take a bow

First Shot

"Mi'lord" a scrawny young attendant opens the door double to the study room and appears before the head of the house with baited breath, afraid of his Lord's reaction to the news he is about to deliver. "The young mistress is...gone."


"Gone!?" the old general finally looks up from behind his wooden mahogany desk with scattered parchments at the terrified boy with a piercing gaze. "How is that be? Who are on guard duty tonight?"


"H-her young mistress's personal maid found her chamber empty-" the young lad squeaks out a reply, leaving the second question unanswered. "-and her window ajar."


The old general rubs his forehead in frustration. "Have the guards search every inch of the estate." He instructs with austerity. "And tighten the security on the city entrance. Just in case...”


"Y-yes, sire!" the young lad slowly backs out to the room to relay the commands. He stops abruptly when his Lord speaks up again.


"And," the general pauses for a second before continuing. As if he is debating whether or not proceed with his command. But it's a must. "Station men around the perimeter of the Kang estate. I want you to report of any actions in the Kang household. Especially of the young Lord-to-be."


"Yes, sire!"


Only when the young lad closes the door shut that the general let out a long sigh. "The wedding in on the forth night. Where will I find a daughter to marry Prince Sei if Seungwan is not found?"


25 kilometers outside the city wall, two people are galloping on one horse toward the West Sea. Riding in the shadow and gazing back frequently to scan for pursuers.


The night is long but dawn is approaching faster than they dare to. And once the sun rises, they'll lose the advantage of the night shadow.


But despite their determination, Seungwan is still a dainty lady that lacks the stamina of someone who has had combat training.


"Seul. I-I can't anymore." They have been riding for 2 hours straight now. She no longer has the endurance to continue.


“Let’s settle here and rest for a bit.”  Seul hops off the horse in one swift motion and helps Seungwan down steadily. They are far enough from the city now. Even if Lord Son had discovered their disappearance, it'll take him time to confirm that the Kang Lord-to-be had also disappeared and more so, had already left the city with a hooded figure in tow. They still have some time before the guards can catch up.


The young couple huddles for warmth. Seul’s arm wraps gingerly around Seungwan's shoulder and Seungwan’s head rests snuggly in the nook of Seul’s neck.


“Lord Seul. Are you certain on giving up your house and your lineage, your status and wealth for me?” Seungwan raises the question that has been burning in the back of her mind since the escape.


“Once they discovered that we are gone...they will send men to the end of Earth to capture us. We will have to live in hiding for the rest of our life.” She pauses a second for putting an emphasis in her sentence.


“You, my lord, will have to live in hiding for the rest of your life.” She dares not look at him for fear of seeing the truth in his eyes.


“Seungwan, I would give my life for you. Power and wealth is nothing if you are not with me to share with.”


Seul turns to face the girl next to her. The moon illuminates on her soft features and accentuates her beauty.


“Oh love, I cannot bear to witness your marriage to Prince Sei and live your life as a caged princess when you are so much more than that.”


He caresses her tired cheeks softly under the moonlight.


“You are intelligent and free-willed, it would pain me to see your wings clipped and your mind crippled in the Prince's backcourt. I cannot.”


He pulls her into a tight embrace to ease the image that he had just conjured.


“I've already arranged a cabin for us on the Mayflower. Once she sets sail, we will be routed for the new world.” Seul whispers his plan for escape unto Seungwan’s ear, reassuringly. 


“We can live in peace as a normal couple. We will have to plow for food and herd for copper pieces but at least we will have each other.”


“I-I- w-we...We will be nothing but commoners in the new world. You will really give up your rights... for me..?” Seungwan doesn’t mind the life of a commoner. Anything is better than being one of the prince’s mindless wives, confined in the palace with nothing but time to spare. She would much rather be out there exploring the new world and new culture that she had read so much about. But Seul is different. His future has so much more to offer.


“Love. Don't doubt my heart for you. I will forgo my right as heir to the Kang house for you. I will forgo my entire army to protect you. I will repeat it as many times as need be. Power and wealth is nothing if you are not with me.” He looks her in the eyes and speaks his heart once again with the unswaying resolution of the commander that he is.  


