Page 13

Destined to be Apart


"Oh damn it. What if she thought I was weird? Because I carry around this bear and this old lanyard?" Taemin asks himself, while on his bed. He stares at the ceiling. "Ugh, I am weird. I'm talking to myself." He mutters. "Dang, who the hell cares what that dumb girl thinks." He says and drifts off to sleep.


She wakes up and smells the yummy scent of bacon. First, she goes to the bathroom and does her business. She walks down the hallway to greet everyone. 

"Hey mom.." Her voice decrease at the end. She just now remembered her mom had passed away. "Bacon!" She says and tries to lighten up a bit. She doesn't want anyone to worry about her, now that her mom's gone, she can't depend on anyone else.

"My little angel!" He greets her with a smile. He opens his arms out wide and she runs towards them. "I hope you're in the mood for some bacon."

"Of course! Wow, I can't believe we're gonna live together now." She laughs.

"Just think of me as your brother." He smiles. She walks back to her room to find something nice to wear. 

"Since it's Autumn, I should wear.." She picks up a nice white lacy skirt, with a flowy light pink tank top. "Would it be cold?" She asks herself but shrugs it off. She goes to change and walks back to the kitchen, where bacon just finished setting everything up.

"Oh? Where are you going today, dressing up all fancy." He teases her. They both take a seat and start munching on their yummy American style breakfast.

"Hanging out with friends." She smiles. "Wanna join? You'd get along with them, plus, you're like my age too." 

"Nah, I'ma hang out with Kai today. To catch up, you know?"

"Ah alright. Don't hesitate to call me when your bored then." She says. He nods. 

Once they finish eating. They both help clean up the mess. Bacon says goodbye and walks out the door. Mina takes her phone, which was on the kitchen table and dials her best friends number.

"Mina!" She says once she picks up the phone. "I was just about to call you too."

"Really? I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?" She asks.

"Of course I do. That's why I was about to call. Duh." They both laugh.

"Jonghyun and Taemin are coming too. Is that okay?" Minhee asks.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"We'll pick you up in 10 okay?"

"Yeah." They hang up. Mina walks around finding something to do while waiting, but things starts filling up in her mind.

Mommy, why did you suddenly leave me? Alone? With nobody to be with? She breaks down into tears. She doesn't makes sound. Wiping her tears away, she hopes to stop crying before her friends arrive. And daddy? Where are you now? I miss you both so much. 

"Ugh!" She yells. "Stop thinking about nonsense." She washes her face in the bathroom. She checks her phone, which she has in her purse. 5 minutes left. Without think about how much time she has left, she takes her curling iron and start playing with her hair. "They'll probably be late anyways."  She gives her hair a cute wavy curls.

After curling she checks the time. As expected, 20 minutes have already passed. She sighs and walks to her door, trying to decide what to sandals to wear. She picks a cute sandal which has flowers on it. Suddenly, a loud honk scares her. She opens the door to see her friends. She smiles and walks to the car.  

"Hey." They all greet her. She sits down beside Taemin, who awkwardly gives her a smile. God damn it Taemin, how awkward can you get? Ah, just make fun of her, and it'll go away. He stupidly thinks to himself.

"What are you? Stupid? You know you'll catch a cold if you wear things like that?" Taemin says like a smartass. She glares at him, while the two up in front giggles.

"Shut up, I'll wear what I want alright?" She says and cross her arms.

"I'm just warning you, sheesh." He rolls his eye. Oh look what you did Taemin, she's mad now. Damn it, why do you even care? He asks himself. After a few seconds his phone vibrates. It's Sulli. 

He opens up the text with a smile on his face.

To: Taeminnie.

Sorry baby, I can't hang out today. My mom's making me go to work with her for some reason.

From: Sulli <3

His smile turns into a frown. 

To: Sulli <3

Can't you get out of it? For me?

From: Taeminnie

It takes Sulli about 5 minutes to text back.

To: Taeminnie

Sorry baby, I can't. If I don't stay with her, she might ground me. That's worse D:

From: Sulli <3

He let's out a deep sigh.

To: Sulli <3

I guess.

From: Taeminnie

He puts aways his cell phone into his pocket and rests on his hand. 

"Sulli can't come." He frowns. After hearing his words, the others hide their huge smiles. 

"Aw, that's too bad." Minhee says. "So where are we going?" She changes the subject and asks Jonghyun. Taemin let's out a depressing sigh. 

"Aw come on, don't be like that." Mina smiles and touches Taemin's shoulder. She feels like she should comfort Taemin, since he tried his best last time to comfort her. 

