Only The Best For You

Only The Best For you


Jessica Jung considers herself a good friend.

She may seem like a self-centered girl who always keeps to herself, but in truth, she always looked out for her friends. You mess with her friends, and she’ll get back at you with the meanest group of mafia-looking kids to keep you in line.

She wasn’t a troublemaker, but if getting in trouble was the only way to fight for her friends, she’ll gladly take on the title of a delinquent any day.

Jessica Jung just wanted what’s best for her friends…

…especially her best friend, Tiffany Hwang.

Tiffany Hwang was the opposite.

Yes, she looks out for her friends, but sometimes – well, most of the time actually, she was the one needed to be taken care of.

She was too nice for her own good, most people always say. She’d gladly give a third of her pocket money for any hobo who asked for it – even if it’s always the same hobo taking her kindness for granted. She’d even run across a street bustling with cars, just to save a little kitty drenched in the rain.

She was an angel walking on earth. Her tears were precious.

And that’s why Jessica took it upon herself to look out for her the most. Call it a habit for having been the one to always save Tiffany from bullies since kindergarten or maybe it’s just a plain overprotectiveness for her best friend.

Jessica just needed to protect Tiffany.

That includes protection from boys – or girls – who’s out to break her heart.

No, Jessica doesn’t beat those who ask Tiffany out. She just talks with them, gets to know them to make sure they’re okay. In fact, most of them initiates and approaches her during lunch breaks or dismissal. That was a plus point, really. That meant they know and acknowledge Jessica’s place in Tiffany’s life.

Currently, there’s a boy named Wooyoung trying to pursue Tiffany.

Wooyoung was a nice guy, according to some people. He was in Jessica’s class and he was even her partner in a History project once. They weren’t friends, but they were surely past the acquaintance stage. They talked comfortably about spontaneous stuff.

He seemed like the perfect guy for her best friend, but a gut feeling told her otherwise. She wasn’t completely blocking him out, though. She let the guy sit with them during lunch, and when she can’t accompany Tiffany home, she let him do it.

It was their school foundation week when Jessica finally found out Wooyoung’s true nature and realized something as well.

Jessica’s class collaborated with Tiffany’s class. Her group and Tiffany’s group combined and were assigned to build a food stand.

Jessica and Wooyoung were the ones assigned to buy their supplies, and so, Jessica took this opportunity to talk more with Wooyoung. And it was fine until…

“So, I heard Donghae likes Tiffany, too,” the blonde girl casually said as they carried the supplies towards the gym, where the others were.

“Yeah, I heard, too…” Wooyoung answered uninterestedly.

Jessica narrowed her eyes at him. “You don’t mind? You’re… not jealous or anything?”


Wooyoung chuckled and nudged Jessica on the elbow. “Oh c’mon, Sica… it happens, right? Between you and me, friend to friend, you know she’s not exactly the best girl out there, right? I was blinded by her smile, but I guess that’s it. She’s another fish in the sea. You’ve got lots of pretty friends. You understand me, right?”

Jessica pursed her lips, her grip on the plastic bag tightening by the second. “So you don’t really like her now?”

“Oh, please… She’s not exactly on the lighter side, huh. Not supermodel material. And she’s so gullible. Damn, she can be so stupid sometimes. She’s definitely not my type. Do you mind introducing me to one of your senior friends?”

Jessica gritted her teeth. She couldn’t take any more of this.

This dude was basically insulting Tiffany in front of her. He was saying despicable things about Tiffany, and no one gets away with doing so. Not while Jessica Jung is still alive. Heck, even if she died and someone wronged Tiffany, she’ll be sure to haunt them till they kill themselves in their sleep.

“Your friend, the one who joined that campus pageant, she’s cute… do you think you –”

Jessica dropped the bags in her hands. “Hey Wooyoung,” she called.

Wooyoung turned back to her. “Wha-”

Jessica clenched her fist tight and punched him square on the face, making him stumble back with a bleeding nose.

