Chapter Three

Back To You

After the heart felt moment with your brother, you reached his car that was in the parking lot. You both entered the car and he took off. The whole ride home was quiet. You felt your eye lids getting heavy. Maybe a small nap won't hurt. You closed your eyes and drifted off to sleep. Sungmin looked at you from the driver seat. He smiled slightly and continue to look at the road.

After 6-8 minutes you finally reached your house. Sungmin saw you still sleeping, he extended his arm and shook you. "~~~~-ah. ~~~~-ah wake up." he said. You started moving and you woke up. You looked at your brother and rubbed your eyes, "Were here?" He nodded his head and headed out. You did the same and headed to the house. Your house was normal looking. It wasn't like the rich kids but it wasn't bad. You and your brother went inside the house and smelled something delicious. You placed your backpack by the door and headed to the kitchen. You saw your mother cooking in her pink apron. "Omma?" you said. Your mother turned and smiled at you. "Hello sweetie.", she said. She went to the sink and cleaned her hands, "Where's your brother?" "He's probably in his room." you replied. She nodded. You went to the stove and looked inside the pot your mother was cooking in, "Whatcha making?" you asked her. "Kimchi stew." she said while looking in the fridge. "Do you need any help?" you asked. Your mother shook her head, "I'm fine. Go to your room and start packing." You nodded your head and was about to head out the kitchen but stopped. "Oppa said to start packing, and then you said to pack as well. I thought were leaving next week." you told your mother. "Change of plans. Your father wanted to leave tomorrow in morning." You looked at your mother, "But I just started school." "It's okay. Are trip is only a week and a half." You smiled and nodded your head, "Okay." 

You left the kitchen and you went to grab your backpack by the door. You took out your phone from the front pocket and you saw you got 2 new messages. One from Krystal and Minhyuk. Minho usually never text you or call you. It doesn't mean you guys aren't close, he does it to a lot of people. Except for Krystal. He just likes talking to people in person. You checked the message from Krystal.


Hey! Are you packing? I thought you're going to China next week? Weird. Well I'm bored. Message me back!! :(


You giggled at her randomness. You never understood why people called her 'Ice Princess'. Yes, she can be cold at times but in reality she can be a total dork. You quickly replied back.


Yo! Lol. I'm about to start packing. We were supposed to leave next week but I guess changed of plans.


After sending the message to Krystal, you check the message from Minhyuk.


Hey. Call me. I need to tell you something.


You looked at the message all confuse. What does he want to tell me?  You quickly dialed his number and waited from him to answer. It kept ringing. Until the ringing stop.


"The number you have dialed is not available at the moment. Please cal-" You hanged up before the lady could of even finish talking.

What was that about? You tell me to call you and you don't pick up. *sigh* Don't worry ~~~~ nothing's wrong. Minhyuk oppa probably has good news, not bad. You headed to room but before you did you stopped by Sungmin's room. You knocked on his door. "Come in!" you heard him shout. You opened the door and saw him putting his clothes in his luggage.

You went to his chair in the corner and sat down. You stared at your brother, who continued to pack. "Aren't you suppose to be packing?" he asked you without looking at you. "I am." you said. "Then why aren't you?" You shrugged. He sighed. He sat on his bed and looked at you. "What do you want?" You gasped dramatically and you placed your hand on your chest, like you were offended, "Why would you think I want something?" Sungmin just rasied his eyebrow. "Seriously! I don't want anything!" He sighed once again and continued to pack again, "Fine." You pouted. "I just wanted to see oppa." He smiled slightly. He went to you and patted your head, "You see me mostly everyday." You shrugged at that statement. He shook his head, "Just go pack." After saying that, he went to go pack, ignoring your existence. You frowned. You got up from your sit and left. "Jerk." you mumbled on your way out. "I heard that." Sungmin said. You stuck out your tongue, "Mehrong~" and with that you closed the door and went to your room.

You placed you backpack on your bed and placed your phone on the table. You got out a suitcase and you walked to your closet and you added them in the suitcase. While packing your phone rung. Without looking who it was, you answered it.


"Hey. Are you still packing?" You recognized that voice and it wasn't Minhyuk.


"Yeah. Were you expecting someone?"


"Okay..." You ignored what was going in your head and calmed yourself.

"So. What's up?" you said while placing the phone between your ear and shoulder.

"Just wanted to talk to you."

"Oh." you simply replied while packing.

"So, are you still packing?"

"Yeah. I just started."

You heard her laugh on the other line.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing~" she sung.

You stopped packing, "Huh?"

"Just pack already."


You guys continue to talk and later you finished packing. You laid on your back on your bed and took a deep breath out. 