"I guess.." He sighs again.

"We're going-" He pauses, to make what he's going to say next, sound awesome. "To the movies!" He finishes.

"Are you serious?" Minhee says. She was expecting to go somewhere better and exciting.

"Yup!" He grins like a dork.

"You dork."

"What are we watching?" Mina asks.

"Anything you guys want." Jonghyun answers. "We'll be there for the whole day, and after, we'll go get something to eat. Does that sound okay?" He tells everyone what he planned.

"Sounds good enough." Minhee answers. Mina nods when Jonghyun looks at her through the car mirror, he then looks at Taemin. Taemin gives Jonghyun a little nod also. He tries to push Sulli out of his mind and have fun.

They reach the movie theater. Jonghyun and Minhee both volunteers to buy the food, leaving Taemin and Mina alone. They awkwardly stand next to each other, looking around, af if their surrounding are so amazing and interesting to stare at.

"Soo.." Mina starts.

"The line looks pretty long." He points to the line Jonghyun and Minhee are in. "Good thing we're not in it." He says in a happy tone.

"You're so lazy." She rolls his eyes. He gives her a I-don't-care smirk. "How long do you think it'll take them?" She asks.

"Probably.. 10 minutes? Who knew so many people would come to the movies today." He shrugs. Mina suggests they go sit on a bench to wait for Jonghyun and Minhee. They didn't go in the theater room yet because one: the movie might still be playing, and two: it'll be boring if both of them go in first, not to mention awkward, since it'll only be them two.

"Oh! Hey." Mina says when she finally thought of something. The bear and the lanyard suddenly popped up in her mind. 


"About the lanyard." She nervously says. He widen his eyes. Ah , she's bringing it up. I'm not weird, okay?! He wishes he could say those words in real life. "And the bear.. Where did you get it?"

"Oh well." He says a bit uncomfortable. "WHOA, hey." He looks at this big rectangular box thing. "Let's go in there! I've always wanted to go, but didn't really have a chance." He grabs her wrist and pulls her to a photo booth.

"You-you wanna take pictures with me?" She stutters. She would've never thought he would wanna take pictures. Especially with her, since they barely know each other.

"Yeah, why not? It could be our memory. Of going to the movies and-" He pauses, wondering if he should say the last part or not. He says it anyways. "The start of our new friendship?" He says slowly like a question.

"Ah, sure." She nods and gives him a weird look. She totally forgets about the bear thing.

"Ready?" He says. She nods. He puts in a few coins in the slot and they start taking pictures.

One is of them both smiling.

Second one is Taemin sticking his tongue out winking, with a peace sign. Which is suppose to be a funny face. Mina, shows her teeth, with the corner of her lips up a bit.

The other one is of Mina scrunching up her face with Taemin trying to kiss her cheek.

The last one is of Mina making a gun with her hand and pointing at Taemin, who's pouting.

They both finish taking pictures. Taemin touches the screen, so that it'll know to print two copies. They walk out the booth and wait for the pictures to print. Taemin takes both copies and then gives one to Mina. She looks at them and smiles.

"How come you didn't take pictures with your girlfriend?" She asks him, while they walk back to the bench. She puts it up in her purse, while he sticks it in his wallet. He shrugs at her question.

"Never had anytime. We don't do much.


"Taemin! Mina!" Minhee shouts across the theater. "Come on, the movies about to start."

"Shut up will you? You have the biggest mouth." Mina smiles and runs to her best friend. The two of them walk about together with their arms linked together. Taemin just walks slowly towards Jonghyun, who has a displeased look on him because Taemin walks so slow.

"It's about time you walked here." Jonghyun says. They walk to their movie room. "What did you and Mina do?" Jonghyun asks curiously. "I looked back and didn't see you guys."

"Oh. We took photos in that photo booth they have." Taemin simply answers.

"Can I see them?"

"Sure." He takes the picture out and hands Jonghyun the long strand of four pictures.

"You guys look so cute." He comments. "If I didn't know you, I would've thought you both were a couple." He laughs and hands it back to Taemin. He puts it back in his wallet.

"Yeah right. Like I would ever go out with her."

"What wrong with her?" Jonghyun asks. Nothing. Absolutely nothing's wrong with her.

"Everything. She eats like a pig." He answers. "I watched her eat cake and she just stuffs it all in . Like a pig." He isn't actually lying. 

"You're unbelievable Taemin." Jonghyun laughs. "Hey, can you find them?" He asks Taemin when they walk up the stair of the movie room. 

