Music of Love

Music of Love

There are billions of stars in the sky - hoping to be notice by an eye, and as it blinks upon, those tiny little twinkle captures the love in her heart. She is enjoying the peaceful night outside her so called home, every night this is her favorite hobby to do - just watching those twinkle little stars stare back at her.

A purple blanket was underneath her back as she laid herself on the grass field. Her mother usually takes care of the backyard, and that is a really good thing though. She doesn't want doing gardening stuffs after all, maybe because she didn't get that hobby from her mother.

It's full moon - the ray of lights coming from that one is illuminating the world, giving every one specifies a beautiful vision of the night. This is the best time for her to compose songs - maybe because night helps her to calm down. It's quiet, peaceful and no one dares to disturb her.

She was just new in town. A year ago, she works as a clinical psychologist back then in Korea, her home town. Her parents were visiting her home in US twice a week - and that is glad for that.

Another thing, aside from being a doctor with license of course, she is also a song writer. She loves music. Simple statement but understandable. Suji tried many times to join song writing contest but she always ends up being in the first runner up or either second runner up. Does it mean that she is not good? the judges said, she is good at writing the true meaning behind the lyrics, yet, the way she expressed them is too stiff.

Someone ones told her that if she is writing a song, she must use her heart and pour all her love on it. But no - she never felt being in love with someone else. It is very ironic for a person to compose love songs without experience though. Yes, she got the right pitch, dynamics, rhythm, tone and notes. But one thing is for sure - it is not yet perfect.

She blinks her eyes when someone - rather say, her annoying neighbor looked at her and wave his hand from the balcony of his home. Oh right, why does their balcony are facing each other? she bought her house because she thought it has a perfect ambiance that welcomes her in.

Park Chanyeol - a tall guy, who looks like a Korean citizen as well - at least he introduces himself nicely at their first meeting here in California. The guy smiles, showing his dimples - which can make every girl in this world drop their undies in an instance. Of course, Suji won't say that personally, she might give him hints.

"Hi, neighbor. What are you doing there? star gazing again?"

He asked - his voice sounds so optimistic. As a psychologist, she is keen on observing people around her. And to tell that Chanyeol's enthusiast is something that she wants to exclude on her list.

"It's none of your business, Yeol." Kind of weird. She admits that Chanyeol's presence is making her uncomfortable - nope, not the right word. Maybe change it to 'Annoyance.' Instead of doing what normal people do, the big guy just laughed and shook his head once he stopped. Answering her with another famous grin.

"Right. Well, I have the rights to annoy my neighbor if I want too. You know, it feels so dull in here..." He ruffles his silver messy hair shyly. "Or maybe I can introduce you to my beloved guitar? you know? you have been my neighbor for almost four months, yet I don't know you that much. I am interested in making new acquaintance with you-- oh no, I already know your name that is not an acquaintance. Right, peers then. Yes! we can be peers then friends!" He babbles - offering her a friendly grin.

Meanwhile, Suji sat up and watch him nonchalantly - the guy is happy. Obviously. She snorts at the thought. He is right, she is not interested in knowing him-- aside from his name, which she obviously stated lately, rather than that, nothing else.

And because persuasive Chanyeol is really annoying as hell, she just nodded her head. There is nothing wrong if she gives the guy a privilege to know her, right? maybe they can be 'peers' after all.

"Go down there then. Bring your guitar, I'll wait you here." The idea of having an accompany for night gives her a bit of shiver internally - or maybe it can be labelled as excitement? who wouldn't? the guy has a guitar. "A musician, perhaps?" she thought.

"Okay! Okay!" He shouts.

Right, after a couple of minutes, Suji stood up and stride back inside her house. The sound of the doorbell echoed around as she picked up her notebook containing her composed songs.

Chanyeol appeared happily, holding his black and red guitar - a modern design, very masculine indeed. She narrowed her eyes at the smiling lad for a second, then she steps aside and let him get inside.

"Welcome to my humble adobe." At least she welcomed him pleasantly. Chanyeol lifted up a bit his guitar- offering her an excited countenance.

"Come on, let me teach you this one." He strides off, leaving Suji on her own reverie.

She clutched her notebook and follows him back to her backyard once again. They both settled down on the purple blanket Suji prepared lately. Her vision was captured by those tantalizing brown orbs, staring back at her - smiling like there is no tomorrow. She composed herself confidently and points her fore finger at his guitar which is perfectly above his thigh.