"Finally finished!"


You were about to say something, when you heard a female voice shout on the other line.

"Hey Krystal! It's time for dinner!" the voice sounded like Jessica, Krystal's older sister.

"Okay! I'll be down in a minute!" you heard Krystal.

"Hey ~~~~ I have to go. I'll talk to you later. Have fun on your trip."

"Kay. I'll will. I'll buy you something there. Kay?"

"You better!" you giggled.

"Bye Krystal."

"Bye ~~~~." with that you guys hung up.

You checked your phone to see if Minhyuk called while you were talking to Krystal. No missed calls. You frowned. Maybe he's busy. You placed your phone on the bed and went downstairs, you saw everyone down there, including your father. "Appa!" You ran to him and gave him a big hug. Your father laughed, "Hey pumpkin!" "How was work, appa?" Your father released the hug and said, "It was okay. Did you finish packing?" You nodded your head. "Good! And sorry for changing your trip date." "It's okay." Your father smiled and led you to the kitchen. You saw your mother and Sungmin setting up the table. You went up to them and helped out. After setting the table, you and your family starting eating. After eating, you volunteer to do the dishes, but your mother declined your offered and told you to go to sleep. You had to wake up early tomorrow. Your flight leaves at 5:00 and you had to get up and be ready by 4:00. You went straight to you room, you got your pajamas and went to the bathroom. After doing your hygiene routine, you checked your phone for new missed calls. Nothing. You sighed. You place your phone on the table and you went to bed. You turned off your lights and went to sleep.


"~~~~-ah! Wake up!" you felt someone shaking you. You opened your eyes and saw your mother in front of you. "Come on sleepy head. We have to leave at 4." with that your mother left your room. You checked your clock and it read '3:00'. You groaned and got up. You went to the bathroom and did your hygiene routine. You got your clothes and changed into them. You came out looking like this.

You went downstairs with your luggage. Nobody was down yet. You checked the clock and it said, '3:30'. I'll take a small nap. With that you fell asleep. After your nap you woke up and saw your parents and brother downstairs. You looked at your brother and what he was wearing.

"What are you wearing?" you asked him. "Clothes." he simply replied. "Not the answer I was looking for but okay." you said. He smile. Your father clapped his hands together, "Do you guys have everything?" You all checked if we had everything. You all nodded our heads. "Okay. Then let's get going." All of you grabbed your luggage and headed to the car. You all placed the luggage in the trunk. Your father went to the driver seat, your mother in the passenger seat and you and Sungmin went to the back. "All set?" said your father. You guys nodded your head. Soon your father took off. The ride to the airport was quiet. You saw Sungmin blankly looking at his phone and your mother sleeping.  Your father was looking at the road. His eye lids were getting heavy. So badly he wanted to sleep but he was the one driving. But fatigue overcame him and he shut his eyes for split second, but that split second caused him turn the wheel. The car jerked, making your mother wake up and your brother snapping out of his trance. Headlights from other cars flashed and honks were heard. "YEOBO!" your mother yelled at your father. Your father opened his eyes. He cursed under his breath. He tried to control the steering wheel but lost control of it. The car screeched and jerked and it toppled over. Screams were coming from both you and your mother. Sungmin protected you with his body and you screamed. "OPPA!!" Soon everything went black.

Chapter Three is up!

And Myungsoo and the rest of Infinite will coming in the next chapter or after that. But don't worry he'll be coming.

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I'm still currently writing Chapter Thirty One. I'm going to update it tomorrow, after I come back from school. I don't have time to update it today.


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Chapter 37: the 2nd time I read this story... and now off to the sequel... :D
Chapter 37: aahhhh i hate this. but i will read the another story! nice work!
Omg!!! I just finished this story and I'm off to the sequel! Omg! I cried at the ending. I thought they will live happily ever after. :(
new reader! i swear this could be turned into a DRAMA and i'd probably watch it a jillion times! LOLOLOL :D WHY IS THIS STORY AND THE SEQUEL NOT FEATURED?!?!?!!? IT SHOULD BE FEATURED!! D:<
New reader (^-^)/
uh oh I'm kinda late find this fic huhu
gonna start reading, high speed reading.! xDD
What a great story! Made my cry! Gonna start reading the sequel!
valeriecaasi #7
omgg.. why is myungsoo enganged w/ the other girl and not her ??? :(

i want myungsoo and her to be together not the one he's enganged with.........
xoRynoa #8
Ahh! I love this fic so much<3 & Now there's a sequence :D YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love you, tehe ;3
Maswimelloumia #9
Sequel... I want Myungsoo to marry her not that girl he's engaged with....
myungsoo_23505 #10
ys sequel kekekee