About the Character 2

Who am I?

My imperfected features

Cold air hits my skin, and dim light in the room has shown how dark it is to be alone,

As the mirror shows image, such features that should be disappeared in an instance,

Soft whisper of the wind through the window is all i hear, but thoughts on my head had brought me to tears,

I've come to such realization at the second i took a quick glance of my reflection,

I've concluded that i'm a imperfection.

Looking at the others, what i always think,

That others are beautiful and pretty while i'm a freak,

Filled with fats and red spots can be easily seen to me,

It makes me feel like ugly black sheep in the mid of a hurtle of clear white sheep,

Feeling like an alien that no one wants to be a friend.

As i did an absurb action, blood has spillled through,

As i taste my own red liquid, i've learned lessons, which i realized are true,

The powerful created no perfect person,

But somehow you can be one if it's your decision,

You don't need any material to show that you are perfect,

As long as you are happy in your life and you're contented.


"I'm the one I should love in this world
The shining me, the precious soul of mine
I realize only now, 
Though I'm not perfect, I'm so beautiful" -jin (epiphany,LY 'answer',2018)

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