
The Red Door

Joohyun didn't know how she ended up getting lost in such an easy route. The GPS had told her to keep walking straight so she could get to the music store she had been looking for, but now her phone ran out of power and she was left alone for her own luck. 

'What now?' Joohyun began to think to herself, almost mumbling outloud her own thoughts. 'Should I go back? Should I ask someone?'

Her mind began to race the things people told her when she announced her friends and her family that she was going to use her year off to travel the world.

"Joohyun, do you even know how to speak in English? Like, having a real conversation?"

"It's not like I don't trust you going on your own. It's just that I think you are really clumpsy and naive. What if someone steals you your stuff? How will you handle all that?"

There was no doubt that she was starting to feel more anxious as time went by. 'Maybe waving for a taxi would be a good idea' she considered. 'What was the name of my hotel?'

She took her wallet out of her purse and she searched madly for her hotel card. Just by the time she opened it an image of her hotel card being left on top of the bedside table flashed in her mind. She considered hitting herself on the face but she didn't want people around her to think that she was crazy. She put the wallet back to her purse and she tried for the nth time to switch her phone on. She failed, obviously. The device would show her a sign of an empty battery that seemed to be fooling her. 

Deciding that staying still in the middle of the street wasn't the safest way to stay, she decided that she would look for a cafeteria nearby and she would ask someone for a phone charger. Maybe in some place like an Starbucks they would have something like that, she figured. It seemed to click in her mind. Looking for a Starbucks in New York shouldn't be hard, right?

Unless you had Joohyun's natural compass. Saying that she got lost easily was yet an understatement. It was more accurate to say that the city streets got tangled around her in a knot she couldn't figure out how to break, because Joohyun would never admit that she got lost that easily.

With all her senses searching for a Starbucks, she forgot to pay attention to the people around her and she bumped into different random people. She managed to say "Sorry" in perfect English the first times, but she soon started to simply say it in Korean, concentrated as she was in her research. 

The nth time she bumped into someone though, it hit both of them hard in the head. She apologized three times in Korean before changing into English, but the blonde girl hadn't said anything yet.

"Are you okay?" this girl asked, holding her head with her hand. 

"Yes, I'm fine. What about you?" Joohyun answered, not realizing that they were both speaking in korean.

When the girl looked up at her, she was ashtonished. It was probably one of the most beautiful girls she had seen ever since she left korea, and she would bet that the girl wasn't wearing any make up at all! She was starstruck somehow, trying to process what she was seeing, but the girl had already said something and she hadn't paid attention. She watched as the girl was about to leave by her side and she panicked.

"Wait! I'm lost!"

The girl opened her eyes so much that Joohyun almost saw an exclamation mark next to her face. It would have made her chuckle in any other situation, but being worried as she was, she just wanted to make this girl stay as much as she could - the only girl she had heard speaking in Korean ever since she left for her trip.

"Oh my, how may I help?" she asked with such a gentleness that she instantly became fond of this stranger.

"I don't know" she uttered before thinking. "But I need help, surely."

The girl looked a little bit confused but she chuckled and took her phone out.

"Okay then, wait a second I will tell my friends that I will be late for the rehealsal" she showed her index finger, trying to get the other girl to wait a little. She texted quickly and Joohyun, though she shouldn't look at stranger's phones, saw that she had written in korean as well. She smiled at the idea of having someone help her (in her own language!!!) for the first time in a long while. 

"So well, where were you heading?" the blonde asked, putting her phone back to her front pocket. 

"I was going to a music store near here... I think. Maybe it's not so near now" she began to hesitate. She got on her tiptoes and looked around. "Surely it's not near anymore."

The blonde thought about it for a couple of seconds and snapped her fingers. "You mean Space Jam?" 

Joohyun almost jumped out of excitement. "Yes! That one!" 

"It's not far away from where I'm going, I will walk you there" she suggested, but she began to doubt herself. "Only if you want, sure. I'm not going to pressure you."