"If I am not mistaken... Are you a musician? or you just enjoy playing guitar?" Suji wondered, asking him - it's been so long she handled a guitar for herself. She knows how to play an organ or a piano-- but she didn't master a string instrument though. Her lips quirk up happily for the first time of Chanyeol's existence. Those brown orbs stare at her wondering...

"Wow, it is a miracle that you smile. Look, you are always frowning or sometimes, I'm seeing you with a deadpan expression. It looks like you are enjoying instruments around you, huh? maybe I can show you more next time. Aside from my guitar, I can also play drums, piano and anything else. And to answer your question... I am a musician, naah. This is my stress reliever after all. I work as a surgical doctor in one of the hospitals here."

The guy is literally chatty-- for a woman like her who used to be quiet - she actually admits that she's enjoying his company. Her heart seems so weird, but never mind. Weirdness completes the world, anyway.

"Doctor? expert in what?" She couldn't believe this. For a man who looks like a happy go lucky guy, he has a profession to be proud of.

"Yep" He replied back, popping the 'p' sound longer. "I am a cardiologist. You know, hearts, veins-- like that. Bloody hearts" He chuckled deeply - a y chuckle from that deep voice. Suji clears to distract herself from the sinful fantasies slowly corrupting her mind.

"I am a clinical psychologist. I own a clinic here near the hospital you are working with. Well, as you see... I do treatments for special cases. No bloods at all." She chirped happily - another thing that she simply like when she is calm. It means, her inner self is comfortable talking to this man.

"Wow, that's great. Maybe I can visit you some time and ask you to diagnose my inner self. Just kidding." He was making fun of her - but instead of frowning, she just burst out a laugher, following Chanyeol's baritone laughing voice. They both stopped afterwards.

"Here look, I guess you know the basic lesson about this one, right? I mean that A, C, E, G... Those chords." He expertly shows her the right placement of fingers on the strings. Suji sure knows that, but her knowledge about it is kind of limited to brag.

She is actually impressed by Chanyeol's talent in instruments - it makes her giggle internally. They both have the same taste in music and humor though. "Yep, you know I am a song writer, I intend to learn things by myself. I haven't mastered string instruments like you, but I sure you as hell that I can play an organ and a piano. I was ones labelled as a diamond pianist."

"Really? maybe I can have a request then? can you please give me a sample?" The glint on his eyes shows excitement upon hearing her statement - which earns herself a smile.

"Yeah, sure. Maybe I can show you some other time-- or you don't mind if we go inside then I'll play a piano while singing my first composed song?"

She offered him an option, thus Chanyeol stood up quickly and offers his hand to help her stand. Without further ado, she grabs them and pulled herself up from the blanket.

They both barge inside - Suji is still aware that her hand is still on Chanyeol's. His hand felt so warm and it scares her too much. Her cheeks turned pinkish at the sinful thoughts again in her mind.

Finally, after further steps, they both sat on seats in front of Suji's grand piano - this was her parents gift when she graduated two years ago from college.

"Just a little sample yeah?" she flexed her fingers then slowly pressed the keys - soft melody echoed around the atmosphere, closing her eyes as she expertly got the notes.

Chanyeol mutely place his guitar on the floor and study the woman's expression. Well, aware as it can be- Suji opens slightly and sang. Her voice blends at the sound of the piano - pitch is perfect, the lyrics are in rhythm. Her fingers are working on its own, like they have their own life while playing the keys. Going with the flow of the life indeed, music-- the sound is calming, relaxing, and it can give a beautiful vibe in their inner self.

At the end of the song, Suji sigh in relief and turned back to the guy who is staring at her - a smile crypt on his lips, visibly drawing an appreciation-- no adoration, perhaps. She couldn't help herself but to feel special, that smile from the man is simple yet meaningful-

"I... Uhmm.. It's amazing." He grins wider, showing her his perfect white teeth-- damn, this guy can be a tooth paste endorser. She murmured to herself.

"Oh-- thanks, I mean I appreciate your compliment." She chuckles softly.

"But... It seems like you are too stiff when you play. Your songs are really excellent, but the feelings- you must express the love. Express it like you feel it." Chanyeol commented- explaining the things he observes. It is a good critique for someone like her.