“Seungwan, I’m in love with you.” He whispers softly under the sky and let the moon be the witness to his vow. 


As he delivers his line, what little of the clouds move for all of the moonlight to cast a halo over their face. Seul gentlys lift Seungwa’s head with his finger and leans in to close the gap between their lips...


The screen blackens with the title ‘The Moonlit Love’ enlarges in bold twilight gold in the middle of the screen and quoted lines like "Award-winning movie,” "Movie critic-acclaimed," "Two thumbs up" follows.  


"Oh what a tease! And that's a short clip of the popular movie ‘The Moonlit Love.’ The love story is said to rival that of Romeo and Juliet. Now, if the couple will end with a tragic ending or not. Catch it in theatre now to find out." The camera pans out and a lady with a microphone is seen of the small screen monitors why producers and staffs around.


"With me here in the studio is the main actors Wendy, who played the beautiful second daughter of the Son family, and Seulgi, who crossed dresses this time to play the handsome Lord Seul, who gave up everything in the name of love.”


"Welcome!" the host claps to no one as the camera pans out and focuses on the two actresses.


“So this is your second project together?” the interviewer asks her first question.


“Yes. We worked together 2 years ago?” Wendy turns to Seulgi for a confirmation and after Seulgi nodded, she continues.


“Back then, we played childhood best friends that fell in love with the same guy. A lot of people were expecting our characters to turn into rivals due to jealousy but I think our chemistry was so strong in the first half that the director decided to rewrite the script for us to both give up the guy. So in the end, we chose friendship over love.”


“Oh. I didn't know that. But that makes sense though. I saw the movie back then and if you were to tell me that you gals would pick the guy over each other, I wouldn't believe it at all!” The interview exclaims before looking down at the script to deliver her second question.  


“How is it to be reunited with each other after so long? There were a lot of hypes for this movie especially after it was announced that Seulgi-shi will be playing the main guy character and that you two will be lovers.”


"I'm glad that everyone is as excited as us,” Wendy speaks up on their behalf. “I was a little hesitant to accept the role at first. Frail princess that needed saving is not a role that I'm fond of but when I heard the rumors that Seulgi might be playing opposite of me, I told my manager to hold on to it for now. And when she accepted to play Lord Seul, I was more than happy to be that frail princess for her to rescue." She winks at the camera after her reply. Wendy is, indeed, a veteran in this field. She knows exactly what to say and how to say it to capture the audience’s attention.  


"Seulgi-shi. How is it like to play the charismatic Lord Seul? It must be tough playing the opposite gender. I heard that you had to do some intense training to build muscles for the role."


"It was indeed difficult. It was a challenge to convince myself that I am a young lord but Wendy is a great co-star that helped me get into the role easily." The shy actress finally spoke up. Seulgi is still considered new in this industry. She doesn’t have the experience nor the eloquence to reply to interview questions in a way that they can’t twist her words. She was glad that Wendy is here with her but at the same time, she really has to tone down the flirts!  


"Indeed. Your chemistry with each other is phenomenal. The audiences would actually believe you two are in love if not for your constant denial." The interviewer chuckles lightly and glances at the two actresses to anticipate their replies. 


"The script was really well written and the director is amazing. And of course, Seulgi is a very convincing actress." Wendy delivers the general scripted answer that most actor and actresses learn early on in their career. “Even I was convinced that she is in love with me.” And when no one was looking, Wendy turns to look at the speechless actress sitting next to her. She smiles mischievously while unconsciously rubs Seulgi’s hand gently to ease her nerve.


“How would you both compare your real personality to that of your character?” And the interview continues.


“Completely opposite to be honest. Seulgi is more reserved and shy while I'm more outspoken and a little of a prankster myself. It took her quite a while to open up to me.” Wendy laughs lightly at her reply as if she is remembering her first meeting with Seulgi.


“Ooh really? Can we have you both reverse your role then? I think the audience would love to see Wendy-shi play Lord Seul and vice versa.” the interviewer’s eyes lit up at the idea.


