Chapter 2 : Annoying Day and Boring Day at School

13 Guardians and 7 Vampires[On Hiatus]

Sohee's POV


I was with DBSK. One of the top groups at Kyunghee School of Sorcery and guess what I was given a chance to hug my long time crush Jaejoong Oppa when suddenly *BAM!*. I fell off my bed first. *OUCH!* The time I fell that was the exact time my alarm clock went off. Stupid me. Why do I have to fall off my bed that time. I was close at hugging Jae Oppa. Stupid Sohee and Stupid alarm clock. I thought to myself while turning my alarm clock off. I did my usual mourning routine. "Goodmorning." I said grumpily as I sat down at our enormous Dinning table. Only my brother's there. Our parents not at the country right now. We own a company. I think they have a Business trip somewhere. "Oooh. Someone's grumpy?" Siwon oppa said without even looking at me. "Yeah Right." I said. "Siwon Oppa. Whose gonna be my Guardian today?" I asked while one of our maids brought me my favorite breakfast "WAFFLES". " It's Hangeng. Wae?" Oppa asked. "Oh Nothing." I said smiling mischievously. "Why?Are you gonna sneak out again?" Siwon said with a totally scary tone. "Andwaeyo." I said. "Ms. Choi. The car is ready." One of my personal maid said. "Bye oppa. See you later." I said giving him a peck on the cheeks. "Be good Sohee. Don't try to sneak out again." Oppa said. "Ne!" I said. On the way to school we will pick up my guardian for the day. Gosh. Why do I even need a Guardian. I like can do every sorcery available and I can even freeze time. Geeze. When can I have a normal life. Finally the car stopped. I was excited to see Han Geng Oppa since I have developed a slight crush on him but when I saw where we stopped. I was confused why we were at the Cho Residence. "Mr. Kang. Why are we at the Cho's?" I asked him. "I forgot to inform you Ms. Choi. Your brother called. There have been a change of plan. Mr. Han has other erands to do and Mr. Cho will be his substitute for today. Since he has no classes today." Mr. Kang said. "Mwo?" I said. Just as I thought I will not see that head. Aish. This is gonna be one Annoying afternoon. Just as I was complaining in my head how bad this day would start Kyuhyun went inside the car. And he too has a face like he was having a bad morning. I didn't notice that I was staring a him. "What are you looking at?" He asked with his deathly glare. I didn't answer I just sneered at him. 


Finally we arrived at school. He didn't even bother  openning the door for me he just walked as if I am not there. Hello. You're supposed to guard me you head. "Hello? Earth to Kyuhyun. You're supposed to guard me." I said to him. He didn't said anything and just looked at me. At the end of my first class when I looked out the class room he wasn't there. I was about to jumped for joy but instead I jumped out of surprise. I was about wield fire towards that person when suddenly he stopped me. "Woah." He said. "Oh. Jaejoong ssi. Mian. I thought you're someone else." I said. Waaaaah. So embarassing. I almost hurt my long time crush. "Gwenchana. Mian for startling you." Jaejoong said. "Gwenchana." I said. "Oh. I almost forgot. Heechul Hyung is looking for you." Jaejoong said. "Oh. Ne. I almost forgot. I have a tutorial with him today. Kamsahamnida for telling me. After the conversation with him I was blushing so badly. As I was going to Heechul Seonbaenim. Yes Seonbaenim since he's not that older to me. I bumped into something more like someone. And that someone is no other than my worst enemy Kyuhyun. "Watch where you're going head." I said. "Why do you always call me head?Do I look like one?" He said irritated. "Do I have to answer that question?Where have you been?" I asked. "Why are you asking me? It's none of your business." He said. "What if the vampires..specially soohyun came here and get me?" I said. He didn't answer back. We bickered alot that day. Aish this day is one of the annoying and boring day I had. When I arrived home Siwon oppa is not there. The maids said he had something to doin the company since eomma and appa are not here. So that means. I'm stuck at home with nothing to do. And worst I'm stuck at home with kyuhyun. Aish. We will just fight over things. Even small things he makes it a big deal. Aish. Why did  he have to be one of my guardians. Why can't it be Jaejoong oppa. I promise. I will never sneak out of him. "Yah!" I said to him. "Mwo?" He asked. "You're sitting on one of my project dumb ." I said. He didn't stand up. He even teased me. Like sitting on it with too much wait. If only we're allowed to kill. I swear to God he'll be the first. After a while of teasing each other and literally annoying each other we didn't notice Siwon oppa until he coughed. "Ehem." Siwon oppa said. "Oh. Oppa. Your home." I said running to him and giving him a peck on the cheek as usual. "Whw did you have to put Kyuhyun as my guardian for today? Did you know I almost died out of annoyance?" I said to him. "He didn't say anything and just raffled my hair. After that we had dinner. Off course only the three of us. "You know?you two look good together." Siwon oppa said. "Why don't you stop bickering and start becoming friends?Don't you think it would be better?" Siwon oppa said. "Andwae!!" We both said at the same time and glaring at each other.After hours of doing my homeworks and praticing for our quiz tomorrow I changed into my pj's and went to bed.


A/N: So what do you guys think of this chapter?Don't forget to subscribe and leave comments. Comments are highly appreciated. Oh. BTW what do you think about the poster?I 'm in love with it btw. 

Thanks to AnisSW for the wonderful poster..:D

If you like to request from her.. go here but she only do posters for selected kpop groups..^^


Thanks again for reading..:D Sorry if it's too short..D:

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[13 Guardians and 7 Vampires] there were like only teasers of kai back then. and when they debuted. I was like


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Dammit... Why are you making this hard for meeeeee?!? I love Kyuhyun then I love Soohyun!!! AHHHHHHH IM GOING CRAZY! *clicks Subscribe button*
waaaaa like it like it ^^
Super-KissMe #4
Awwwww! I really like it! <3
Im not that familiar with Suju so i have somewhat of a hard time
putting a face to a name =w=
Anyway. Love your story so far!
Makes me wonder what -amazing- ukiss did to get Sohee :o