Chapter Thirty

Back To You

Weeks has past and your grades were approving. You thanked Myungsoo for his help and just him being there with you. Lately, Myungsoo has been worried about his father. After seeing him collaspe, Myungsoo couldn't help but worry. 


It was the weekend. You were eating your breakfast in the kitchen. Krystal was playing on her phone, while eating her eggs. "What are you girls up to, later?" asked Mr. Jung. You and Krystal shrugged. "When is Jessica unnie coming back?" asked Krystal. Jessica and Jay were still on there honeymoon in Puerto Rico. "They will be back next week." said Mrs. Jung. Krystal nodded her head. Krystal's father took a sip from his coffee. Her mother took a bite out of her muffin. Krystal groaned, "I'm really bored. It's still snowing and there's like nothing to do." You looked at Krystal. "You'll fine something to do in this house." Krystal pouted but then smiled. She got up and took your hand and dragged you upstairs. "Yah! Soojung-ah, the plates!" Her mother yelled. "I'm done now, omma. You can clean it now!" Krystal yelled back.

On the way up the stairs, you tried getting out of Krystal's grasp. "Will you let go of me!" Krystal ignored you and continued to run. She finally stopped. She let go of your hand. You rubbed it and frowned. "That actually hurts." Krystal rolled her eyes and opened the door to the attic and the stairs that led to the attic came falling down. She pointed up, "Go." You looked at her, "Why?" Krystal rolled her eyes and pushed you up the stairs. You entered the attic. The last time you were up there was when you and Krystal were 10. You were playing dress up with the clothes up there.

You looked around. It was dark and it looked like nobody has been up there. Cob webs were everywhere, dust was all over the place. You scrunched up your face. "It's really dirty here." You said. Krystal nodded her head. "Yeah, that's why we are cleaning it up." You shot your head to her direction. "What?!" Krystal smiled. "We have nothing to do. Since it's cold outside we can't do anything." "We could play in the snow." Krystal shook her head, "We already did that. Come on. This could be fun. In a way. Please." Krystal did her puppy dog eyes. She took out her bottom lip. You took a look at Krystal. You looked away. Krystal went in front of you. You sighed. "Fine..." Krystal smiled. "Yay!" You rolled your eyes.

Krystal found a box of matches and a candle. She lit the candle, making the attic brighter. You can see every inch of dust on the boxes. "Let's get to work." said Krystal. You rolled your eyes. You and Krystal went around the attic cleaning every inch of the space. You found a book sitting on the floor. It had a dust on it, so you blew it. Which was a bad choice. You accidently breathed it in. You coughed. "I'm never doing that again." Krystal laughed. But karma went to go bite her in the , when she saw a spider near her foot. She screamed. "Ahh!" Krystal ran to you. "Kill it! Kill. It." She was holding on to you. "I'm not killing a spider." You told her. "But do something!" She whined. You sighed. You found a cloth and you used it to brush the spider away. The spider disappeared somewhere. Krystal relaxed. "Thank god, it's gone." You rolled your eyes.You threw the cloth at her, "Get to work." Krystal flinched at the contact with cloth.

You and Krystal stayed up in the attic cleaning throughout the whole morning and a little bit of the afternoon. You and her made great progress. The attic was looking cleaner than before. Most of the cob webs were gone as well with the dust. You rearranged the boxes. Krystal found some old pictures of her parents, as well with your parents, when they were in high school. You also found some old clothes.

After cleaning the attic, you and Krystal took a rest in the living room. "Never ask me to help you with cleaning ever again." You told her. "Noted." said Krystal. You were taking a sip of your hot chocolate when your phone started ringing. You placed the mug done on the coffee table. You picked up your phone.


"UNNIE!!" You pulled the phone away from you and then back on to your ear.


"Uh-huh." You could tell by her tone, she was happy.

"How did you get my number?"

