
Not in Love, No

No, doesn’t feel as dry as the desert or tongue as rough as sandpaper when Tiffany gives her that smile. The smile that everyone loves, but was only meant for her. She’s just parched from talking too much.

No, she doesn’t feel the burning sensation from within, rising to the surface of her skin when Tiffany’s loving stares linger on for a moment too long. It’s only the result of the warm days of summer.

No, she doesn’t have an uncontrollable urge to reach out and grab Tiffany’s hand and never let go whenever their hands brush. Because there is no need for unnecessary physical contact.

No, her heart doesn’t beat fast and slow at the same time when Tiffany prolongs their goodbye hugs. It’s not as if she won’t see the girl again tomorrow.

“No, don’t be mistaken,” she says to Tiffany. It’s probably just a phase and nothing more. They are simply friends.

No, Jessica is not in love with Tiffany.

But when Tiffany is seen laughing and smiling towards another girl, a girl Tiffany is now dating, Jessica only chooses then to believe that she is in love with Tiffany.

Yes, Jessica is painfully in love with Tiffany.

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