We Only Have One Heart


so here is the summary i decided to type of for this story. along with warnings


If you thought college was about parties and seeing who to get hooked up with this weekends parties... You thought wrong. Not everyone has college experiences like this. Some actually have to go to a therapist to just be able to survive college. You thought that getting piss drunk in your friend’s apartment with people you trusted. Hooo boy... You were wrong. And this is how you will learn that not everything is as great as parties and supposed best friends are. This is the story of how Song HoSook was scared to love for she only had one heart, she knew how to love hard. She didn’t want to have regrets in love and relationships. And she thought she could trust her childhood friend, who in the end broke her trust and used her. I hope you are here for the long run because trust me there may LOTS of angst but there will be a happy ending. So here we go....


Warnings: Self-Harm, Depression, talk of suicide, starvation, mentions of


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