"I'm using oppa's phone right now." You pulled the phone away and looked at the caller ID. She was right. 'Myungsoo' flashed on the screen.

"Oh. Did you need something?"

"I wanted to hang out with unnie. Hyoyeon unnie is hanging out with her other friends and oppa is busy."

"Oh. Is it okay with Myungsoo?"

"It's okay with me, ~~~~. Just take her away." said Myungsoo.

"Is she bothering you?"

"Yes! I'm trying to do my work here, but she keeps bothering me." 

"So you're sending her off to me?" You said trying to be mad.

"It's not like that. She wanted to hang out with you anyways, so why not." You laughed.

"Okay, I'll take her off your hands."

"Thank you! I owe you!" 

"Yeah you better."

"Come by the company. I'll text you the address."


You hung up and minutes later, Myungsoo texted you the address. You got up. "Where are you going?" asked Krystal. "I'm going to hang out with Myungsoo's little cousin. You want to come?" Krystal nodded her head. "Let's go." You and Krystal left the house and headed off to Kim Corporations.


You looked at the building in front of you, "Wow." The builing was huge, at least 30 stories tall. You saw people leaving and entering, dispite the cold weather. People were still working. You and Krystal entered the building. You saw many people in suits. "Fancy." You heard Krystal say. You chuckled. You headed to the front desk. The lady looked up at you. She looked at you and up and down. She sighed. "What do you want?" Rude. "I'm a friend of Kim Myungsoo. Can you tell him I'm here?" You told her. The lady sighed again and looked at you with peircing eyes. "Look kid. This place is for business, not a playground. And so far I know, Mr. Kim's friends are guys. He doesn't have any girl friends." "But-" "Look I'm going to call security, if you don't leave." She threatened. "Fine. I'll leave." You and Krystal walked away from the lady.

As soon you were far away, you pulled out your phone. "What are you doing?" Krystal asked you. "Calling Myungsoo, duh." You waited for Myungsoo to pick up. Finally he did.


"I'm here."

"Great. Just come up." 

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"The lady at the front desk was being a little cold." You heard him sigh.

"That's Ms. Hong. She's like that because she got left at the altar a year ago. She's been like that ever since. It's sort of annoying actually."

"That's sad."

"Well it's been a year. She needs to get back in the game. Anyways I'll call her. Just wait." 


You both hung up. "What did he say?" asked Krystal. "He'll call the lady and then we wait." She nodded her head. You took a glance at the Ms. Hong. You saw her pick up the phone. Her lips were moving and you saw her looking at you and Krystal. She nodded her head and hung up. She got up and went towards you and Krystal. "Mr. Kim has inform me. I'm deeply sorry. Mr. Kim is currently on the 10th floor. You may go now." You nodded your head. You and Krystal went towards the elevator. You heard a ding and the doors opened. You and her got in the elevator. You pushed the button for the 10th floor. You waited until the you reached the floor.


The elevator doors opened and you saw people working. You and Krystal stepped out of the elevator. "So where is he?" Krystal asked. You shrugged. "Are you Miss. Lee?" asked a middle age man. You nodded your head. "Mr. Kim is looking for you. Follow me." You and Krystal followed him. He stopped at a door. He knocked on it. "Come in!" You heard a man inside say. The man motion you both inside. You thanked him. You opened the door and you saw Myungsoo looking at some papers. "Unnie!" said Minkyung, who was sitting down on the couch. Myungsoo looked up at and smiled. Minkyung got off the couch and ran to you. She gave you a hug. You hugged her back. She pulled away and looked at Krystal. "Who's this?" You looked at Krystal. "This is Jung Krystal. She's unnie's best friend." Krystal smiled. "Hi." Minkyung smiled. "Hi! I'm Minkyung!" Krystal giggled. "It's nice to meet you, Minkyung-ah." "You too, unnie." While Minkyung and Krystal were talking. You looked at Myungsoo. He was now looking at his papers. You walked towards him. "Whatcha doing?" Myungsoo looked at you. "Just stuff." "Wow, that's pretty specific." You sacrastically said. Myungsoo chuckled, "I know, right." You shook your head, with a smile on your face. 