"No, no, it's no pressure! It would be amazing. Thank you, you are so nice!" she exclaimed as she bowed at her. The girl laughed and bowed back at her.

"It's nothing, really. It's always nice to help" she said, motioning Joohyun to stay by her side as they started to walk in the right direction. "My name is Seungwan by the way, but most people here call me Wendy."

"Oh, Wendy" she repeated her name, trying to get used to it, as it sounded new to her. She then realized that the blonde was looking at her, expecting to say something else. Joohyun blinked once, then twice, and then the slow rabbit snapped into reality. "Ah! My name is Joohyun."

"Joohyun, right?" she made sure she got the pronunciation right and smiled brightly. "It's nice to meet you Joohyun. So, why were you heading to Space Jam?"

She thought about telling her the short story, but she felt like lying if she didn't explain the full story.

"I had a melody in my mind" she started, and Wendy nodded at her, knowing the feeling. "And I'm not exactly a pro when it comes to music, but I wanted to find a way to play that song somewhere. I watched someone on Youtube who said that you could learn to play the ukulele in just one afternoon, so I decided to give it a try."

"You are not usualy into music but you want to write a song?" she looked at her with something Joohyun couldn't point out. She merely nodded in answer. "Wow, that's something to admire."

"You think so? I thought it was something stupid, specially after I got so lost." 

"Of course I think so! It's unusual to find someone willing to do something so awesome as writing a song, Joohyun" she smiled so brightly that Joohyun thought she could get blind and not even bother, because the last image in her mind was so beautiful that she wouldn't mind not even for a second.

"You seem so into music yourself" she commented, recalling that the girl had said something about a rehearsal. But then she got insecure, what if she was an actress and she was going to her play rehearsal? Before she began to panic again, Wendy grinned.

"Well yes, Ms Joohyun!" she exclaimed in English, and Joohyun couldn't help but laugh. "I have a band."

"A band? Here, in New York?"

"Yeah, where else?" she chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "We are all from Korea but we ended here just casually." 

"And why's that?" she made yet another question and she realized that maybe she was asking too much, so she made herself clear. "You don't have to answer me if you don't want to-"

"No, no, don't worry Joohyun, it's no bother" she shook her head. "Well, let's say that we almost made a deal with a Korean recording."

"Oh my god, did you? Which one?"

Seungwan was a little bit shy. She looked like she didn't talk about this often, but judging by the brightness of her eyes, Joohyun knew that there was a lot of passion and love towards her music. However that glint in her eyes hid some bitterness towards something in her past.

"FNC Entertainment. You may know it for being the same agency as F.T. ISLAND, CNBLUE and AOA" Joohyun nodded in answer. "We were going to be some kind of band formed by AOA's Choa for a reality show in Korea. But well, it was all fake, you know? We were already a band and we have been playing together in a friend's garage since we were twelve. We had to fake that we just met each other and not only that, we had to pretend that there were some tensions between us. But there weren't any of those! It was ridiculous!"

She made some gestures with her hands and Joohyun knew that she was still outraged for having to lie for a reality show that had nothing of real.

"So well, we ended up breaking the contract with the recording with our first album already recorded, but we're glad that it never came out, because we never wrote those songs."

Joohyun was shocked. Was there a name for the feeling of meeting someone who could have been really famous but because of the chances in her life she was not?

"And how did you end up in New York after that?"

"Because when a door get's closed, another one will be ready to be opened" Wendy smiled and she turned left. She opened the door of the music store and kept it open for Joohyun. Joohyun thanked her with a slight bow and entered the store with her. 

"Wendy! It's nice to see you again, but don't tell me another string broke?" The boy behind the counter asked her in English. Wendy laughed.

"No, no. Just helping a friend out. My bass is perfectly fine."

"Your ?" Joohyun wrinkled her eyebrows, not sure of having understood. Wendy laughed. 

