Chapter Thirty Two

Back To You

A couple of months had past and Myungsoo was getting more busy. He sat in his office, looking through the papers that contain his trading with another company in Japan, later that night. He placed the papers down and sighed in frustration. "Why are they being complicated?" He asked, to no one particular. Myungsoo sighed once again. He looked around the office, that was now his. "This doesn't feel right." Myungsoo picked up a folder and a envelope fell out. He picked it up and saw it had his name on it. He furrowed his brows. He opened it and read the letter inside.

Dear Myungsoo,

By the time you read this, I'll be gone. I wanted to tell you sooner but I couldn't bare to see you react to this. After my surgery for my heart attack, I still haven't feel any better. Better yet, I felt worse. I'm sorry. I'm deeply sorry. My old body couldn't deal with the stress we were getting from the company. At this rate, I could've ruin the company. The hard work that your grandfather wasted. I can't go through that. I know you will do great. You're still young. And I'm sorry for everything. I don't know if you still go to New York. I knew for awhile now, your love for ~~~~. I knew from the start, the day I meant her. I knew she was the one for you from the start. You should confess to her, son. She'll make a great daughter-in-law. I wish I could see you get married. I'm a terrible father. We never had our old times. I'm sorry. But I'll guide you from up here. I'll be a great father from up here. I'll make up everything here. I'm sorry and I love you. I love you Myungsoo. I love you.

Your Father

Myungsoo bit his bottom lip, preventing him not to burst out crying. The tears flowed down his face. You're not a terrible father, appa. You are the best father in the world. I love you, appa. I love you too. He placed the letter down. He wiped his tears away. He sniffled. Myungsoo heard a knock on the door. He cleared his throat. "Come in!" The door opened and his secretary came in. "Your meeting with Mr. Oh is canceled for the day. So you're free." Myungsoo smiled, "Thank you, Miss. Kwon." She smiled and left the office.

Myungsoo sat in his chair for a little while. He pulled out his phone and scrolled down to your number. He hesitated for a bit but clicked on your number. He waited for you to pick up.

"Hello?" Myungsoo took a deep breath but didn't say anything.

"Uhh Myungsoo?" Myungsoo heard you say.

"Uh yeah. Hi." He awkwardly said. Myungsoo mentally face-palmed himself. What the hell was that, Myungsoo?


"I wanted to talk to you."

"About what? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I wanted to know if you want to hang out."

"You're not busy?"

"My meeting today is canceled. I'm free the whole day. "

"Okay. I'll like to hang out." Myungsoo smiled.

"Great. I'll pick you up in a little bit."

"Uh Myungsoo?"

"Yeah?" It was quiet on the other line.


"Is this a date?" Myungsoo heard you say. Myungsoo blinked. Is this a date? 

"Yeah it is. So be prepared."

"Okay. See you soon."

"See you soon."

Myungsoo hung up and he placed his phone in his pocket. He got up from his sit and was about to leave, when Sunggyu came inside. "Do you have a minute?"


After your phone call, you saw Krystal smiling like a mad man. She over heard your conversation with Myungsoo. You rolled your eyes. "You need to stop listening to my conversations." Krystal giggled. "So what are you going to wear?" You stopped and though about it. "I have no idea." Krystal pulled your hand and headed to your closet. 

She rummaged to through your closet, trying to find a decent outfit for you. You just stood there, watching her. "Found something?" You asked her. Krystal said nothing and countinued to look through your closet. After awhile, she came out with an outifit in her hands. "Wear this." She handed it to you. "Is this okay?" You asked her. Krystal nodded her head, "It's fine. Now wear it. Myungsoo oppa is coming soon." You nodded your head. You went to the bathroom and changed. 

After changing, you came out. Krystal smiled. "You look really pretty. Myungsoo oppa is going to die from amazement." You smiled. "Okay, now you're exaggerating." Krystal shook her head, "Nu-uh! You're really pretty, ~~~~." "Thanks Krys." Krystal took your head and led you out your room. "Now we wait for Myungsoo."


Myungsoo was sitting on the couch and Sunggyu sat beside him. "So what do you want to tell me?" Sunggyu opened his mouth but Myungsoo interrupted him, "Cause I have to pick up-" "I know ~~~~. You have to pick her up, I'll make it quick." Sunggyu cut him off. Myungsoo looked at him, "How did you know?" Sunggyu sighed, "Myungsoo-ah, you always hang out with us, no one else. And now you met ~~~~, she's the only person you see." Myungsoo smirked. "Are you jealous that I'm not hanging out with you, hyung?" Sunggyu rolled his eyes, "No. I could care less." Myungsoo rolled his eyes, "Why are you here?" Sunggyu sighed and leaned back on the couch. Myungsoo stared at him, "Is something wrong hyung?" Sunggyu sighed again.