You suddenly thought about Myungsoo's father. Will it be wrong for me to ask about him? You hesitated but in the end you went with it. "How's your dad doing?" As soon as you asked, Myungsoo's expression fell. Maybe it was a bad idea. You tried taking it back. "Nevermind. It's not my position to ask." "No, it's okay. He...I honestly don't know. He'll say he's fine but he doesn't look like it. I'm worried." He looked at you. You saw his eyes. They glistened. "He probably doesn't want you to worry." "But doesn't he know that I'm worried? I don't want him to have a heart attack again or worse." "Don't think negative. It's probably nothing. He's probably really tired." You tried convincing him. Myungsoo sighed, "I guess." You patted his shoulder. Myungsoo smiled at you. You heard someone clearing their throat. You looked at Krystal, she had her arms crossed. "So are we going? Or what?" "Yeah. Let's go." You walked towards the door. You turn to face Myungsoo, "What time do you need Minkyung?" "Keep her for all I care." Minkyung pouted, "Oppa!" Myungsoo chuckled, "I'm kdding. Just bring her to my place at like 9:30." You nodded your head. "Okay. Bye." "Bye." You, Krystal and Minkyung left. 


You were driving, Krystal in passenger seat and Minkyung in the back. "Where do you want to go, Minkyung-ah?" Minkyung tapped her chin. "I wanted to go ice skating. But no one will take me." "Ice skating it is." said Krystal. Minkyung smiled. "Yay!" You laughed.

You drove to a near by ice skating rink. You parked your car and went to the rink. "Krys, stay with Minkyung. I'll get the skates." Krystal nodded her head. You left them to go get the three pair of skates. After getting them, you went to Krystal and Minkyung. They were sitting down on a bench. "Okay, here are the skates." You gave Krystal her skates, as well with Minkyung. You helped Minkyung with her skates. After doing so, you put on your skates. All three of you headed to the rink. You held on to Minkyung's hand and Krystal held on to her other hand. The three of you skated around the rink. MInkyung was laughing through out the whole time. You and Krystal smiled.

After skating, the three of you went to a small cafe. Minkyung wanted some cake, so you bought her some cake. Once you entered the cafe, you saw someone quite familiar. Have I meant him? He was in line, so you went in line as well. Krystal and Minkyung went to go sit in a booth. You were staring at his back. You tilted your head. Something about him was really familiar. The person in front of you must of had a feeling someone was staring at him, so he turn around. Once he did, your eyes widen. Omo! It's the boy from Jeju Island. The one that caught me, when I slipped. The boy also looked surprised. "Oh! The girl from Jeju." He pointed at you. You nodded your head. "Wow! It's good to see you again." "Yeah." "I didn't really get to introduced myself. I'm Park Kyung." He smiled. "Lee ~~~~." "Well it's nice to meet you, ~~~~." He bowed. You looked at him weird. "Umm okay?" He stood up straight. He still had a smile on his face. "You're a really happy person, huh?" You asked him. He laughed. "Only when I meet a pretty girl, like you." You were shocked at what he said. "What?!" He laughed. "I'm just kidding. But you are pretty. I bet your boyfriend is happy to have you as his girlfriend." "I don't have a boyfriend." You told him. He looked surprised. "Oh. Really? You'll probably get one soon." You thought of Myungsoo. You smiled. "Maybe." Kyung turned around and ordered his food. He paid for it. He waited on the side for his food. You ordered your food and did the same.