"Uhh... L-love?" She stuttered lightly, looking away from that bold brown orbs staring at her. She already knows this... "You know, I never won in any song writing competition I had been at. They said same thing, but I am trying to work on it. I am."

She expected Chanyeol to laughed at her - but surprisingly, he grabs her hand and fumbles her skin lightly with his thumb. "You know, I'd been there too. But I realize that, in order to improve, we need to go out from our safe zones. So, even though at times I got tired from trying and trying, yet still, at the end of the day, I will adhere myself to learn something."

He gave her a smile. "I once loved a person before. She taught me things- she taught me how to love, to appreciate things around me, to take care of people, to trust myself and to look forward in life, even though sometimes world is cruel. The world won't stop revolving around you. We, people intend to do mistakes, however, at the end, we will still realize the right thing for us."

Suji saw how Chanyeol intently look away when his eyes water a bit at the memory. She doesn't know why she felt a fang of pain when she heard him talks about the woman she used to love. She leans closer and simultaneously entwined their fingers together - she leaned her head down on his broad shoulder, giving him comfort.

"I'm sorry." That is all she can say after that long sharing if moment. Minutes become silent- until Chanyeol turned back at her and smiles. Lonely Chanyeol just disappeared.

"It's not your fault. It is in the past. Jeez, I am just motivating you." He laughs softly, messing her hair lightly.

"Keep practicing, yeah? always remember that you need to express that 'love' in your heart." All she can do is nodded her head.

"It's late already, you should probably go on now." Suji unclasp her hand from him before standing up.

Chanyeol picked up his guitar on the tiled floor and get up, looking back at her. "Naah. Thank you for welcoming me here in your humble adobe! see you tomorrow?" carefree Chanyeol.

"I like carefree Chanyeol" her subconscious agree.

"Fine. Pick me up tomorrow at lunch then." That's not a request, it is an order from Bae Suji.

Chanyeol chuckles and salutes at her. "Yes, boss. Dr. Park will be there at your clinic tomorrow, ma'am."

"Shut up, er." They both laughed while walking towards the door. She widely opens it for him.

"Fine, fine. Bye, see you tomorrow." Chanyeol shouted when he walked away from her home.

It's not bad to be 'peers' with her neighbor after all. Plus, he is too handsome to let go.


Suji finally finished all her appointments at exact 12:00 pm - her secretary walked inside her office smiling. "Dra. Bae, you have a visitor outside. He said his name is Dr. Park Chanyeol, your neighbor."

Wha-- she almost forgot they will be having a lunch. Oh, crap that. "Please send him in." dismissing her secretary, she quickly clean up her desk before Chanyeol noticed her messy place.

"Hey." As on cue, he appeared at the door step, wearing a sky blue polo sleeves tucked on his elbow, white slock pants and signature doctor shoes. "He looks so delectable to eat" she thought of it again.

"Hey you too. Where are we going to have a lunch?" Suji take off her doctor's coat and composed herself right - walking towards Chanyeol.

"Come on." He holds her hand as they both strode off; her secretary gave her a pointed look - asking if he is her boyfriend. She mentally shook her head as heat crypt on her cheeks, turning pinkish again.

"Why are you blushing?" Chanyeol bluntly asked, teasing her. She rolled her eyes and let go of his hand. "Who wouldn't? you are holding my hand! plus my secretary-- I mean never mind."

Stomping her feet - she walks passed his teasing face. Chanyeol immediately follows her then holds her hand again. "Your hands are soft, so why wouldn't I hold it?"

She throws him a dagger looks before walking inside one of the American restaurant, dragging that er inside. Chanyeol pulled a chair for her, acting like a gentleman. He sat opposed her chair then ushers the waiter for the menu.

"What would you like to eat?"

He skims the menu, giving her a glance. Suji caught his brown orbs - raising her perfect eyebrow. "I want this one. T-bone steak with sweet potato."

The waiter noted hers, turned back to Chanyeol. "I'll have the same. Coke for our drinks." He said before dismissing the guy.

"Suji" a deep baritone voice captured her attention. "I heard there is an upcoming competition for song writers in San Francisco... Would you give it a try? I mean--"

"Really? should I pass my piece then?" She cut him off upon hearing the news. Her eyes are visibly showing some excitement.

Chanyeol chuckled, giving her a thumbs up. "Yeah, you should. I will support you... and besides we're in a 'friends' phase now. Not peers anymore." He grins handsomely again-

Suji faints mentally. Damn, it's really good to see him smile.