"They're over there." he points to the second row from the top. Jonghyun in-between Minhee and Mina. Taemin sits next to Mina and this weird guy. "Wanna trade spots?" Taemin whispers to Mina. She gives him a weird look.

"Why?" She whispers back. He hides the fact that he's pointing to the guy, but he only shows Mina that he's pointing. "What's wrong with him?"

"He.. Smells." He whispers back, disgusted. Mina holds in her laughter, only a few escape . 

"No." She shakes her head. "You can move over there if you want." She points to the empty seat next to Minhee.

"But, I'm too lazy." He sighs and pouts, hoping she'll give in.

"Oh no. That ugly face won't work." She cross her arms and turns to look at the t.v.

"You must be blind, because I bet you I'm the best looking person in this room." He points to everyone including the guy sitting next to him. Mina laughs.

"He might see." She hits his arm.  

"Shut up. The movie's starting." Taemin says. She widen her eyes, while he hides his smile. 

The beginning of the movie's quite boring. Mina yawns and leans on Jonghyun's shoulder, playing with her hair. Shouldn't have chosen a romantic comedy. It's not even funny yet. She sighs. Suddenly, something hits her on her cheek. She gets up from Jonghyun's shoulder, looks over at Taemin and tilts her head.

"Did you just-" She gets cut off by Taemin.

"SHH." He puts his finger to his lips, looking like he's really paying attention to the movie. She raises and eyebrow, she's confused. She looks down at her lap to see popcorn on her. So that's what hit me. 

Again, the same thing happens. Popcorn hits her left cheek. She turns over to look at Taemin, but he looks like he's busy watching this boring movie. She turns back to see other people watch too. Who the hell hit me. She wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings, so she didn't know who hit her. She sighs and tries to watch.

The same thing happens, and she's sure it's all Taemin.

"Are you throwing popcorn-" She stops talking once Taemin takes a handful of popcorn and stuffs it in .

"How many times do I have to tell you to shut up?" He whispers, and smiles to himself.


Guise, this isn't even going with the plot. I apologize.

@hiddenbeauty: AWW YOU'RE TOO KIND(: Hahah. OH! I wasn't even thinking that, maybe I should use your idea.. Or not, since now you'll know what happens ;D Hehhe.

@emrd15: Hehe yeah, sorry about that): YOU HAVE 3 HOT GUYS <33 Must be lucky huh? AWW okay. I'll make sure to have no more bad scenes! You take care too! 

@taemintwatsonmilk: WOOOOOT. I thought I was the only one that didn't ship them. Who knows? Let's ask Taemin! LOLOLLOOL. Don't break the computer; you won't beagle to read what's next. AWW really? Is my story that nice? Haha.

@Foreverhappystar: AW. That means sooooo much. Thank you! Hahha I don't like Sulli either(: I saw that you read my other fanfic :D YAY THANK YOU. Hehhe.

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It's been a whilesine you updated TT^TT
Sigh~ I'll be waiting for your comeback author-nim :3 (And two teenagers living together but aside from that *coughohyessscough*
<3 i was a loyal reader since ....i think chapter 6? xD don't remember o.o Me and this story gone a long way *nods*
MEMORIES /overdramatic/
Update soooonnnnnnnn~ (or now, whichever you chose <3) <3
enkhriimaa #2
Does Mina have sone kind of illness? No right author? She is not sick at all! Yeah i am going to belive that she really choked on air! Update soon
Taeminnie is a 5 year old stuck in a 17 year old body <3
That's what we love about him ^w^
You troll -_- LOOL.
They are living together. WHEEE~ *dances*
Mina and Taemin are living together!!!
Oh yeah
and Baekhyun XD

faLLenAnddro #4
update soon :))
enkhriimaa #5
Aaw so Mina will live with Taemin AND Bakon? Something will defenately happen haha. Am i going to see jealous Taemin?
loooool xD everyone is shippable(?) in exo xD, and it's okay if you can't make baekkai, I'm not forcing you xD it was just an idea(: ...and I totally love taemin>< I was like: okay, now I like Kai, though a bit Taemin, but definitely Kai...then I saw the pic and I was like: O.O my life TT~TT I HATE YOU!!! I had already settled my list >< ..
he just ruined everything. PUF! just like that...
LOOOOL xD that's my daily life with exo, shinee and super junior ><..please update soon:D:D!! ...and is it really Taemin whom I'm staying with?? OOOOOOHHHHH YESSSS~ lol, annyeong! take care! ppyong~
I bet living at ice cream street is fun -0^