Sunggyu looked at Myungsoo. "I know." Myungsoo was confused. "What do you know?" "You leaving for New York." Myungsoo stared at Sunggyu shocked. "H-How d-did y-you k-know?" "I overheard your father talking about it to your grandfather one day." Myungsoo looked down. "Why didn't you tell me?" Sunggyu asked him. "I didn't want to tell anyone." "Are you going to tell ~~~~?" Myungsoo shot up from the couch. His eyes wide opened. "No! I can't tell her!" "Myungsoo, you have to tell her eventually." Sunggyu said, while doing the same. Myungsoo shook his head. "No. I can't. I know for sure it'll hurt her." Sunggyu went to Myungsoo and placed his hands on his shoulders. Myungsoo avioded eye contact. "Myungsoo looked at him." Myungsoo slowly looked at him. "I know you love her Myungsoo. Everyone does. And guess what?" Sunggyu said. "What?" asked Myungsoo. "~~~~ loves you." After hearing those words, Myungsoo's heart raced. "W-What?" "~~~~ loves you. It's really easy to figure out." Myungsoo smiled. But frowned. "But I'm leaving." Sunggyu looked down.

He dropped his hands to his sides. "I know. That's why I'm saying this. Tell her yourself. Don't wait for her to find out herself. It'll just hurt her even more." "But either way she'll get hurt." Myungsoo sighed. "Yeah but at least it's coming from you not some random guy." stated Sunggyu. Myungsoo nodded his head. Sunggyu patted Myungsoo's back, "Okay, that's all I wanted to say. Now go on that date with ~~~~." Myungsoo felt the blood rushing to his cheeks. "Thanks." He mumbled. Sunggyu laughed. He watched Myungsoo leave the office. Once he left, Sunggyu frowned. "I hope you tell her soon."


You were sitting on the couch waiting for Myungsoo. You rubbed your palms together. Krystal looked at you. "Nervous?" You looked at her and scoffed. "Me? Nervous? No. We're just hanging out. It'll be like before." You told her. "Yeah but isn't it like a real date now?" You stared at her. "I...You're right. This could actually be a real date. Oh my god." Your heart raced thinking about it. Krystal went to you. "Okay, just relax. Just think of it like the times you and him went out." You nodded your head. 

You heard a knock on the door. You looked at the door and back at Krystal. "Be calm." she said. Krystal went to the door. She opened the door and saw Myungsoo standing there. "Oh look it's the President of Kim Corporations." Krystal teased. Myungsoo chuckled. "Hi Krystal." Krystal smiled. "Hey." "Is ~~~~ here?" Krystal nodded her head. "Oh ~~~~. Romeo is here~" Krystal teased, while leaning on the door. "YAH!" You shouted. Krystal laughed and faced Myungsoo, who had a amused expression on. "Juliet is coming." Myungsoo chuckled. "Okay." Krystal left and you arrived at the door.

You showed him a small smile. "Hi." Myungsoo smiled back. "Hi." He stuck out his hand and you gladly took it. You closed the door behind you and Myungsoo led you to his car. He opened the door for you. You just laugh on how he was acting. You got in and Myungsoo as well. Once he did, you both were off. "So what are we doing?" You asked him. "We're going to Myeongdong." He said. You looked at him. "Myeongdong? Why?" "I'm in the mood for shopping." Myungsoo looked at you, with one of his hands on the steering wheel. "Okay." "Oh, by the way." "Yeah." "You look really pretty, tonight." Myungsoo smiled. You slightly blushed. "Thanks."


You reached Myeongdong. You and Myungsoo were walking along the streets. Even if it's night time, there were a lot of people. A lot of people were looking at you, but more at Myungsoo. They whispered and pointed. You were uneasy by the stares. For Myungsoo, he didn't seem to notice. But he did notice you being uncomfortable. "Just ignore them." he said. "Easy for you to say. You're around this and I'm not." you told him, "Besides, what if a scandal breaks out?" "Then I'll ask Sunggyu hyung to take care of it." Myungsoo said. He looked at you. "Just ignore them, okay?" You nodded your head, "I'll try." He smiled. "The store is only a block away." You nodded your head.