"Fine. In one condition, you will be my trainer then." She offered. Looks like this will be a very very very long preparation.

"And what will I get in return?" He slowly spoke, being cautious in every word.

"You will get 3 wishes from me. So you must be careful. Oh, by the way wishes that are below the belt are automatically rejected." She smirks-

"What? that's unfair! Fine!" He murmured incoherent words to himself as he agreed. "Deal. When are we going to start?"

"This weekend, I'll update you if I pass my audition piece." The waiter pushes the trolley towards their table, he placed two sizzling plates of T-bone steaks with sweet potato and coke drinks in front of them- the aroma of those sumptuous foods are filling her nostrils, feeding her inner hunger.

They both started eating silently again- it's a good silence, not the awkward one. Everyone in the diner seems busy with their own businesses and that is a good thing.

Too cliché to looked at, but Chanyeol- the good looking Chanyeol has a dirt of sauce on his lips. She gestures her hand on it, pointing- sure thing as hell, that she is disappoint that he gets that, if not, she will gladly -- she meant was wipe it personally using her thumb.


"Yeah yeah. Don't mention it."

They both smile at each other after satisfying their famished tummies. After half an hour, Chanyeol left a payment on the table, offering his hand for her. "Come on, I'll send you back in your clinic. What time is your out?"

She gladly accepts and strode out from the restaurant. "6:00pm sharp. How about you?" A surgeon like him is surely hell busy, plus the fact that he is working in the hospital.

"5:00pm, I don't have special appointments with high ranked people today." He smiles- that kind of smile he reserved for her. She can't help herself but to agree at her subconscious.

She never looked at other, her eyes are on the man who keeps her heart beating fast. She can't explain what does it mean-- she thought that this feeling only exist in fictional books only. This must stop before it she falls deeply and acquitted myself to unrequited love-

No, this is not love at all. Maybe infatuation? who would not be attracted to this handsome man?

Her reverie was forgotten when Chanyeol pinch her cheek softly. "Ouch-- what?"

"You're murmuring there. People are looking at you. What are you thinking?" he gives her a pointed look.

"Nothing-" she shrugs off. "Just my piece"

He finally accepts her answer, considering that fact that it is true. They both stop in front of her clinic, unclasping her hand to his. "Thanks again. I'll see you later then."

"Yep" popping the sound 'p' again. "See you later, I'll wait you here." He bids his goodbye before walking off. Leaving her standing outside her own clinic.

"That was a blast."

She inhales then exhale to composed herself back. Walking inside without looking at her secretary. This is a long day ahead.


"Ma'am, please call my secretary to schedule your next appointment. Based on your recent test, you are currently improving, thanks to your husband who is always there for you." A blonde lady smiles kindly at her husband beside her. It makes her heart thump a bit upon witnessing those kind of gestures- since the day she decided to talk to Chanyeol, she can see herself adoring those sweet gesture she doesn't care about before.

Maybe because the guy is an angel- but no, she can't fall for the man whos in love with someone else. She is new into this kind of situation and she doesn't want to be involve in heartaches. They said that it hurts like hell.

"I promised my wife that she will be okay again, no doubts, no denial at all. I know she can do this. At least she is not pushing me away again. God knows how much I love her." She can feel the sincerity of her clients husband when he looked at her wife.

Her wife smiles at him, causing her husband to give her a peck on her wife's forehead. "Thank you, sweet heart."

Suji smiles in adoration at the two of them- they bid their goodbyes afterwards. It's been a very long day. The cycle in her life is always like this.

Work. Home. Sleep.

"Suji, hey. I saw your clients outside, you done with them?" Chanyeol occupied the visitors seat in front of her desk.

"Yes. They have an appointment next week, Yeollie." She smiles at Chanyeol.

His eyes got widen surprisingly- "Uh-- don't call me that." And now Chanyeol becomes so serious.

"Oh-- I mean, I'm sorry. I won't" she looks away from him. Maybe because that nickname was supposed to be his lover's endearment for him?


Five. Four. Three. Two. On--

"It's all right, it's in the past already." He jarred a smile on his lips, bit his eyes are showing the truth. He's in pain.

"You want to talk about it?" She used her technique in clinical psychology. "If it's okay, we'll take baby steps."

Silence again.