"Bass! Bass!" she emphasized the pronuciation and Joohyun laughed with her, both of them embarrassed at laughing at something so childish but at the same time neither of them couldn't stop laughing. They stopped when they needed to breathe, but even then they giggled like little kids.

"Your is perfectly fine anyway." Joohyun said in korean. The boy of the store was left out of the conversation, but he shrugged to himself and went back to putting the packs of strings on the shelves. Wendy blushed but chuckled.

"Thanks. Yours looks perfectly fine as well." 

They both started to laugh again but this time it didn't last for so long. Feeling relaxed even though they had just met, Seungwan wrapped her arm around Joohyun's shoulders and she guided her to the ukuleles. She began to explain each model to her as if she were working there. Joohyun listened intently, trying to decide which one was better. Seungwan handed her the ones she found more suitable for her. She showed her a simple chord and Joohyun tried to play it. She nodded and hummed to the sound of the C chord, trying to point out the difference between the ones she had tried.

"Which one would you recommend me?" Joohyun asked, trying to get the doubts out of her mind.

"It's crystal clear to me" Wendy answered, pointing at the one Joohyun had in her hands. "The Mahalo Ukuleles are always a good choice for beginners."

"Then it's crystal clear. I'll get this one." Joohyun took the instrument and headed to the counter. Wendy followed her, even though she couldn't help but look at the watch on the wall. She was going to be so late to the rehearsal and the members may be angry at them, but maybe if she stopped by the market and bought them some food they wouldn't be so mad at her. Joohyun realized that she was making her new friend be late and she hurried to pay. The boy sold her a case for her new instrument for a good price and she was really happy to have this as a memory of having met Wendy.

They left the store after bidding goodbye to the boy at the counter and Wendy was unsure about what to do. She had to go to the rehearsal, but she didn't want to say goodbye to Joohyun yet.

"I'm glad I could help you."

"Thank you so much Wendy. You have been so much help. I'm glad I ran into someone nice like you." 

She opened her arms and Wendy gladly hugged her. Joohyun thought 'it's now or never'. She lowered her hand and patted Wendy's , causing her to laugh out loud.

"Your is perfectly fine, definitely." Joohyun joked, even though it held part of true. Wendy shook her head in disbelief. "What? I had to make sure."

"Sure, sure. Now I can say I got my checked out by a beautiful girl."

Joohyun blushed at that but chuckled. Wendy got lost looking at her, enchanted. Then her phone vibrated on her pocket, making her remember about the rehearsal.

"What's your phone number? That way we can keep in touch. Where do you live?"

"I'm not from here. I'm just taking a year off and travelling here and there. Right now I'm in a hotel but I can't recall its name and..." Joohyun had partly forgot about all the trouble she had. "My phone ran out of power."

"Oh" Wendy merely pronounced. "Oh" she repeated when she had processed what she had said. "I have a charger with me. How about you come with me to the rehearsal and you charge your phone?"

If Wendy had looked like and exclamation mark, Joohyun looked like three or five exclamation marks right now. "Would your bandmates care?"

"Of course not! They are always inviting people over. I don't think they will care one bit." 

"Then let's go now. I don't want you to be even later because of me" Joohyun held her arm not to lose her between the passing people. Wendy nodded and led the way.

"So where are you from in Korea?"

"From Buk-gu, but I had been living in Seoul for most of my life." 

"Buk-gu, huh? That's nice" Wendy commented, suddenly distracted because she had looked at Joohyun's outline and she was now blushing.

"And you? Since when do you live in New York?"

"Well, we have been moving around for a while. After all the FNC fiasco, we sent our recording to different radio stations, including one in Canada. They liked it and they invited us for a show and since I'm fluent in English we became a part of the show, where I would make the speaking part and then we would perform different songs. We had a really good time." 

The way Wendy smiled surely made clear that those were good memories. Joohyun couldn't help but smile with her. 