You and Myungsoo entered the shop and there was no one there. You looked around all confused. The store had a lot amazing clothes and accessories. And there was no on inside. You looked at Myungsoo. "Where is everyone?" He looked at you. "Okay. I acutally had a hunch that you wouldn't like people looking at you, so I booked this place for the next hour and a half." "You really did that?" You asked him. He nodded his head. You smiled. "Isn't that sweet." He laughed. He took your hand and led you to the clothes.

You looked throught the clothes. None of them caught your eye. Myungsoo watched your every move. You rummaged through every piece of clothing and nothing caught your eye. You frowned. "Nothing?" Myungsoo asked you. You shook your head. "Come on, there's got to be something here you like." he said, while taking a look at the clothes. 

You went around the shop. You stopped walking and groaned. "I think I lost my fashion touch." "Did you even have it?" Myungsoo asked you. You gawk at him. "You did not just say that to me." "I just did." You scowl at him and walked away. You sat on a chair. Myungsoo came over and sat on the chair next you. He looked at you. "This isn't starting how I wanted it to be." You looked at him. "Well I'm sorry for not picking anything out." You rolled your eyes. "How about this? I'll pick out some random clothes that seem interesting and you try them on." said Myungsoo. You thought about it and nodded your head. "Okay." Myungsoo got up from his seat and went to go find some clothes.

You watched him look through the clothes. Well not looking, more like grabbing anything he saw. "I'm starting to change my mind." You told him. "Hey, I've been driving Sungjong to the mall and carrying his bags for a long time. I think I know what I'm doing." Myungsoo stated. "Aw you good servant boy." You joked. Myungsoo stopped what he was doing and pointed at you, "Shut it." You stuck your tongue at him, "Mehrong~" He rolled his eyes and continued what he was doing.

After finding the clothes. He came to you and gave you the clothes. Your eyes literally almost bugged out when you saw the amount of clothing. "I'm going to try on all of these?!" Myungsoo nodded his head. "But there's like hundreds!" You exaggerated. He rolled his eyes, "Now you're overreacting. There's probably like 50 or less." "Still!" Myungsoo pushed you into a dressing room. "Just try them on. And come out when your done changing into them."

You went into the changing room and sighed. "There's like a lot." You grumbled. You picked the first outfit and changed into it. After changing you came out.

"It looks good, but too much skin." said Myungsoo. "You're the one that picked it out." You told him. "Hey. I was randomly picking clothes. If I thought that" pointing the outfit, "was like that, I would have never picked it. Change it." You rolled your eyes and went back to the dressing room.

"You like this one?" You asked him. He nodded his head. "I like it." "Because there's no skin showing?" Myungsoo nodded your head. "You're impossible." He smiled. "Thank you. Now go change."

"All of these clothes seem either too showy, y or too short." said Myungsoo. "There fine. You're just too opinionated." You told him. "If you haven't notice there's a lot of erted guys out there. And if you dress like that, I'm pretty sure you're going to get ." You sighed. "Some of these clothes are okay. If you want, when I wear these I can have a bodyguard." "That doesn't seem like a bad idea." Myungsoo said, tapping his chin. You rolled your eyes. "So can I get them?" Myungsoo looked at you and sighed. "Fine." You smiled. You walked up to him. "Now was that so hard?" "Very. Now go change, I want ice cream." He pouted like a little kid. You chuckled. You back to the dressing room and changed. 

After changing, you gave the clothes to Myungsoo. Myungsoo got them and gave them a dirty look. "Okay, these clothes aren't that bad." You told him. "To me they are." You sighed. You saw a female coming from the back. I'm guessing she works here. She went behind the counter and Myungsoo went to her. He handed her the clothes. "I would like to purchase these." The female looked at the clothes. "Nice choices." You smiled and Myungsoo just put on a bitter smile. You chuckled.


You were holding on the bags in your hands, while you wait for Myungsoo. You sat on a bench. You watched the civilians walked from one place to another. Myungsoo came back and handed you an ice cream cone. "One strawberry ice cream for you." "Thanks." You your ice cream, "So how's life?" You wanted to know how he was doing. Was he sleeping okay. Was he eating fine. Stuff like that. He was quiet. "...Fine I guess..." "It doesn't seem like it." Myungsoo was quiet again. 

