5 a.m. Adventure

5 a.m. Adventures

The entire house was pitch black. Jimin's room felt oddly large, the way it didn't during the day when it was filled with sunlight.

He was tossing and turning in his bed, unable to decide whether he was hot or cold.

It was the night before their holiday together and Jimin couldn't sleep. He knew he'd be dead the next day on the plane, but at the moment he felt extremely awake.

Around 4 am he decided that clearly he wasn't going to sleep that night so he stood from his bed and put on fuzzy socks to keep his sneaking inaudible. He didn't want to wake the others.

His arms shook as he opened and closed the door as quietly as possible. He slid across the floor towards the stairs and clung onto the railing while slowly making his way down. He felt a bit safer downstairs as any noise would hardly reach the other’s rooms from there.

Maybe he’d make breakfast for the others, to surprise them when they wake up in a few hours for their early flight. He slowly made his way into the kitchen and nearly screeched at the top of his lungs when he flicked the light on.

Namjoon was there, sitting on the table and eating noodles. He was just as surprised as Jimin, frozen with his chopsticks halfway to his mouth. The way he jolted some of the hot soup got out and onto his pyjamas and his eyes widened slowly. His mouth opened in a silent scream and he put the bowl down.

“, , I’m sorry—“ Jimin was saying, rushing over but he wasn’t sure what to do to help.

Namjoon shook his head and slid his shirt off so the warm soaked cotton wouldn’t be close to his skin anymore. “I’m fine, I’m fine...” He straightened up, letting out a sigh. “What the hell are you doing here? You should be asleep!”

Jimin shrugged one shoulder. “I can’t.” He hopped onto the table beside Namjoon.

“Me neither,” he said.

They sat in silence for a little while.

“Who cares? We’ll sleep on the plan!” Jimin said, stretching.

“Yeah. And in the hotel when we get there. It’s our vacation, no one can stop us,” Namjoon added, a smile tugging on his lips.

“We can have as messed up of a sleep schedule as we want,” Jimin said with a grin.

It did sound liberating. Imagine that – you can’t sleep but you know that it’s alright because you have no early schedule tomorrow. You know you’ll be able to sleep in without having to keep yourself at a shooting or a dance practice or at the studio.

“Right? I mean, that’s why I’m here. I thought, why stay in bed trying to fall asleep when there’s no use trying.” He paused and picked up his bowl again. “Honestly? I’m just way too excited.”

Jimin smiled and nodded in agreement. “Me too.” He leaned in and parted his lips, letting Namjoon feed him some noodles.

When he was done munching on that bite, he said, “I thought about making breakfast. The others will be so surprised.”

Namjoon nodded, supporting the idea. “Oh – but won’t that make too much noise? Maybe we should go out and buy something.”

Jimin scrunched up his nose in thought. “Only convenience stores will be open at this hour.”

“Some fast food places do delivery 24 hours a day,” Namjoon noted.

Jimin tilted his head, swinging his legs. “Let’s go out and see what we can find.”


It was the oddest time to be outside. The sky was a dark purple, not quite near sunrise yet, but definitely on its way. The stars were still visible, softly blinking above their heads. The moon was bright, illuminating their way along with the white hue of the street lamps.

Both Namjoon and Jimin stayed in their pyjamas with only a hoodie over. It was a hot summer, it was only a bit chillier during the night than during the day.

They first had to find a store that was open. They’d decided to cook in the end, but something simple. Perhaps even something microwavable. That’s why they roamed around the near empty store.

The cashier was exhausted, following them with her gaze as if they were going to shoplift. You couldn’t blame her – two giggling boys in an empty convenience store acting as if everything is the funniest thing they’ve ever seen, unable to agree on what they’d need for the breakfast they were going to make.

“Gummy bears?” Namjoon raised his eyebrows, trying not to burst out laughing.

Jimin bounced a little, “I love gummies and so do Tae, Kookie and Hobi-hyung!”

“But we said we’d make breakfast, we don’t need snacks!”

