i have my reasons

you belong with me

(~~~~'s POV)

here i am im once again locked up in my room 

L.joe broke up with me 5 days ago, i started avoiding him scince then here's how it happened


"lets stop this" l.joe said slowly letting go of my hand

"w-what?" i replied trying to see if i heard him right

"i sorry but i have to let you go" l.joe said as he walked away

"so.. its that easy for you?!?" i yelled, he stopped for a moment then looked back 

it started raining i saw him lokk back i cried  then ran away

*end of flashback*

so here i am watching sad movies and trying to get rid of him in my head

just then someone knocked on my door 

"who'd be knocking at 6 p.m.?"

i opened the door..... and saw him....


(l.joe's POV)

i went to ~~~~'s house and was going to tell her why i decided to break up with her

i slowly knocked on the door 

"l-l.joe...." she said as i saw how tears formed in her eyes 

"~~~, i have to tell you somehing" i said "can i come in?"

she wiped her tears away and led me inside just like before she lovingly prepared tea for me

i saw how she forced a smile then she sighed then said "what is it?"

"about our break up-"

"look, l.joe i realy dont awnt to talk about this" she cut me off

"i have to tell you why....i broke up with you because i dont want to be your boyfriend anymore" i explained 

but, then she said "duh.. isnt that always the reason?"

"no let me finish, i dont want to be your boyfriend anymore because....i want to be yours...........forever..." i finaly explained

she stared at me...


(~~~'s POV)


did he just propose to me??


"just say yes, i'll be the happiest guy on earth i promise i'll take care or you, i'll never cheat on you i just lone you ~~~~ i love you"

he did propose..... 

"i love you too and yes, i'd love to be mrs.Lee"

with those simple words he carried me then spun me around

his sweet lips met mine he slowly broke the kiss and said 

                                            "~~~~ i love you"

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nice story! ☻
Haha... What a weird way to propose!!! It doesn't make since to make someone cry for 5 days then propose.... But it was really cute!!!
Matocian #3
Aw, that was sweet. I might be a bit mad at him for not explaining everything at first, but waiting five days after. I was bawling for five straight days! D:
Gah! If my boyfriend ever pulled a stunt like this & dump me before proposing, I'd say "no" to prank him back!
*called (haha FAIL)
aww thanks i guess all of you are L.JJANGS hahaha i'll make more one shots and i have a story caled <MY LOVE> it's an L.joe fic and you!!!!~~~ please continue on supporting me thanks^^
Kyaaaa....one word: adorable!!!!! L.joe is so adorable...I thought her family members wanted l. Joe to stay away from her or something...
takemetokr #9
nice story:)