There goes the cold Chanyeol.

'I don't like the cold and emotionless Chanyeol.'


Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

"I thought she loves me. I d-don't know, she is the reason why I studied Cardiology, I want t-to be the one to save her from her misery. S-she broke up with me in our 4th anniversary in Settle. I understand yeah, I know-- she did that for the sake of me. But I can't. I can't look at her, suffering from her heart disease. She said I should be happy, she said I don't deserve her because she is dying. You know what it feels like? she is pushing me away even though I don't want too. She is my first girlfriend after all, she is. I was hoping she will be my last also." Suji can't breathe- the fang in her heart is tearing her apart, but no. She never let herself cry.


"Do you still love her? I mean, until now?" please say you had moved on. Please. She doesn't want to hear it- the hell. It hurts right. It's nothing. It's nothing. No!

"I-I don't know. Lately I saw her in the ICU. God knows, she looks horrible, having that tubes and apparatus, giving her life. But then, I looked at her. I don't pity her; I just want to be with her when she is suffering from that disease."

He continued. Suji gulps a lamp in before talking back.

"Oh.." Now, for the first time in her twenty-six years of existence in this world, she can't say something else.

Silence again.

"We should go. It's already 6:10pm" Chanyeol didn't wait for her to stand- and without any further ado, he strides out.


A month had passed without talking about that sensitive topic Chanyeol opened up. When they got home that night, Chanyeol seems not in the mood to joke around - throwing jest like he used to be. The carefree Chanyeol.

At each day, they continue what they have started-- same routine. Eat lunch, dinner then send her back home. Each day as well, her heart is screaming for Chanyeol's affection. Good thing she is seeing progress in his life. He will smile at her. He will hold her hand. He will joke around like nothing happened. But at the end of their day, he will look afar, emotionless.

Today, after a month of knowing the true Chanyeol behind his smiles, she updated him about his composition piece. She didn't tell Chanyeol that she composed a new song for-- him.

Every day, Chanyeol will tell her to do this, to do that thingy- but as an obedient student she is, she followed perfectly. She is making progress!

Her heart-- her experiences are teaching her a very important lesson. Though sometimes, she will cry her heart out. There is nothing with crying, it is actually a best way to release what your mouth can't say. After crying, you'll feel relief.

Today is Monday, people knows what does Monday means-- but a handsome Chanyeol barge in her office happily. Wearing black polo sleeves matching his white slocks pants, holding a colorful bouquet of roses.

"Hey, Channie." That's her endearment for him. Simple but he likes it. "Hey, bunny." Darn. That endearment she gets from him. He said that her front teeth look big, so he called her bunny-- remove the bugs so it won't make it bugs bunny.

"Don't call me that! and what are you doing here at... 3pm in the afternoon?" She raised an eyebrow at him- which earns Suji a y baritone laughed from the .

"Oh, nothing. Just visiting you, here. I have flowers for you." He sat down on the couch in front of her, handling her the flowers plus a box of golden ferrero chocolates. Damn that rich guy. His parents own a medical company that is why.

"Wow-- are you sick? do you have a fever? why are you giving me this?" she laughs while looking at the bouquet and chocolates.

"Hey, of course not. I just want to give you those, you know?" His ears and face turns red-- he is blushing madly.

"Oh, Channie! you are blushing" She back. Sometimes she is thinking if Chanyeol has feelings for her too. So maybe to save herself from the unrequited love-- damn. Love? no. Not yet!

'Denial' her subconscious protested.

"Jeez, don't tease me, yeah? shut up, rabbit." And now Chanyeol turns the table.

She murmured stupid curse at him, throwing daggers-- figuratively. "Fine
" Crossing her arms on her chest when she answered monotonously.

"Are you ready for the competition?" Gone carefree Channie. Hello, coach Chanyeol.

Damn. Next day-- yes.

"Uh. Yeah, I am. You taught me too much techniques, I'll win this... for you" She said. Her last word brings her back to life of shame. "I didn't me--"

"Don't do this for me. Do this for yourself, yeah? you worked so hard for this. You'll be performing an amazing song." He smiles before standing up then he comes forward, closing the distance between their faces. "Good luck, my bunny."

He pecks her forehead and lips- leaving her shock and petrified.

One, he called her my bunny. She hates that world but then it suddenly it becomes her favorite endearment now.

Second, he pecked her forehead and lips. His lips feels-- it feels so good.

