Chapter 6

The maid

Jun went to work the next day.

She went to go clean.

"Hello Mr. S.coups."Said Jun.

"Hello I'm going to be busy with my work."Said S.coups.

S.coups went into his office to work.

After cleaning Jun went into S.coups office.

"I'm about to leave unless you have anything else for me to do."Said Jun.

"Just dust the book shelve please."Said  S.coups.

"Will so sir."Said Jun.

"So why did you decide to become a maid."Said S.coups,

"I needed the money , I'm helping my family, both my parents & my younger brother work, ,my family is middle class but that's cause we all work, being lazy isn't something I do."said Jun.

"So you never go out and have fun."Said S.coups.

"No not really."Said Jun.

"You're in 20s & you never go out and have fun, not even going to a park to have fun."Said S.coups.

"Not really, oh and I finished dusting,"Said Jun.

"Thank you that will be all,"Said S.coups.

Jun got her coat and stuff and went to go home.

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