The First Life

Through Lifetimes



White. That's the first thing she could register.


The next was the sensation of something wet moving up and down the length of her back. A sudden breeze tickled her nose, as if inviting her into this unfamiliar world. And she opened her new eyes to welcome this world.


Unfortunately this world was not what it seemed to be. Chased out of the pack after her mother's death, she was left to fend for herself in this world. It wasn't hard to survive alone, she soon found out. She was large sized, bigger than most of her kind, sporting a sleek black coat of fur.  Other creatures are easily intimidated by big predators like her. The downside was that other creatures are easily intimidated by big predators like her, and more often than not, she was shunned.


She got her first taste of loneliness, a taste of what's to accompany her for a long, long time.


Well, not as long as she thought it would be.


One like her, although smaller, came along and just stuck to her. Curious little thing, really. She still remembers the first time the little one approached her.


She was prowling her territory like the countless times she did before, and decided to rest under a shady tree. And it came.


The creature came sniffing the air, tail swishing and drawing close to her. She made no effort to move from her comfy spot under the tree. After all, she mused, it can't hurt her. The smaller one plopped beside her soon after, snuggling into her side.


It didn't take long for the little one to follow wherever she goes.


It was like an unexplainable bond had formed between the two. They hunted together, rested together, basically they were inseparable. They were never apart, ever. If you saw one of them, it was very likely that you'll spot the other trailing behind.


Word traveled fast, and soon other predators knew to avoid the territory they owned - the duo was not to be messed with. Though the little one was smaller than her, she was by no means an easy prey. She was still larger and more competent in fighting than most of the predators. Together, they were easily a formidable and deadly opponent even for packs.


Survival aside, the little one brought about comfort, soothing the aching pain of loneliness deeply embedded in the beast.


Days were passed with the little one frolicking through long savannah reeds and her pouncing playfully on the smaller one from the hiding spot she secured amongst the reeds. The little one also introduced her to the joy of scaring innocent monkeys and chasing them up trees. It was undeniably fun, seeing the monkeys scramble up trees and pushing each other out of the way to save themselves.


Nights were spent having a race with the little one. Their black sheen fur easily blended them with the surroundings as they weaved in and out through trees, two figures chasing each other. During their races, she couldn't help but marvel the way the moonlight graced the little one's sleek fur. As a result, she often hung back behind the little one, silently observing the way the moonlight reflected off and shimmered on the charcoal black fur, creating mesmerising patterns on the smaller creature. Other times were spent with the little one atop her, purring softly and luring her to sleep under the twinkling night sky.


Their lives was peaceful, so to speak. Was. She first saw them when she was hunting down a deer and they were unlike anything she ever saw. Four limbs, but walked on two. The other two dangling uselessly off the ground. They resembled the monkeys she used to hunt for fun, just less furry and more dangerous, she soon found out. The talking sticks, she calls them. The long sticks that will talk loudly and kills everything in its way, no matter of distance. She saw her meal got taken down before her eyes and quickly ran off to the little one.


Their lives quickly turned upside down. Humans, she soon found out, were after creatures like them for some reason. Many times she was forced to flee with the little one to another area.


This time, was no exception. Except huge one. They had nowhere else to run to, a huge mountain wall in front of them blocking their way, and humans behind in hot pursuit.


It didn’t take long for the humans to completely surround them, talking sticks in hand. Stepping in front of the little one, she wanted nothing else than to protect her. She felt a threatening growl rumble from , successfully making some of the flinch slightly. She bared her teeth at them, hoping to scare them off like how she always did to the other creatures.


However, the rest of the humans were unfazed. Some even seemed amused. One particularly large human even had his lips twisted upwards, flashing his teeth at her, eyes filled with mirth at her reaction. Knowing there was no way out, she decided to launch a surprise attack on them, hopefully it would divert their attention onto her and allow the little one to escape.


Things do not always go your way, she realised that day.


The moment she pounced, the large human's stick spoke loudly. She instantly felt a piercing pain shooting through her body. Blood gushed out from a hole on her belly at an alarming rate, and she slumped to the ground. She heard a guttural roar sounding from behind her, a gush of air, the loud sounds of the sticks, and silence.


A body hit the ground with a thud.


She twisted her head to where the sound was. The once lively and glimmering eyes was now lifeless, on an unmoving bloodied body.


The deafening sound of the talking sticks filled her ears and pain once again surged through her body, bringing about an unfamiliar numbness.


White. That was the last thing she could register.


Cats have nine lives.


Who said she would be a cat the next time she sees the little one?


But before losing consciousness, she promised herself. She will find the little one again, no matter what she, or the little one becomes.


(a/n): Here's to all my thirsty Jensoo shippers!! my friend pointed how similar it was to a Wenrene fic and honestly I'm shook. Forgive me, for I am guilty for being too lazy to write another fic. There will be more development next time because they're panthers right now not really much to go on about. Hope yall liked it and have a great day!! -Yerisblondehair


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KittenThief #1
Chapter 2: Aww that's ty that your stories were reported :( I hope you can continue this when you can!
Another lifetime could be kid Jisoo getting in trouble and puppy Jennie playing with her? Idk something cute
Or witch Jisoo that tends to set on fire and forest fairy Jennie trying to protect her forest and Jisoo lmao
update please
Majopa22 #3
Chapter 2: Love the concept, and please give us more mermaid Jennie. Sadly i can't come up with any potential lifetimes...
kimjeji #4
Chapter 2: This is so cute.
jenxchu #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: I really like the concept, so fluffy. I wish the mermaid one would stay a little longer before the next reincarnation. For the next ones you could make them as animals again like 1 cat & 1 dog or any type of human, you know like one is older or they are just polar opposites personality/lifestyle wise or one is from the different gender and maybe ultimately (last reincarnation) both are girls, only 1 year apart (like in reality).
Chapter 2: “her little one” got me all combused :((( this is too cute to handle welp
a_taengsic_trash #7
Chapter 2: How about some fluff and some angst ....hahahahahaha (*cough cough*)
lamlamlu #8
Very interesting concept and great writing ! Can’t wait for the next update! And I’m quite upset about the story report thing and will you post them somewhere else? Please please please ? (Watering eyes
Chapter 2: They can be a elf or half human half cat ... U know with tail and fluffy ears hahaha maybe a mage
Or one a Noble and the other poor or member of those groups that hate the nobles
Some crappy ideas hahaha sorry
And I loved this chapter and marmalade jendeuk
Thanks for the update <3
Chapter 1: What?!!! Why they reported ur fics? And why they delete them :'(
I'm mad now with AFF
I love your fics
I will be waiting for your next update :')