Oh God, she will surely be going to faint.


Yesterday her heart becomes livid- she can't even sleep properly. So the result, she looks like a panda now-

Damn that Chanyeol.

She looks at herself in the mirror, fixing her pastel pink dress. It's her day-off today, she decided to pay Chanyeol a visit at the hospital- just simply saying she wants to see him.

Suji hailed a cab going to Medical Institute of California- at least she knows the place where Chanyeol is working for.

She paid the man before going off- thus, she composed herself and walks inside. Looking for Dr. Park- then suddenly someone collide onto her. "Oh!"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, are you okay?" a deep manly voice struck her attention up. Looking at those hazel brown orbs-- he has this black hair, familiar features of Korean people, seductive kissable lips and straight pointed nose. "Miss? I'm sorry, are you all right?"

She nodded her head multiple times, standing up straight- but before she answered, Chanyeol appeared running behind the man. His seems so startled upon seeing her figure talking to this another Korean guy.

"Byun Baekhyun! why are you holding her hands?" Chanyeol narrowed his eyes at the man named Baekhyun, she wasn't aware that he is holding her hands. Baekhyun quickly let go, giving the two of them a showbiz-look-like. What the hell, bud? I bumped her accidentally. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You, . Don't you ever hold her. She's mine." Possessive Chanyeol-- oh God.



"I- I mean-" Baekhyun grins creepily at his so called buddy. Some nurses around are looking at them- until Dr. Park slash Channie gaze at her. She saw how his eyes soften at her presence.

"Are you okay?" He immediately holds her hands without giving Baekhyun a glance. 'She's mine' she keeps repeating his words in her mind.

"Uh. Yes, thanks to Dr. Byun." She said smiling lightly at his directly. "You are welcome. My bud here thought I was hitting on you." He laughs harmoniously, causing Chanyeol to narrowed his eyes at his best friend again.

"Shut up, . Go away. Now!" She blinks in shock- this is the first she saw how furious Chanyeol can be. But when he turned back at her, his eyes held worry. "Naah, I'm sorry about that. Baekhyun raise his both arms, surrendering while laughing off his out.

"Oh, It's alright. I just want to visit you, you know. Have lunch? tomorrow is my competition." That 'she's mine'. Her subconscious wants to ask.

"Sure. But I'll go to my patient first, yeah? you can stay in my office." He offered, leading her to his comfortable office. She doesn't comment when she saw how big his office can be- no wonder, he is really rich.

"I'll go ahead now, see you later." She smiles back- wander her eyes around. Black and white, simple colors but manly in other way. There is an L-couch in front of his office desk, black laptop and folders. There are also some paintings on the walls-- she recognizes one.

"Oh wow, so he loves cubism, huh?" she can't help but to be impressed. Maybe she'll ask him later if he likes Pablo Picasso or Vincent Van Gogh.

"Starry Night, huh?" She admired the painting for more than ten seconds. Thinking about Van Gogh's reason why did he paint this one. It's awesome-- but every piece of art has a reason behind.

The door of Chanyeol's office opened up- revealing a petite woman with auburn hair, deep black eyes, pointed nose. She is wearing an office suit-- she seems so paranoid.

"Where's Dr. Park? please, my Krystal needs her. Please" Her eyes are watery. Suji immediately panic- "Ma'am Chan- Dr. Park is outside with his patients"

But the woman cries hard. "Please help me look for him, my baby girl can't breathe properly, please" She quickly nodded her head at the woman, calling out the nurses- "Dr. Park, call him now! emergency!" The nurses around her moved around. "Let's go"

They both goes straight in the ICU ward but the woman is still crying, mumbling. "I can't lose my baby girl. I don't want too, she's my life. Please" Suji hugged her like a mom immediately, comforting her- she feel so sad knowing that this irrational universe needs to take another life.

Once they both arrived, she saw Chanyeol and the other doctors on the glass window outside the ICU. The woman looks at her daughter, sniffing. "You know, I thank God for giving me a daughter like her. Very sweet, smart and obedient child. But when she turned 15, the doctors told us that she inherited my grandmother's heart disease. I was so devastated. She was crying the whole night when I told her I need to double my work for her heart transplant operation. Days had passed, my baby Krystal met that handsome man-" She points at Chanyeol. "They became sweethearts. At first, I thought they were just friends but as months passed by, Chanyeol asked me if it's okay to court my baby girl. Then I said yes, because who am I to be a hindrance in their relationship?"