“Remember these three things I’ll say. If I see you coming near ANY of my friends, I’ll be sure to do more than punching you. If you see me walking down the hall, you better look away and go the other way. And most importantly, NEVER insult Tiffany again. I’ll know if you said anything about her behind my back. Mark my words.” Jessica dotted that remark with a kick on his leg.

That afternoon, Jessica found herself at the guidance counselor’s office. Wooyoung was seated across her, cowering under her icy glare as he held up a cold cloth to his nose.

Jessica could only smirk furtively at the guy as the guidance counselor ranted on about teens and violence.

She doesn’t regret anything, though.

In fact, she was glad Wooyoung voiced out his thoughts… Because she realized something else, while Wooyoung pointed out Tiffany’s ‘flaws’.

Tiffany was different from all the other girls. Whereas usual girls whined about wanting to have the perfect model body, Tiffany didn’t care. She was confident to be who she was. Wooyoung was probably blind, because Jessica found oozing confidence to be incredibly y in a girl. Her one of a kind eye smiles was just a big bonus to her milky skin, her big, adorable brown eyes, her cute nose, and her pink, plump, pouty lips.

Yup, Wooyoung was blind. And he was stupid, too, for not realizing just how angelic Tiffany is.

Tiffany may be gullible at times, but it just shows how kindhearted she was. She trusts people easily because she never judges or thinks ill will against others. She believed in the goodness of others.

Tiffany Hwang may as well be called the ‘best girl in the world’, because she was. In Jessica’s eyes, she always has been the best. And she deserved nothing but the best in everything.

Realizing all that, Jessica was now even more hell-bent on protecting the brunette.

“You both will be helping me out here for the next two weeks, you got that?” Ms. Park, the counselor, said.

Jessica and Wooyoung just nodded, the latter making sure to avoid eye contact with the blonde.

“You two may go.”

Wooyoung hurriedly went out the office, leaving Jessica with Ms. Park.

And just when Jessica reached the door, Ms. Park called out.

“And Miss Jung, wipe that smirk off your face.”

Jessica’s smirk only widened as she walked out.

“Wipe that smirk, will you? You look like a delinquent.”

Jessica looked up, her eyes widening. “Tiff… I –”

Before she could even say anything, soft lips pressed against hers and warm arms wrapped around her neck tightly.

Damn, even her kisses are the best.

After a few seconds, Tiffany pulled back and grinned. She kept her arms around the blonde’s neck. “I heard how you defended my honor earlier… Some student got it on his phone camera. You were amazing and that’s why I… I love you so much.”

A smile formed on Jessica’s face, her heart beating like a drum at hearing her words. It didn’t take a genius why her heart reacted that way.

She knew it right away.

“I love you, too, Tiff… more and more each day.”

Tiffany smiled brightly, her eyes forming crescents much beautiful than the moon. She hugged her again, her lips on Jessica’s ear. “You’re the best, Jessi…”

Jessica smirked inwardly as she savored the feeling of Tiffany’s arms around her.


Like I said, Tiffany deserves only the best.



A/N: There.. Like it? Hate it? Comment and tell me what you think!:)

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Chapter 1: This is so cute that make me reread this again...
Jeti48 #2
Chapter 1: I love it..... Really......
Ahhh scratch that.... I love all ur jeti fic... Please keep on writing on them... I'll always support u...
Chapter 1: esto es maravilloso ! i love it!
Jsooyeon_18 #4
Chapter 1: I love this. XD
Chapter 1: awww my JeTi feels :>
Chapter 1: Ooohhh i'm soooo LAAAATE to read this GREAT JeTi ONESHOT OF YOURS! XD
I LOVED IT, Jessi the PROTECTOR of ANGEL Tiff >~<
I LOVED how it turned out, THE BEST ONLY FOR THE BEST! <3<3<3

Ya could do some MORE, ya know? To satisfy ma JeTi NEEDS ;D
windyheartsnsd #7
aigoo, so fluffy it's refresh my mind! This is good! Pls continue writing Jeti!
wahaha! so gooooodd!! make more JeTi~~