Without a warning. Wendy gets up from her seat and approaches Seulgi like a predator approaching its prey, slow and steady with eyes that lock onto its target. Once she is within reach, she puts her hand on Seulgi's shoulder before delivering her line.


"Love, you are so much more than you let on. I would give up my fame and fortune, status and popularity if it means I can be with you." She pauses for effects and looks Seulgi straight in the eyes.


"Don't ever doubt my love for you. Because this heart beats for you and only you."


She leans in slowly to close the gaps between their lips. So close that Seulgi has to avert her gaze and turn her head.


Ever so close that Seulgi can feel the smile on Wendy's lips next to her ear as she whispers 'I love you' softly for her to hear. And only her.


She places a chaste kiss in Seulgi's cheeks before pulling back and faces the host and the camera with a cheeky smile.


"Sorry. I don't quite remember the lines. I think it went something like that."


Wendy smiles innocently like she hasn't just confessed her love to Seulgi for thousands of audiences to hear.


And if the host did pick up any truth in that confession, she recovers fast enough to hide any awkwardness. And lucky for Seulgi’s heart, the interview continues smoothly without any more surprises.


"Don't do that next time!" Seulgi whispers next to Wendy as they exit the studio after the interview.


"Do what?"


"That-that-that thing." Seulgi blushes madly at the thought of the confession and the near kiss.


"What thing? Confessing my undying love to you?" Wendy smiles cheekily at Seulgi's pink-pinchable cheeks. Wendy would admit, what she loves more than acting is to see her girlfriend flustered like this.


And if it wasn't enough, she hooks her pinky with Seulgi's as they walk side-by-side with the camera crew and staffs still around.


"W-wendy!" Seulgi wanted to reprimand the girl for her careless behavior but her flustered heart doesn’t let out another word besides the name. She can feel the heat rising in her cheeks as the blush deepens further into a maroon red. Even so, she makes no attempt to fling off their conjoined pinky. The thread that connects them.


"Yes, love?" Wendy answers like she has no clue what Seulgi will way.


"W-we're going to get caught..."


"And so be it. I mean every word I said earlier. I would give up my fame and fortune, status and popularity if it means I can be with you."


The shy girl didn't say anything in reply but she pulls Wendy's hand toward hers and entwined their fingers together, giving her hand a firm squeeze. They exit the studio with all ten fingers clasping tightly around one another without a care for the whispers that echo in the studio or who is watching.


If there’s an article to be released about them tomorrow. So be it.

A/N: Short? Random? I know. It's just one of those scenes that pop into my head and I just have to write it down. All these wenseul contents that I'm seeing and my mind is just overload. Hope you all enjoy this one. 


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Chapter 4: Lol I was ready to fight Seulrene at the first part of this story then I got to the ending ahhh my heart is happy now!
Yunju_ #2
Chapter 5: I want more~
Yunju_ #3
Chapter 4: Fluff fluff fluff i like fluff cause it's make me happy. I'm happy for seuldy
Yunju_ #4
Chapter 2: Poor wendy
Yunju_ #5
Chapter 1: Eewwww greasy seul
Chapter 5: i was a lil confused in the beginning but when we went straight into the interview it all made sense! as always, i loooooooved it! wenseul are so sweet n fluffy no matter the au uwu. it was so nice to see the different sides of their characters and them as actresses~ seulgi being all shy made my heart grow a thousand times bigger (we love shy n somewhat insecure kang seulgi). i hope that they're able to be open about their relationship in the future, they deserve to express their love in public! cant wait to see the next au (or installment) u write for this series :D
Chapter 5: Chapter 5: I was a bit aware at the beginning and so, but when roles reversed and we find out Seulgi is such a shy bun and Wendy's a flirt, I was like "a-ha! I see it" lol cute
garensuhanazono #8
1740 streak #9
Chapter 5: omygod my heaaart. I never knew i needed this au plssss
chocolate_holic25 #10
Chapter 5: Its just beuatiful. Oustanding. Out of this world. The wenseul movie stars au that i never knew i needed. Ugh and the movie i thought its real. How abt make some royal weseul au ?? Thank u so much for writing this.