That story made her shut up- she clearly remember what Chanyeol told her before- that painful one. She looked at the pale woman on the bed with tubes all over her. She has no reason to be mad at her. Who am I? she is nothing but a friend to Chanyeol after all.

"I... I loved him." She unconsciously stated while her eyes are focused at him. She isn't aware that her eyes are gushing waters- she felt like there is a needle piercing her heart, deeply scratching it. She felt so hurt- that even science can't even answer- even her psychological perspective view. Love, that is what she felt.

Love is a very simple yet it has a lot of meaning.

She looked down at her feet, closing her eyes tightly to stop the stupid tears running off her eyes. It feels so bad- if this was love meant- no, don't go there.

The woman looked at her in pity- she stopped herself. "I- I'm sorry my dear, I never intend to say those things. I crossed the line. I'm sorry."

"N-no it's okay, I- I know it's an unrequited love after all." She wipes her tears away and tries to smile. "I should probably be going now, ma'am. Please tell Krystal get well soon. Thank you"

Before the woman say something, Suji stood up- running away from the pain- away from Chanyeol. Tomorrow is the competition; she needs to focus. At least pour her heart on it- at least she tried to love after all.

Love is about taking the risk.

She realized how much she is madly in love with Chanyeol. And she will be using that to win this competition-- for him. At least for him.

It doesn't matter how hurt she is now. She can't blame the two of them- fate is really savage sometimes. It will drag you to hell before you feel the worth wait.


At that night, she spent her time on her bed, crying again. And again. They said it's okay to cry until you feel numb.

And looks like it is really true. She sat up, look at herself- she looks like a mess. That night, Chanyeol didn't go home in his house, she knew of course.

"Maybe he is spending his time with her." Ouch- the pain.

Suji shut her eyes and falls back to a slumber. She will face the cruelty of the world tomorrow.

After all, she's only a human-- she can feel pain and she will get tired.


She woke up shortly with fluffy eyes and pinkish nose- in short, she looks like a mess. Today is the competition.

Nothing new, she is still in pain after all. Her body was lifeless, it looks like she was drained in reality- she drag herself inside the bathroom and bathe.

Her phone rings multiple times, but all she can do is ignore that- yeah. She doesn't like calls in the morning. Wrapping herself in a towel, she prepared her clothes. The pastel blue casual dressed she prepared for Chanyeol- but life seems so ungrateful.

Pink notebook.

Her eyes darted at that thing. She picked it up and throws it in her back-pack, this will be a very busy day for her, indeed. All done.

Sunlight strikes down on her milky skin- a peaceful morning welcomed her vision outside, plus the fact that Chanyeol's home is just beside hers. Maybe he will not in the competition to watch her.

She felt her shoulder slumps down, ignoring the truth. A cab stopped and she hopped in, telling the driver her way.


Chanyeol keeps on calling Suji's phone- but look, it always direct her to her voice mail saying "Hello, I am Bae Suji, if I didn't answer your call, meaning I am busy at the moment. Please leave a message in my voice mail."

That's it. up!

The operation went well on Krystal, when he got back from his office, Suji was gone- . Who wouldn't? she witnessed him with his ex. Damn it. Damn it.

Krystal's mom was persistent to convince him to stay before her daughter wakes up. She said sorry- though he didn't understand what is she is sorry all about- until the woman told her everything.

The last word she said was: "She loves you..." That-- is a very ing. Ugh, he can't even explain why does his heart is beating so fast.

He is a coward. Yeah. Coward because he didn't even confess what he felt for her.

Chanyeol kicked the wall, cursing words-- today is her contest. that. The situation makes it worst, he needs to be there before this all end. It hurts. That's the only word he can describe right now.

Without changing it anything up, he runs off quickly while calling the producer of that competition and drove his car to San Francisco to see his love of his life.


Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Suji is in the backstage with other contestant, holding her music piece. Beside her is Jia- Jia becomes her friend instantly, she has this lovely positive vibe that helps her feel happy.

People outside are clapping their hands in awe and the judges are there, listening intently. The host of the event called out fir Jia's name- Good grace. She will be the last after all.

"Good luck, you can do it." She said, doing the fighting sign. "You too, yeah? thanks!"

