
Lost In Your Light
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“Wheein, the popular singer known for songs such as Easy and Anymore, was attacked today by an obsessive fan after her performance at the Dream Concert.  According to reports from witnesses at the concert, the fan jumped over the barricade and proceeded to grab Wheein and try to drag her away before he was apprehended by one of the police officers on duty.  Wheein is reported to be shaken but was not hurt or injured by the incident…”


“Great, it’s all over the news.  They’re not going to shut up about this for a while.” Byulyi, one of Wheein’s managers said after turning off the TV.


“It’s okay Byul, we will take care of this.  The best thing is that nothing happened to Wheein.” The masculine voice made Byulyi turn to look towards the door of the conference room at their company.  He gave her a nod and walked over to Wheein who was sitting in the furthest chair at the end of the table.


“Wheein, how are you doing?” He asked his star singer, concern written all over his face.


“I’m okay.  It was scary and I was a bit shaken, but I’m okay.” Wheein responded making brief eye contact with the older man before looking back down at the table.


“Good, I’m glad you’re okay.  I’ve personally called SBS tomorrow to let them know you won’t be attending the filming for Inkigayo.  Take a few days off okay?” He placed a gentle hand on Wheein’s shoulder and she looked back up to him again.


“Thank you.” Her smile made him smile and she stood up to hug him.


“Alright, ladies, please get her home safely and make sure she eats.” He ordered the two managers and they both nodded as he made his way out of the conference room.


Wheein sighed in relief and appreciated her CEO’s decision to let her rest for a few days.  With all the promotions and schedules she was doing lately, it was hard to find time to even sleep.


“Byul...” Yongsun’s voice interrupted the calm silence in the van that Byulyi was driving to Wheein’s apartment.  Byulyi turned to look at the older woman for a second before looking back at the road in front of her.




Yongsun turned around to look at Wheein sitting in the back seat of the van and smiled at the cute sight of the young singer dozing off with her headphones snugly sitting around her ears.  “Wheein asked me something interesting after they had brought her back to our backstage room.”




“She’s curious about the cop who tackled the guy who grabbed her.  She wants to know who the ‘pretty officer with the red lipstick who saved her’ is.  I was wondering if you could put that nerdy side of yours to use and find out.” The blonde grinned.


“Nerdy side?  What the -” Byul frowned and Yongsun simply chuckled.


“You’re good at searching for stuff.  Come on, make Wheenie happy. She’s our baby.”









Byul unnie and Yong unnie, as Wheein affectionately called the two older women, had cooked her dinner, fed her cat Ggomo, and even tucked her into bed so that she could get proper rest before leaving her apartment.  They were the best managers and Wheein was glad to have them in her life.


She had dreamed of being a singer and performing on stage for thousands of fans despite her shyness since she was young girl.  She had come to Seoul from Jeonju, stayed with an aunt, and went to several auditions before RBW Entertainment saw potential in her and took her in as a trainee.  Wheein thought she would eventually debut with a group, but their CEO Kim Dohoon saw a star in her.


He told her he believed she could succeed as a solo singer because she had a voice that could fit any genre and was also a talented dancer who could captivate her audience.  It had been a struggle at first like any new artist faces, but after four years, Wheein had finally found her break. Thanks to collaborations and catchy singles, she was becoming one of the rising stars in the Korean music industry.


Thanks for her CEO, the company, her managers, and her family’s support, Wheein had found the confidence as a performer and singer to really shine.  Her popularity had increased so it wasn’t surprising that eventually obsessed fans would show themselves — this was something her CEO had warned her about many times.


“Meow…” The sound of her cat ju

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Hello everyone~ as you all probably know there is a lot of stuff going on related to Mamamoo and while I’m happy for the comeback, I’ve been mentally drained when it comes to writing. I’ve taken another break. It will be a while longer before I update again. I’m sorry.


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jennifertao #1
Chapter 4: The way Wheein acted in front of Hyejin is too cute. I know it's been a while since you updated this fic. it'll be super cool if you update more about this fic. Love all of your fics btw.
huijun #2
Chapter 4: uwuuu
Chapter 4: I hope you revisit this and update loving it so far
Chapter 4: I know you have a life and probably need time but I really love this story and hope you revisit it soon!
Oh boi this seems interesting ~
Chapter 4: Really anticipating this date! Hope you circle back to this story and wrap up
Chapter 3: Omg Hyejin is such an amazing cop ugh she is Wonder Woman for all of us! It’s amazing to see how you have her personality in here along with how she reacts towards her achievements. I like her humble factor (which I consider realistic with her). It makes me think to how hard cops/firemen and etc work to save people. It has to be exhausting and even worse if they can’t be saved, luckily the little girl is alright. After a long day at work she ran into the wonderful and beautiful Wheein. I can’t wait to see how their meeting goes!
Chapter 2: So far I'm loving this and it's nice to see little characteristics of everyone. Honestly cop/hero Hwasa is just goals and I'm loving the mention back to her lipstick. Looks like "nerdy" Byul was able to get info on Hwasa after all!
Chapter 4: Shy Wheein was so adorbale ^-^ I love the fluffy in this chapter xD

Wheesa is getting closer :3
vitawheeiny #10
Chapter 4: Omg its getting interesting. Im excited!!