting" with Miru and Rena. She constantly tried to get back what was hers, but nothing worked. By the third week Jurina has finally had enough. When classes ended Jurina shoved everything into her backpack -- not caring if anything got ruined-- and rushed towards Sakura. The kissing monster was deperately holding on to Sakura's wrist, a really obscure tear threatened to fall from Jurina's eyes. 

"Sakura," Jurina pleaded.

"Chaeyeon you can go home first," Sakura smiled.

"Sakura, why are you doing this?"

"I'm doing the same thing you are Jurina," Sakura showned no emotions on her face. 

"No. At least when I was with Miru or Rena I would give you attention. You totally ignored me," Jurina pouted.

"That's exaclty how I felt when you did it!" Sakura screamed from the top of her lungs. "You didn't think I was hurt? I am your girlfriend but I didn't even know if I was!" Sakura threw punches at Jurina's chest. "You only cared when I didn't give you everything! When you didn't have me! You saw how Chaeyeon and I acted, yet you only stood there! You're suppose to fight for me!" 

Jurina held onto Sakura's arm pulling her into a hug. 

"I fought for you but you never notice!" Sakura cried.

"I'm sorry," Jurina whispered and hugged the younger tighter. "I stopped you know, I haven't been around Miru or Rena for the past weeks. I've been trying to get your attention you know? But you didn't pay attention to me at all. Gosh I hated when you were around Chaeyeon, it made me want to punch, kick and almost kill her."

Sakura cried in Jurina's arms. Jurina's sweater was now soaked in tears. It took a few minutes for Sakura calmed down, her eyes were red and puffy as her nose was running and red as well. It was noticeable that Sakura just cried. Jurina caressed Sakura's tears away and placed a sweet kiss on her forehead as Sakura sniffed. 

"Jurina, that's what jealousy is." Jurina hummed in reponse

"I'm Matsui Jurina, but I'm human after all," Sakura smiled as Jurina leaned down to kiss her on the lips. 

The kiss was interuppted by a sensei who walked in. Sakura hid her face in Jurina's chest as Jurina apologized. Sakura bowed without showing her face and ran out of the classroom. Jurina apologized once again and chased after the blushed girl. Being the athletic girl she was, it wasn't hard to.

After she caught the younger with a backhug she whispered, "We're both walking home but you should hurry and come over to my house and continue what we were just doing." Jurina bit Sakura's ear, grabbed Sakura's , winked and ran off. Leaving a fully tomato colored cherry blossom in the hallway. 

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I've been learning Japanese, and I tried using it in the story. So if you're Japanese let me know if anything is wrong. Oh for other readers-- who do not know Japanese-- you can also correct me on my English grammar.


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Chapter 1: Aaaaaaaa so cuteee I can’t stop smiling and squealing while read this wonderful JuriSaku one haha
jayhyunyr #2
Chapter 1: so sweeeeeeeet >_<
Chapter 1: Asdhffks I'm supposed to be a chaekura shipper but now I'm having second thoughts! xD Argh Jurisaku here was so cute ~
LeeKkura_SinRin143 #4
Chapter 1: My uwu jumped out ≧ω≦ so cute!!! And sweet!!
Adrianasyahidah2413 #6
Chapter 1: Jurisaku ! Jurisaku ! Jurisaku ! Forever!
kaisghoul #7
KatieMay #8
TOo many of my Otp's in this story! Wmatsui! Jurisaku! Chaekura! Jurimiru! And whatever Chaeyeon's and Eunbi's shipname is.
KatieMay #9
I love Jurina but I won't allow her to kill Chaeyeon! Anyways Welcome back Jurina I'm glad that you are feeling better!