Jia heaves a deep sigh before following the staff, leading her inside. The audience becomes silent- then the soft sound from guitar ignites her feeling. She remembers him again. Jia is now singing- singing with heart as she guessed. That is what Park Chanyeol told her, right? to be herself and express her heart out. The music of love, indeed.

Her tears gushed out again- then all she knew, she is crying silently at the corner. When Jia stops, everyone seems so livid. They clamp their hands loudly though others are crying, whipping their tears off using their handkerchiefs.

The guy wearing headphones called out her name. Her hands are shaking in nervousness- she turns back at the staff and nodded, holding her music piece.

"Our last contestant, please welcome, Bae Suji." That short introduction is her cue, walking towards the front - she can see a lot of people, studying her, the judges are also doing the same. She bowed her head and sat on the seat in front of the grand piano, placing her music piece in front.

She did what Chanyeol taught her. Even though he is not there to witness her, she will still do this for him. Because he is the only man she loves.

Suji felt the silence, she is imagining Chanyeol smiling at her, giving her encouragement- sitting beside her, singing with her. Her lips form a smile when her fingers expertly pressed the keys, making a melody.

She started singing her heart out- blending with the perfect pitch of the melody. Love is indeed wonderful to feel, but sometimes the person you fall in love is really not the one for you. At least you have tried. At least you felt it right.

Every second, every minute and every hour with him is golden. Love cannot be measured nor calculated- it is indeed unconditional. No modern mathematical nor Ancient Egyptian mathematical formula can solve love.

She smiles happily after ending the song- it's refreshing, it's indeed good. Everyone is silent- until then, she notices them crying. "Chanyeol is right after all" she thought.

The judges and audience inside the studio stood up, clapping their hands for her. It's unexplainable- it's very unexplainable to realize.

She stood up and bow her head down. The host beside her now spoke.

"Thank you for sharing us your beautiful piece of music, we are indeed grateful." She gave her a tight hug, making Suji smile at the appreciation.

"But before we announced the winner of this event, may I call on all the contestant." all of them lined up in front, of course she's the last and Jia is beside her. "You did great."

"Oh, so we have a very important guest today. It seems like our beloved former judge of this competition is here for a mission. Welcome back, Park Chanyeol." The host excitedly bomb the unexpected intro-- which make her thump.

Oh God. He's here.

He's here.

She couldn't stand- Chanyeol locked his gaze at her. "Thank, Hailey. Now my turn." He walks slowly at her way, captivating her presence.

"The moment I say as my neighbor, you already snatch my heart. You know why, my bunny? your eyes are so beautiful, I can't even look away. I am always there, watching you secretly. Adoring how wonderful you are. So I did the most stupid thing, every day I annoy you- though you are not giving me any glance at all. But I don't care, at least I can always see you. At night times, I saw you staring at the stars. I was wondering, what is in your pretty head sometimes? you know, I admit I really like you at first. I don't know, I just fell so hard. I woke up one day, realizing that I can't get you out of my system. Then there, I started giving you signals that I am falling deeply madly in love with you."

"Falling deeply madly in love?"

"You heard it right, my bunny. I love you, I know you are mad at me- I'm sorry for being a coward for not telling you that. I am just making sure that if I tell you I love you, I really mean it, without regrets. Please don't doubt my love for you."

Chanyeol crotch down in front of her- he fished off a red velvet ring. Oh my God...

Suji can't stop her tears. Those words she is waiting for the whole time. Those confession she wanted to hear all the time.

He opens it and present to her a silver ring with a heart shaped diamond on top. "My bunny, can you be my girl? I know you may not be my first but I am hoping that you will be my last. Forever."

She couldn't contain her happiness. All throughout, she just nodded her head. Giving him an answer, saying her 'Yes'.

"Please say it, my bunny." Chanyeol pleaded, smiling half way until he gets her answer.

"Yes, baby. I'll be yours and I love you too." Chanyeol slip the ring on her finger- then stand up and gave her the sweetest, passionately kiss in front of everyone.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He mumbled against her lips- then inwardly, he nuzzles his nose against hers. God I didnt expect this. Suji felt his chest vibrates when they both laugh. Channie, its your time to tell me your three wishes.
And because of that, Chanyeol smirks- leaning closer, whispering his wishes which makes her blush furiously.

Damn. I love this man.

"Hey, love birds!! We are here!"

And with that, they both laughed.


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