"After that we were invited to make a Live & Rare from iHeartRadio in L.A., in a show along with Florence & The Machine. It was one of the most shocking things that has happened to me, really! Sharing the same stage as Florence & The Machine! And then Florence recommended us to some producer here in New York and now we are here for a while, since February this year."

Joohyun was awesomed and she started to feel little compared to the girl next to her. 

"You must be really good then." 

Wendy shrugged, chuckling. "We just love what we do. We really do." 

The conversation had gone so swiftly that she was surprised when Wendy took some keys out to open a door. She turned the lights on and let Joohyun in. She could already hear a bass and some drums being played inside one of the rooms. They walked by a few doors and they got to a staircase. They climbed to the second floor and Wendy looked for the key for the next door as she looked back to Joohyun.

"My friends can be annoying sometimes, but don't mind them, okay?" She smiled sweetly at her. She turned around and she left Joohyun to gulp, not sure about what to expect when the door would open. 

The lock clicked open and Wendy made her way in, but she was instantly hit by a drumstick. She groaned and rubbed her forehead.

"About time you show up!"

"I'm sorry!" 

"You better be sorry!" 

"I'm sorry too" Joohyun popped her head behind Wendy. "I'm the reason she's late. She stopped to help me."

Two of the girls shared knowing looks while the third one was smiling. Her round ears reminded Joohyun of some kind of round animal, like a bear. Maybe Winnie The Pooh. 

"Don't mind them, they are usually like this" Wendy excused her.

"Will you introduce us?" the bear-girl asked. A guitar was hanging from her shoulder. Joohyun didn't know much about guitars but she could recognize that it was a Gibson les Paul with Sunburst colour because she had watched K-ON! when she was younger.

"Yeah, yeah." Wendy closed the door and threw the drumstick back to her owner, which she caught in the air and sat down in front of the drums. "She's Joohyun. She's here in New York for a while." 

"Just like us!" the one on the drums said. "I'm Yerim." 

"And I'm Seulgi" the bear girl said, waving her hand before she started to tune her guitar.

"And if you want to know my name you will need to pay" the other girl joked.

"I can only offer you my smile" Joohyun said, trying to give her the biggest and most charming smile. The girl laughed and nodded.

"That's it. I'm rich mates, I'm leaving the band" she faked to hang her guitar but she sat back down, making everyone laugh. "I'm Sooyoung, but everyone calls me Joy."

"It's hard not getting anyone to pronounce our names right" Wendy shrugged her shoulders. "You should think about a name yourself."

"Is that why you have an English name too?" she asked.

"Yeah, mostly because of that" Joy answered, checking the tune of her guitar. "But also because it makes me seem cooler!"

Joohyun chuckled "They do sound cool, indeed."

"Well, Joohyun, make yourself comfortable. There's a charger right there, next to the couch. Oh and also, wear these on your ears!" Wendy handed her some ear plugs and Joohyun gladly took them. She sat on the couch and she took out her phone to charge it. She sighed with relief when she saw the loading sign.

Wendy got her instrument ready. She checked if the bass was on key and she looked at the whiteboard on the wall for the setlist. 

"We already checked the mics but make sure it's okay for you Wan-ah." Seulgi suggested, nodding towards the microphone. Wendy got closer to it and Joy went to check the pad.

"Sing for us, Wendy" she asked her, gesturing with her hand to put the volume up.

Wendy began to sing Jessie J's Who you are, which she always used to warm up her voice. 

Joohyun was left speachless at the warmth of her voice. was open wide, shocked at how good she was singing. The drummer seemed to notice, winking in Joohyun's direction, but this went unnoticed by the other three as they were just making sure that the volume was right. Getting Seulgi's thumb up, they decided that the volume was okay.

