The Beginning

Muster up Courage

My name is Kwon Bo-ra and I’m in love with him. Well, it’s more of a one sided love because he simply doesn’t know I exist. His name is Jung Yong Hwa. One major issue about Jung Yong Hwa is that he’s a kingka. Hoards of girls swarm over him like bees and honey. He receives love letters daily, and once I saw him dump them all in the trash.

The thing about Jung Yong Hwa and how I fell in love with him started off during my first year of high school. During that time, he wasn’t as popular as he is now. He had bedhead that covered most of his eyes. He never really made eye contact with anyone, nor did he have friends. Back then, I wasn’t that great myself either. I looked like a complete nerd with braces and dorky thick framed glasses. I was such a nerd that I was bullied by other girls. It was during that one time afterschool that I was being picked at again, and also the first time I ever heard Jung Yong Hwa speak.

“What do you think you’re doing?” It came out a bit raspy. The girls looked at him and sneered.

“None of your business. You better leave unless you want to be part of the beating as well.”

I cringed in fear as I saw the girl raise her hand to hit me. The next thing I knew when I opened my eyes was that he had blocked her punch.

“I don’t hit girls, so you better leave before someone gets hurt.” He says in a low, but threatening tone. The girls, finally sensing fear, backed away.

“Y-yah don’t think that this is over! Because it’s not!” With that they departed, each of them purposely bumping into his shoulder, but he stood firm.

After they left, he turned around to leave as well. “h-hey!” I yelled as I tried to get up, but instead yelped in pain.

The next thing I knew, he was giving me a piggy back ride home. The time home seemed way too fast, and I wished it could have been a bit longer as he lightly put me down in front of my house.

“Thank you, for saving me today. What’s your name?”

“Jung Yong Hwa.” And with that, he turned around and left. That was the last time I ever saw him.



so this is the intro to how they met. please note that i have not edited this, so please forgive me for any errors!

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LoveYou12345678 #1
we're in bruuuuh this was really goood i keeent