
The Mark

Blank. I can hear it. The wind blowing, softly carressing my skin on the way, making shivers run down my spine, all the way to my little toe, only to feel the coolness again. The sound of birds. The cheerful sound of birds. All happy that it is finaly spring. The season they have long awaited. When the cherry blossoms bloom. When the grass becomes greener. When apple pies are set by the windows, housewives waiting for them to cool off, offer it to their husbands, seeking appreciation and assurance, knowing all too well the power they had over them. The need to be obediant. No. The obligation to be submissive. Living in a men's world.Him being able to replace you at any given moment.The thought or should I say the fact itself made my heart boil. I abrutly opened my eyes. Ignoring my mother's calls, I head deeper into the woods. It was my favourite place besides my father's study. Everything here was so peaceful, it helped cop with the mess of the realm. Plus it was next to our unessacery huge mansion making it easier for me to visit it when I wish. That's when I felt eyes on me. I purposely pretended to be fascinated by the flowers, waiting for the usual intruder to come out. He never did. How did I know it was a he? Well this has been going on for the past two years: me hanging around the woods with someone following me. At first I thought it was a harmless animal footsteps so I didn't think much of it. But I became suspicious when I heard a ringtone and sudden hurried steps along with heavy breathings. It all became clear to me when once I stayed outside for too long until midnight. That's when I was "attacked" by a wolf, I was scared to say the least and mentally prepared myself to the end but I felt a cool hand on my neck and flames started to appear in my vision. I felt a strong presence behind my back making turn around coming face to face with the most handsome man I've ever seen. I could hear whimpers coming from the wolf but I was too immersed with the man's beauty to react. Only until the wolf stopped making sounds that the young man smirked at me and softly whispered "You should be more careful". I was about to speak when he put a finger on my lips and simply nodded his head to the direction of my houde. He took my hand in his and started walking towards it making me do the same. 

I was very intiggered so I asked him "who are you and what were you doing there?". He glanced at me and said "I was watching all this time. Had a feeling you'll get attacked so I stayed there until it became reality" I was about to talk but he added with a soft smile "I can't tell you much. I'm sorry but you should know I'm no creep just someone here to protect you until the day we'll properly meet". 

He made sure I entered the house safely that night and didn't leave until he saw the lights of my room .

Probably growing anxious I believe, my mother's scream grew louder. Noticing the sunset was near, I decided to head home. The place I call home but never concidered it as one. There it is. Right infront of me. Where I grew during the last seventeen years of my life. All sorts of memories are engraved in it. Born in it. Thus why I loath it even more. Entering the house, I come face to face with a rather furious middle aged woman. wearing her long sleevless green dress that hung to her body all in the right places, complimenting her pale skin. Her auburn hair falling perfevtly down her waist, the curls tickling her collarbone.

"Good evening mother. I hope I don't happen to be late"

"Why as much as I would like to give you the signature lecture. Your father is waiting for you at his study." she said with her infamous tone.

"I see, pehaps did he hint as to why he may need me?" I asked growing worried knowing the limited reasons for his rare calls.

"I say you must see for yourself". She replied coldly making me wonder wether or not she really is my mother.

Just as I was heading to where the devil's chamber is mother needed to add "and darling, if I were you I would have made sure to look more presentable".

Looking down at my attire I couldn't help but roll my eyes mentally. Stepping inside my room, I absentmindedly caught a glance of myself in the mirror. Standing in front of it, I take a good look at the girl ahead of me. Contrery to what most thought, I found her beautiful, she ressembled her father more, thick black eyebrows and big doe eyes. Not taller than five point three feet. She has tanned skin, curly hair and pouty lips.Deciding that I better start dressing, I pick a random knee lenght blue dress and leave my room. On the way to meet my father, I look at the portraits hanging around the hall, reminding me how wealthy my family is. I then reach the study. knoking softly I hear a faint "come in" from the inside, opening it I walk in keeping my head down while greeting my father.

"Hello dear, I would like you to meet Dr.Len, the CEO of the medical institution of Seoul"

Looking up I crack a smile to the said man wjile trying to guess the reason of his presence. I timidly reply "It's a pleasure to meet you Dr.Len"

"The pleasure is mine I heard a lot of great things about you "He says.

"I have known Dr.Len since we were both in highschool and what can I say, he's a brilliant man with a unique vision. He came to inform me about the news of the instuitution latest researsh and it is mad yet romantic." Speaks father.

"Well we try our best, our new project has been going on for years and we finally found the loophole to succeed. This project is nice and simple, we detected a way to help newborns find their soulmates. Pretty cute if you think about it but it's much deeper than it looks: the rate of depression, and murders caused by heartbreak, cheating and one-sided love has been increasing for the last decades, we wanted to create a solution that could be a win-win for bth sides, the government won't have to deal with such crimes because of said reasons and the cetizens will finaly be able to live their oh so wanted fairytail which they've always dreamed of" Explains Dr.Len

"That's magnificent to hear, if I may ask how is it planned to be successful?" I replied with a fake smile, I found it ironic how this is told to the girl who has lost hope in love at such a young age, who has never for once believed in fairytails and knows for a fact she will be wed in a few years to an unknown man all for business reasons. But then again he said newborns not those who are already born, which is a good thing, I can't imagine the amount of divorces we may witness.

"Well for I can assure you, if you fancy knowing more you must join our institution" He says.

I was shoked to say the least, before I had the chance to answer my father jumped in:

"No need to look nervous, you have always been a genius, graduating highschool at 12. starting your university attendance at 14.We all know how smart you are and how you always wanted to become a doctor". Which is true except for the last part, I wanted to be an astronaute but was denied the right for reasons I myself ignore. For the second time by father

"Well she's obviously too happy to talk, it's a yes Dr.Len will be coming with you to help with the project" He came in front of me, glaring at me yet continued with a soft tone"You will accompany Dr.Len since you will be living in the institution's dorm for you might be needed at any moment and our house is too far, no need to pack your mother has already sent your luggage. And darling make us proud for once." He said the last part for me to hear. I nodded and followed Dr.Len after he shook hands with my father.

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