They started their rehearsal with an instrumental solo. Joohyun instantly liked their music, becoming their number one fan. She couldn't help but dance to certain parts and sing along once she knew the lyrics. There was something about their music that sounded familiar. It's like they had mixed the best out of kpop music with music in America. She was also amazed by how the guitars used different effects to sound so amazing and take out different sounds. Still, she missed a sound, but she couldn't point out which it was. It would be rather rude to be on someone else's rehearsal and telling them what was wrong anyway.

After about halfway the setlist, Yerim hit herself with the drum and the band turned to look at her. 

"You okay?"

"Yeah, yeah" she shook her hand in the air. "That hurt though. Can we get a rest?"

"Sure" Wendy hung her bass and went to sit next to Joohyun on the couch. She wrapped her arm around her shoulders again. "How was it? Did you like it?"

"I loved it! You guys sound so good. How is your band called?"

"Red Velvet" Wendy answered, hoping that the name didn't sound cheesy to her. Somehow she was feeling insecure as for what the other girl could think of her.

"That's a nice name!" she exclaimed. Joy sat down next to Wendy and laid down on the couch, resting her feet on Wendy's lap.

"Isn't it? It was my idea" Joy bragged, but then she caught Seulgi's glare. "Okay, okay. Seulgi came up with Red, but I completed the name with Velvet."

"And then these two found out that they weren't that original because it was the name of a cupcake they used to buy back in Korea" Yerim chuckled as she sat down on a chair next to the couch. Seulgi stood with her guitar hanging from her shoulder, but she came closer to her friends to keep the conversation going.

"Now to the important thing" Wendy said. "I want your feedback. Tell us, is there anything you would change? Something you miss?"

"Everything was awesome, really!" she exclaimed enthusiastically, but that didn't stop Wendy's eyebrow from rising. "But now that you say so, I do miss something... But I don't know what could that be."

"Could it be a keyboard?" Yerim asked intently. All the band had her eyes on Joohyun now.

"Yeah, that could it be it. I think it lacked something like a piano, or some other effects. But the effects on the guitar are good enough already."

"We were thinking about looking for someone who could play the keyboard actually. But honestly we are well on our own, and we would want the next member to talk korean as well" Seulgi explained and Joohyun nodded in understanding.

"I wish I could help you, but I don't know anyone in the city" Joohyun bowed apollogetically.

"Don't worry. Thank you for giving us feedback" Wendy patted her shoulder before taking Joy's feet off her lap. "My legs are getting sore! Your feet are huge!"

"No they are not! Yours are huge! And they stink!" Joy put her feet on Wendy's face and the blonde put a disgusted face on, coughing at the smell.

"Take those off my face Park Sooyoung!"

"Make me!"

She began to tickle the girl and Sooyoung began to kick the air. Seulgi came to help Wendy and they started to tickle her even more, making Joy end up on the floor. Joohyun laughed, watching the scene with amusement. 

She had found some weird friends in New York and the things people told her back in Korea about her travell being a fail began to sound like a nonsense to her.

By the time they decided the rehearsal was over it was night already. The other Red Velvet members decided to head to their shared flat while Wendy accompanied Joohyun to her hotel. They took the subway and Wendy was so tired that she rested her head on her shoulder when they were on the tube. They got off at the right stop and Wendy held her hand out for Joohyun, only to find Joohyun looking for hers as well. They made it to the hotel's entrance earlier than expected and they stood in front of it, both of them doubting themselves.

"Thank you for everything Wendy. I had a lot of fun and you helped me a lot. I don't know how I could ever pay you back."

"Don't worry, really. It's no problem Joohyun" Wendy smiled so sweetly that Joohyun had the urge to kiss her. 

That was one of the biggest reason she had decided to leave Korea for a while. She was now discovering that she liked girls very much and she couldn't deal with those feelings, not with the closed mind of their family. 