You waited on the side. "So what are you up to?" Kyung asked you. "Just babysitting a friend's cousin." "Fun." You chuckled. "Yeah." It was quiet for awhile. "How about you?" "I'm just getting food for some of my friends." You nodded your head. On cue, a boy came up to Kyung. He was a little bit taller than you. "Hyung, did you get the food?" "I'm waiting for it." He told him. The boy looked at you. He smiled. "Who is this pretty lady?" You raised your brow. Kyung smacked the back of his head. "Bad maknae. No hitting on the girl." The boy frowned. "Now apologize." said Kyung. The boy turned to you and bowed, "I'm sorry." "It's okay..." "Sorry about that, ~~~~. This is Pyo Jihoon. But call him P.O." "Hi." He smiled. The people behind the counter gave Kyung his food. "Well I'll see you around." You nodded your head, "Sure." You waved to them. You got your food and went to Krystal and Minkyung.

Once you got there, they looked at you. "What?" You placed the food down on the table and sat down next to Minkyung. "Who was that boy?" asked Minkyung, taking a bite from the cake. "The one I was talking to?" Krystal nodded her head. "A boy I meant at Jeju." Krystal tilted her head, "When did you meet him? We were always together." "Remember when we went to Hamdeok Seoubong Beach?" Krystal nodded her head. "Well when you and the others were playing in the water, I went to go take picutres. I was walking on the rocks and I slipped. And he happened to be there and he  caught me." Krystal nodded her head. "Do you like him?" asked Minkyung. You looked at her. "I don't like him. He's a friend." "He better be. Cause you're suppose to be with Myungsoo oppa." Krystal looked at you. "She knows?" You nodded your head. "Nice." said Krystal, smiling. You rolled your eyes. All three of you continued to eat at the cafe. After that you went shopping. The three of you had a great time. Time flew by and it was almost Minkyung's curfew. So you brought her home. She didn't want to go home but you told her you'll get to hang out with her another day. She argeed.


You reached the Kim's. Minkyung said goodbye to Krystal. You then brought her inside. "Omma!" She ran to her mom. "Hello sweetie. Thank you for taking her out, ~~~~." You smiled. "You're welcome." She smiled. "Sorry if Myungsoo isn't here. He's still at the company." "It's okay. I'll be going." "Bye unnie!" "Bye Minkyung-ah." With that, you left.


You were in your room. You just took a shower. You were lying down on your bed. It was 10pm. You didn't have school tomorrow, so it's no point in going to sleep. But being the person that loves her sleep you decided to go to sleep.

You were still sleeping, when you got a text at 2am. You groggily looked at your phone and read the message.


I'm outside your house.


You blinked several times. He's outside? At 2am. What the hell is he thinking? You got out of bed and quietly went downstairs, since people were still sleeping. You opened the front door and saw Myungsoo standing there. He was wearing a light black jacket, no gloves. No scarf. Nothing warm at all. "What are you doing here? And why are you only wearing a light jacket?" You asked him. He didn't answer him. He just stared at you. "Myungsoo?" You softly said. His bottom lip quivered. You saw tears falling down his eyes. "Myungsoo?" You stepped forward. You were taken by surprised when he hugged you. Myungsoo was sobbing. "He's gone." He mumbled. "Who's gone?" You asked him. He was quiet for awhile. "My dad."


You were in your room with Myungsoo. He was sitting on your bed. 'Tell me what happened." You said. Myungsoo didn't say anything. You scooted closer to him. "Please." Myungsoo looked at him. He was pale and his eyes were pink from crying. His face was stained from crying. "It started at night time..."


Myungsoo was at his desk looking at the papers in his hands. He got out a pen and signed the papers. After signing them, he leaned back in his chair. He messed up his hair. "I'm so ing tired." He said to himself. Myungsoo looked at the picture on the desk. He picked it up. The photo was him and his parents. He traced the picture frame and smiled. He placed it back down. He got up and was about to leave.

He was leaving the building, when he got a phone call. He saw 'Hyoyeon' flash on the screen. He picked it up.

"Oh, Hyoyeon noona. Do you need anything?" He heard sobbing at the end of the line.

"Noona? Are you okay?"

