
I never thought of love honestly, it was too mainstream and cliche for me. As what I see from other people, it hurts a lot to the point you get crazy enough to lose yourself. It scared me actually to the point of not dreaming ----- wanting to fall for love.

In philosophy, I learned that love is an action rather than a feeling but when you think about it no one can actually define what love is, no one can give its meaning as to what love is.

To others it may seem that love is the most important thing in the world but from what I see there is more than love, a lot more than can offer in this world. It just take a good pair of eyes to see what it is.


Life seems good as it is; it has colors of different kinds.

You randomly bump into people you don't know, and they casually became your friends after, and sometimes even more than just friends. It all feels like a whole new world to each and everyone, they can make you feel like you are walking in cloud nine or towards the gates of hell.

It happened to me, I was vulnerable, broken into a lot of pieces, a dead soul trying to live. It was not easy as they thought it was, I wanted to suffer because I know I deserve it but there were people, there was him, who was trying to save me.

I would have held his hand closer to mine but something was stopping me, maybe because I know he deserves better and I'm not better. I wish he didn't saw me, I wish I never bumped into him, I regret meeting him but he met me.


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