She could kiss Wendy and check if those feelings were mutual. If it wasn't, it would be awkward and she would ruin of the best memories she had of her travel so far. But why shouldn't she try? She was in a new town. In the best scenario, Wendy would kiss her back and maybe kiss her more. In the worst, they wouldn't see each other again, and that saddened her, but being honest, she knew her for only a day. It would be something she could easily get over and maybe Wendy would-

Her thoughts were interrupted as Wendy leaned in and placed her hand on Joohyun's neck. Giving her a shy smile she whispered near her lips, "Will we see each other again?"

Joohyun held her breath, feeling Wendy breathe against her lips. She broke the distance between their lips and instantly felt Wendy kiss her back. They broke the kiss breathlessly.

"Oh" Joohyun merely said. "Oh" she said again, realizing that the kiss had happened.

"Yeah, I know" Wendy giggled nervously. She was about to apologize for maybe being too straightforward, but then Joohyun silenced her unsaid words with a kiss.

"Do you want to go to my room?" Joohyun asked shyly, resting her forehead on Wendy's. "I mean, it's not like we need to make- I mean have- I don't know. I just want to stay with you a little longer." 

Wendy nodded in agreement, not able to find better words. They both laughed and hugged each other, blushing madly. They walked in the hotel and they went all the way up to her room. By the time they reached the door, Joohyun had the flash again: her hotel card resting on the bedside table. 

"!" she muttered. "I need to go back to the lobby, I forgot the key." 

Wendy chuckled. "So first you get lost and now you forget the key?" 

"Just like you said before," she started, calling the elevator again "when a door is closed, another door is meant to be opened." 

"And what would that door be?" Wendy asked, raising her eyebrow.

"The first door is meeting you because of getting lost" she explained as she entered the elevator. "And now that another door is closed, the one to my room, maybe... We can kiss inside the elevator?" 

Wendy laughed and nodded, entering the elevator with her. The clicked the button for the lobby and when the doors closed they began to kiss fiercely. However that didn't last long when the doors opened at the next floor and they were greeted by a German couple Joohyun had seen around. They chuckled, Wendy resting her forehead on Joohyun's shoulder in embarrassment.

When the doors opened, Joohyun excused herself to talk with the receptionist and Wendy took her phone out of her pocket. She already had some messages from the Red Velvet group chat.

Yerim: I'm guessing that we are not going to meet you for dinner.

Joy: Or sleeptime

Yerim: Or breakfast

Joy: Or lunch

Yerim: You will never come back right? ó_ò

Seulgi: Bring milk when you come home Wendy! We are running out of it. ^_^

Yerim: You're missing the point Seulgi! We are here to tease Wendy!

Joy: Get out of here bear! 

Seulgi: T__T

Wendy laughed and thought about an answer. She looked at Joohyun and bit her lip.

Wendy: Leave poor Seulgi alone! 

Joy: That's what we want, to leave her alone! 

Yerim: Enough of Seulgi, when should we expect you Wan-ah?

Wendy: ...

Wendy: Tomorrow for sure. Not sure at what time. But I will bring the milk, Seulgi.

Seulgi: :D

"What are you smiling about?" Joohyun asked. Wendy startled slightly but chuckled. 

"My friends are dorks" she simply answered, putting her phone back on her pocket. 

"Surely they are" she grinned "but you are the dorkiest."

"Am I? Oh, should I put it somewhere? Like on the Instagram Bio or something?" she joked, earning a pat from Joohyun as she chuckled. 

"You're the worst. Go home, you're drunk" she said as the elevator doors opened again. Wendy followed her and entered just before the doors closed. She wraped her arms around Joohyun's waist and they kissed sweetly.

"Do you really want me to go home?" she whispered next to her lips, rubbing her nose with Joohyun's in a skimo kiss. Joohyun shook her head 'no' and pecked her lips. When the doors opened again, she led her to her room which she opened with her new card. 

When they entered the room Joohyun left her bag on the hanger by the entrance and put down the ukulele carefully on the floor. Wendy took off her jacket and hung it from the hanger as well. Joohyun wrapped her arms around the blonde and pulled their bodies together as she locked their lips together, sweetly yet boldly. She led them to the bed and they sat by the feet of it, just kissing and exploring each other's mouths and movements. 