"M-Myungsoo-ah." She said through her sobs.

"Noona, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"U-Unc-cle..." Myungsoo started to freak.

"Is there something wrong with my dad?"





"I'm sorry..."

Tears fell from his eyes and he immediately went to the hospital.


Myungsoo got to the hospital. Myungsoo rushed into the hospital and grabbed a nearby doctor, "Where is Kim Kwangsoo?" The doctor looked at him. "And what is your relationship to him?" "I'm his son." The doctor didn't say anything but brought him to his family. 

He saw his mother crying. His grandfather comforting her. Hyoyeon crying into her father's arms. He saw his uncles crying. Minkyung was sitting on her mom's lap, with face buried in her chest. "Omma?" Myungsoo said. His mother looked up and bursted out crying. She shook her head. Tears were streaming down Myungsoo's face. "Where is he?" His mother pointed to the door. He went inside and he couldn't bare to see what he saw. Myungsoo saw his father lying lifeless on bed. Myungsoo kneeled by the bed. "Appa." He whispered. Myungsoo began shaking him. "APPA!" He screamed. "No! Don't go! You can't! Not like this! Appa! APPA!"

-End of Flashback-

You felt tears falling down your face. H-He lost his dad? No. Myungsoo started crying again. You hugged him. Myungsoo hugged you back. "I'm so sorry." "He's gone. He's actually gone. I don't know what to do ~~~~. I don't know." He hugged you tighter. "I don't want to go back." You heard him say. You thought about but then you said, "You can stay here." He pulled away and looked at you. "Are you sure?" You nodded your head.

You got off the bed and pulled Myungsoo off. He did and you pulled the covers off. He gently pushed Myungsoo on the bed and pulled the covers over him. "Sleep." You said. He looked at you, "But-" "No. Just go to sleep. You need it." Myungsoo nodded his head. He slowly closed his eyes. You turn off the lights and you sat down on the chair. He lost his dad. Myungsoo must feel broken. Hell his whole family is probably broken. But now Myungsoo is taking over the company. You sighed. You placed your hands on the side of your head. "Myungsoo..." You whispered. You heard rustling from the bed. Myungsoo was tossing and turning.

You got off the chair and crawled into the bed. "Shh." You said while his hair. Myungsoo subconsciously hugged your waist. You heard him crying. You have never saw this side of him before. Your tears fell. You felt his pain. "It hurts. It really hurts." He said. You laid down and hugged him even more, "I know. I know."

Aw. Myungsoo's dad died. :(

Almost made me cry and I was the one typing it. Sad.
I think there are some errors in here. I'm sorry. I'm way too lazy to edit it.

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I'm still currently writing Chapter Thirty One. I'm going to update it tomorrow, after I come back from school. I don't have time to update it today.


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Chapter 37: the 2nd time I read this story... and now off to the sequel... :D
Chapter 37: aahhhh i hate this. but i will read the another story! nice work!
Omg!!! I just finished this story and I'm off to the sequel! Omg! I cried at the ending. I thought they will live happily ever after. :(
new reader! i swear this could be turned into a DRAMA and i'd probably watch it a jillion times! LOLOLOL :D WHY IS THIS STORY AND THE SEQUEL NOT FEATURED?!?!?!!? IT SHOULD BE FEATURED!! D:<
New reader (^-^)/
uh oh I'm kinda late find this fic huhu
gonna start reading, high speed reading.! xDD
What a great story! Made my cry! Gonna start reading the sequel!
valeriecaasi #7
omgg.. why is myungsoo enganged w/ the other girl and not her ??? :(

i want myungsoo and her to be together not the one he's enganged with.........
xoRynoa #8
Ahh! I love this fic so much<3 & Now there's a sequence :D YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love you, tehe ;3
Maswimelloumia #9
Sequel... I want Myungsoo to marry her not that girl he's engaged with....
myungsoo_23505 #10
ys sequel kekekee