You looked at him, "Myungsoo?" "~~~~, can I ask you something?" "Sure. You can ask me anything." He looked at you. I need to know how you feel about me leaving. "What if I told you I was leaving?" Myungsoo told you. You looked at him surprise, "What?" "What if. Just what if I told you I left." You had a feeling you were going to cry, so you turned away. "Do you have a reason why?" "I do." You took a deep breath, "If you have a reason why, then it must be important." "I guess." No one talked between you and Myungsoo. Myungsoo took a glance at you. You weren't facing him. I knew you'll be upset. But Sunggyu hyung is right. I need to tell you sooner or you'll hate me. Why does that have to be so complicated?  He took a deep breath. "~~~~?" You didn't answer him. "~~~~?" He gently grabbed your chin, making you face him. His heart broke when he saw your eyes already wet. I can't tell her. I just can't. I don't have the guts to. He smiled at you. "Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I was just asking." "You sure?" Myungsoo nodded his head. "Let's go." He took your hand. He threw away the ice cream cones and pulled you away. You took a glance at him. You're not telling the truth. What are you not telling me?


You and Myungsoo continued to walk around Myeongdong. You and him laughed and talked. But you felt something was wrong. You knew after Myungsoo asked you about 'leaving' he wasn't the same. You didn't want to bring it up so you let it go. After your date in Myeongdong, Myungsoo brought you home. "Thanks. I had fun." You smiled. He smiled back, "I did too." It was quiet. You were about to turn around when you felt arms around you. You saw Myungsoo hugging you. You felt him tighting the hug, like he didn't want to let you go. You heard his heartbeat. It was beating really fast. You closed your eyes, listening to it.

You and Myungsoo stayed like that for awhile. He pulled away and smiled at you. You smiled back, but you notice the pain in his eyes. "I'll see you later." He said. You watched him get inside his car and drive off. You bit your bottom lip. Myungsoo, are you leaving?


Myungsoo reached home but stayed inside his car. He stared into space. His hands gripped on the steering wheel. Myungsoo screamed in rage and banged his fist on the wheel. He placed his head on the steering wheel. He breathed in and out heavily. "Why can't I tell you?" he whispered. He lifted his head and got out of the car.

He entered the mansion and saw his grandfather sitting in the living room. "Myungsoo-ah, please come here." said his grandfather. Myungsoo reluctantly went to the living room. He sat down in the chair that was facing his grandfather. Myungsoo's grandfather, was Myungsoo's father. He's the opposite from his father. Myungsoo's grandfather, is a cold and stern man. The company was handed down from his father and he handed it down to Myungsoo's father and now it's Myungsoo's.

Myungsoo looked at his grandfather. "You need something?" Myungsoo's grandfather looked at him straight in the eye. "Did your father say something about you leaving to New York?" Myungsoo nodded his head. "Well be prepare. You're leaving at the end of this month." Myungsoo's grandfather stood up and was about to leave when Myungsoo shot up. "By the end of this month?!" His grandfather nodded his head. "Yes." "But that's a few weeks from now." "Exactly. The sooner the better. You may have taken over the company but you still have a lot to learn. And New York will help you." "But grandfather-" "No buts! It's already been decided. You're leaving and that's final." With that he left.

Myungsoo stood there, not knowing what to do. How am I going to tell you now?! He fell back on the chair. Tears fell from his eyes. He placed his elbow on the armrest while he placed his hands on his forehead. How?

The next chapter will be big one. I hope.

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I'm still currently writing Chapter Thirty One. I'm going to update it tomorrow, after I come back from school. I don't have time to update it today.


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Chapter 37: the 2nd time I read this story... and now off to the sequel... :D
Chapter 37: aahhhh i hate this. but i will read the another story! nice work!
Omg!!! I just finished this story and I'm off to the sequel! Omg! I cried at the ending. I thought they will live happily ever after. :(
new reader! i swear this could be turned into a DRAMA and i'd probably watch it a jillion times! LOLOLOL :D WHY IS THIS STORY AND THE SEQUEL NOT FEATURED?!?!?!!? IT SHOULD BE FEATURED!! D:<
New reader (^-^)/
uh oh I'm kinda late find this fic huhu
gonna start reading, high speed reading.! xDD
What a great story! Made my cry! Gonna start reading the sequel!
valeriecaasi #7
omgg.. why is myungsoo enganged w/ the other girl and not her ??? :(

i want myungsoo and her to be together not the one he's enganged with.........
xoRynoa #8
Ahh! I love this fic so much<3 & Now there's a sequence :D YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love you, tehe ;3
Maswimelloumia #9
Sequel... I want Myungsoo to marry her not that girl he's engaged with....
myungsoo_23505 #10
ys sequel kekekee