Come On Cap!

Shy Boy


SangHee was laying down in her big bed, most of her body was covered by the comforter and she had snuggled her face into the pillow. She sighed and yawned as she woke up but didn't have strenght enough to sit up or even open an eye. She felt how a pair of arms encircled her waist from behind and how a face buried itself into her neck. She smiled slightly before she giggled when she felt a pair of soft lips kiss her neck.

"Stop it!" she said as she tried to escape his grasp of her. But he just held her tighter against his chest.

"Why?" he asked into her neck and she felt him smile.

"It tickles!" she said and slowly sat up and looked at her boyfriend who was still lying on the bed.

She moved his fringe out of his face and smiled at him. He smiled back at her with that amazing smile that had gotten her head over heels for him. She stood up and walked out of the bedroom and continued into the kitchen, wearing only and one of Cap's t-shirts. 

Cap came walking into the kitchen in only wearing briefs and smiled cheekly while leaning against the doorway. 

SangHee smiled and walked up to him and kissed him once and then she walked into the bathroom to take a shower


SangHee was sitting on the couch in the livingroom watching the series Boys Over Flowers and slightly crying at some parts. She was waiting for her lovely boyfriend to come home, but today he was later than usual. And by usual I mean 11 pm, since they weren't really promoting right now. And now it was already past 2 am and SangHee didn't want to go to bed before her Cap came home. She yawned once again and stood up. Now she was really tired and was going to bed, even if Cap wasn't home yet.

Just as she had turned of the TV and stood up she heard the lock of the door make a 'click' sound and the door opened and Cap came in. 

Cap looked up and found SangHee still awake.

"You're awake" he said as he slid his shoes of and hung his jacket on the rack and walked over to SangHee.

"Neh... I was just about to go to bed" she said sleepily and hugged him. Cap smiled slightly and kissed her head.


It was sunday and SangHee was sitting in the couch in her livingroom, watching Cap pace the room. 

"Could you just stand still and tell me what's bothering you?!" SangHee yelled at Cap and grabbed his shoulders. 

"Just... Just don't watch Star Dance Battle tonight, please?" Cap asked. 

It was like asking for the impossible, like asking Voldemort not to kill Harry. Star Dance Battle was SangHee's favourite program and Cap knew that.

"Why?" SangHee asked and looked at him.

"Just don't, okay? I'll be sleeping at the dorm tonight" he said and kissed her shortly on the lips before he left.

"Nice to know where he's going..." she said and plopped down on the couch. The clock was barelay 4 pm and she had nothing to do. She laid in the couch and watched the ceiling before she stood up and cooked some food for herself.


SangHee had seated herself on the floor infront of the TV, watching even thou Cap had told her not to.

She ate some snacks while watching and then she saw that it was TeenTop who would be performing. 

"Why can't I watch this, he is on it so why not?" she asked herself, out loud and continued watching. 

The dance started out really well and she suddenly stopped when she heard the song start to change, and saw just the crowd now.

"WHAT? WHAT HAPPENED?!" she yelled at the TV. The next second she laughed out loud.

"PHUHUHAHAHAHA!" She burst out laughing and fell over on the floor. She was now watching her boyfriend, in white jeans and a light blue girls shirt.

She watched the dance while laughing and could see how unhappy Cap was about the situation he was put in. 

"He will so not forget this!" she laughed and soon started coughing of the laughing.


Cap was still not home on monday as SangHee got home from school so she decided to give him a surprise visit at the training studio. She walked into TOPentertainment's building and smiled at the girl in the reception. 

The girl recognized SangHee and told her that TeenTop should be in practice room B4. SangHee thanked her and continued her way to the practice room. She looked into the room through the glass door and smiled as she saw the boys dancing to their song Supa Luv. 

SangHee waited until the music stopped and the boys stopped before she walked into the room.

The six boys turned and looked at her.

"SangHee Noona!" Ricky yelled and ran to her.

"Hi Ricky" she said smiling and hugged him. She said hi to the others and walked over to Cap who was fidgeting where he stood, hoping that SangHee had done what he had told her yesterday.

"Hello my Shy Boy" she said and kissed him on the lips before she giggled at his expression.

"Grrrh...." she heard him make a noise in the back of his throat as he was blushing madly and turned away from her.

"Aww... come on" she purred and hugged him from behind. The rest of TeenTop just smiled with Ricky whining about how he would want a girlfriend like that.

"Are you guys done practicing?" SangHee asked and looked at L.Joe.

"Yeah, you can take Cap if you want to" he said with a snicker and the others laughed slightly. Except Cap.

"Come on" SangHee said and started pulling Cap toward the exit. She threw him his jacket and they walked home.


At home, Cap was still angry.

"Oh, come on Cap..."

Cap just stayed silent, not looking at her while sitting in the couch.

"Cap~ You know I don't like the cold shoulder treatment!" she whined and sat down beside him.

"I told you not to watch it and you still did." He told her and looked at her.

"Oh come on... You know I love that show" she said and grasped his arm.

"Couldn't you just listen to me once?" he asked. "I've never asked you anything before" 

"But Cap-"

"SangHee, I'm not in the mood for talking about that"


"No, I don't want to."


"I said no, SangHee. I'm dissapointed in you. I thought you would do like I said. And to make matters worse, you embarassed me infront of the other guys. I didn't think that about you"


"No!" Cap yelled and started to walk out of the livingroom.

"BANG MINSOO!" SangHee yelled, when Cap wouldn't listen to her.

He stopped where he was, when SangHee called him by his full name he knew she was angry.

"Bang Minsoo, stop thing nonsense. Why would you ask not to watch a show where you would appear, shouldn't I, as your girlfriend, watch your shows? And I was just teasing you at the practice room. I love you, I knew how sensitive you'd be about the situation but I can't say that I regret what I did." SangHee said and looked at Cap's back side. He turned and looked at her. He walked up to her in a flash and she was pushed to the wall.

SangHee was slightly shocked about what Cap was doing, he had never done this before. 

He had his face just an inch from her face.

"Do you know how y you sound when you're angry?" he said and her neck with his hand while looking her in the eyes.

"It turns me on so bad" he said as he pulled her to him by the waist. SangHee recovered from the shock and smiled slightly.

"Oh, really? Want me to cure it?" she asked.

"Please do" he answered and SangHee pulled him into a kiss.

She continued kissing Cap as she pulled him by the collar of his shirt towards the bedroom.

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Nice fic. CAP's face in the video. xD He looked like he really didn't want to do it.
MawSweetAngel #2
Woah cool xD Great Job I watch the Vid and cant stop laughing now :DDD
Wow!! for one page that was pretty good
mysoulisstarving #4
omg, CAP is SO hot when he's mad, kekeke
Woah!!! Nice one-shot I enjoyed!!!
lol xD