09.10 ` NCT Dream - We Go Up

Morning Haze || Songs Recommendation Thread

"Trying to fly a bit higher
Memories of the days that made me shine
Even when I lacked so much, it makes me more beautiful"

Mark's voice in the background throughout the song uwu. Chenle sings live pretty good imo he deserves more line :( + he's a lil cutie. 

Music Video

Lyrics Video

Live Performance

Dance Practice


I went to school today and I slept 80% when the teachers werent around. For once I played my phone not so secretly during classes (which is not allowed) and I'm not the type of person who breaks rules easilybut idek why I felt a bit.. weird lately. I used to be scared of breaking the rules and I'm pretty sure I still do but maybe I'm just going through puberty hmph

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