Jimin whined and stomped his foot.

“Put it back.”

“You’re no fun,” the younger complained and reluctantly put the package back.

Namjoon wrapped his arms around Jimin’s waist and lifted him up, carrying him away from the isle with sweets. “We’ll get gummies on the airport.”

Jimin’s smile easily returned upon hearing that and he pecked Namjoon’s cheek. “Best hyung!”

Namjoon chuckled and placed him down. “Liar. You say that to everyone who buys you candy.”

Jimin shrugged innocently.

They paid and left the tired cashier alone in the store. When they went out again the sky was a dirty rosy colour, the stars were starting to fade. The moon remained, but only its shape and not the light.

Hand in hand the two made their way back to the house. They remembered then that they’d have to be quiet because everyone else was asleep.

They’d just come back from the empty and dimly illuminated streets where they’d sang freely because there had been no one to tell them to keep it down.

The city in the early hours was something else and Jimin loved it. It wasn’t something he’d like to do too often because it would lose all meaning, but he would cherish this little walk he’d taken with Namjoon.

They even had a few pictures of each other that might end up on twitter for armys to appreciate. They were all of them both laughing, at some point Jimin had fallen over and Namjoon had taken a picture of him sprawled out on the warm concrete. He couldn’t remember why he’d been laughing or why he’d thought it would be a good idea to lie down – it just seemed like the right thing to do at the moment.

After all that, keeping quiet around the house was a challenge. They were giggling and pushing each other while trying to make the food edible.

Namjoon was a cheat, though. He only helped when Jimin told him to with the things Jimin told him to. The remaining portion of time he spent with his arms around Jimin’s waist, standing behind him and distracting him with kisses.

“Stop that,” Jimin had tried. “I need to concentrate!”

“Don’t mind me,” Namjoon had whispered. He didn’t let go even as Jimin tried to wiggle out of his grip. Eventually he gave up and let Namjoon press kisses down his neck.

Eventually the noise of making food and them having fun had to wake the others up. Their alarms were set to go off soon anyway.

Thankfully when they did wake up, the food was on the table already. Jimin was sat on the counter, Namjoon was standing before him with his hands on Jimin’s thighs. The kiss was lazy, lips moving slowly. They were in no rush, they could keep at it for hours.

It was Yoongi’s voice that shook them out of their daze.

“I’m going back to sleep,” the elder said. His hair was ruffled, his pyjama top had slipped off his shoulder. He was dragging one of the small pillows he slept with behind himself.

Apparently he’d walked in on the two making out lovingly and decided that he didn’t want to watch that early in the morning.

Jimin and Namjoon just laughed and embraced each other.

On his way out of the kitchen, Yoongi bumped into Seokjin.

“Did someone really make breakfast? Was it a friendly ghost?” Jin asked, hugging Yoongi along with his pillow.

“It may have been the two es, but I think they were too busy snogging,” Yoongi mumbled through a yawn.

“Which two es?” Jin asked and leaned into the kitchen to squint at the pair who was still hugging on the counter. “Oooh. So it was a ghost.”

“It was us!” Namjoon protested with a small frown. His cheek was smushed against the top of Jimin’s head as he rested on Namjoon’s chest.

“Where are Kook, Tae and Hobi?” Jimin perked up.

“They’re still asleep. Jungkook is lying down on top of them both. They’re gross,” Yoongi said with a grimace.

“But you sleep like that too,” Jin reminded him and poked his cheek.

Yoongi pouted but didn’t try to deny the statement.

“Wake them up so we can eat,” Namjoon said and picked Jimin up off the counter. “We don’t wanna miss our flight.”

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Chapter 1: Omggggg ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ this is adorable, they're so cute ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ but yoongi tho lol, that was hilarious XD, love this ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ
Chapter 1: gosh !Yoonjin at the end...soooooooo cuteeeeee <333 and Rapmin were so adorable together. I love to walk in the morning , like really early in the morning because its so cool and refreshing !!