That night went slowly, getting to know each other, tracing their freckles together.

"Get up sleeping beauties!" Joy banged the door endlessly. "We are going to be late for the radio show!"

"We are not! Just five minutes more" Joohyun muttered. Wendy hugged her from the back, the two of them still underneath the covers and kissed her on the back. 

"We should get up anyway, luv." Wendy chuckled at the way Joohyun groaned. 

"But kiss me first."

Wendy smiled and happily complied. Another bang on the door made them break apart, but with a light peck they both stood up from the bed with a smile.

A lot of things had happened since Joohyun got lost in New York. She met Wendy on the streets, she met her band and she was the first girl she kissed and slept with (and most likely, Joohyun thought, her last). They started to date and she ended up telling her family and the people that had doubted her that she wouldn't be back to Seoul - that she was going to stay in New York for longer. She started to learn to play the keyboard thanks to Wendy and she joined the band, for everyone's enjoyment, because they had easily grown fond of Joohyun. Just like Joy and Wendy, she searched for a English name since everyone got her name wrong and decided to call herself Irene. 

One of the first songs Joohyun brought to the group was that melody she had in mind through her travel. It ended up being a song named "Bad Boy", where the melody was Joohyun's and the lyrics were from both Wendy and Seulgi. 

They got ready for the radio show and Wendy kissed Joohyun right before she put on her lipstick so it wouldn't get ruined. Joohyun smiled brightly, ignoring the knowing looks Joy and Yerim sent in her way. Seulgi smiled at them, happy to see her best friend having someone special in her life. Once all of them were ready they got down and called a taxi to take them to the studio.

It was part of their promotions of their first full length album, The Red. They were an unusual kind of band for America, but people became fast addicted to their music. Today's concert for the radio had a lot of audience live and they were really excited. 

Wendy held Joohyun's hand all the way to the venue. It was Joohyun first big concert and she was nervous. 

But Wendy was there. Nothing could go wrong.

As soon as they got there, they got ready for the concert. Seulgi stretched her wrist and hung her guitar from the shoulder, already rehearsing some of the chord sequences. Joy did the same with her solos. She tried her picking for Peek-a-boo and gave Seulgi a thumbs up. Yerim sat on the drums and stretched her neck. She made sure everything was in their place and gave her mates a thumbs up before giving a few hits to each drum.

Joohyun stared at Wendy as she hung the bass from her shoulder. She looked amazing and she was shocked to have such an attractive girlfriend.

"What if this goes wrong?" Joohyun asked Wendy from the keyboard. Her girlfriend shrugged.
"This door will close, but some other will open"

Wendy smiled and winked at her.

The lights were .

The crowd shouted the bands name and the radio host began to introduce them.

Nothing could go wrong.

Joohyun waved her hand at Wendy, who turned to look at her. 

"I love you" she mouthed. Wendy made a heart with her hands.

"I love you too" 

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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 1: Why are they so sweet omg I can't
Chapter 1: That was so sweet
I loved it
Favebolous 14 streak #3
Chapter 1: Oooowh like it ❤
Chapter 1: Wonderful one shot from start to finish! Thank you for sharing this work of art! Looking forward to your future update and content!
16 streak #5
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Soft and cute girls I love how they met and it goes smoothly into them being friends though a bit fast in getting to know each other in the hotel room but apart from that I love it all thank you!!
Chapter 1: Rocker Red Velvet :D nice read though~ bassist Wendy and keyboardist Irene, a big yes to me hahaha
Chapter 1: They're so straightforward lol but it's effing cute
I love everything in here. Thanks authornim
Chapter 1: OH GOD SO FLUFFY MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT. i love it! and you're such a good writer! nice work!
1738 streak #10
Chapter 1: this fic is too adorable for my gay heart pls.