

It's okay, It's alright
To play the fool has always been my plight
In this tiny circus show, I'm the nameless pierrot.

A silhoutte can be seen standing in the center , entertaining the audience with it's trick. The audience clap their hands as they watches the performer perform a magic trick infront of them. The kids look at them with happiness and amazement.


This person wore a mask to hide it's identity from the public. No one knows his name nor know his looks. He was dubbed as the nameless Pierrot by his co-workers. 

As I try to balance in the center
Of a ball as round and shiny as the moon
It's my job to trip and fall for laughter
But I always get back up and smile like a buffoon 


Meanwhile, Sana Minatozaki , the daughter of the Minatozaki clan , found herself strolling down in the park , enjoying the peace she rarely experience ,when she notice a lot of people gathering in one spot. Curious, she made her way where the people gathered and saw a tall guy with clown mask.

She was fascinated from his performance and can't help but focus on how the guy juggle the bottles in his hands with ease. She can tell that the guy knows what he was doing.

But then I saw you crying there out in the audience
Put on a happy face, you look much better when you smile 
Your mom and your dad don't seem to notice
The tears streaming down your cheek but I did    
Don't worry, cause I will wipe them away

It's okay, It's alright!
It doesn't hurt, I do it all the time
You should laugh, I want you to
This is what I do 

It's alright, it's okay
I balance on a ball and fall away
In this tiny circus show, I'm the clumsy pierrot 


Smiling widely, she,along with the audiences give a round of applouse from his wonderful performance but stop when she feel her fiance's presence behind her. She can tell that he was mad,really mad for ditching him from their date but she can't help it, she hated him. She doesn't want to be with him. Tears streaming down from her cheeks,she bowed down her head to avoid unwanted attention  and slowly walk away from the place.

No one notices it though except, the pierrot. He can tell how sad she is. The guy then bow down infront of them as a sign of gratitude before he walk away from the crowd and came back with a large ball in his hands, he put it down,climb ontop of it balance himself before rolling his way around the circle and found himself slipping from the ball and fall down with a thud,making the audience gasp in shock and horror that catches Sana's attention. 

Blood dripping down from his head, the mask guy stares at the kids who was snickering at him, stones in their hands. The stone that causes him to be injured. The parent of the kids scolded them before walking away from the scene as the pierrot  comically stood back up,swaying from dizziness and look at the teary eyed kids and Sana before gliding his way towards them, he simply replace their tears with smiles when he perform a magic trick by summoning a pretty flowers ontop of his head, making the kids laugh. 

Sana tearfully watches him while her fiance stood behind her, glaring at Sana and the pierrot. He really hated that guy.

After the performance, Sana found herself standing infront of the pierrot, smiling sadly at him. The Pierrot who had a bandage plastered around his head,simply look at her behind his mask and spoke out. 
" Why are you sad?." He asked,his voice muffled because of his mask.

" I'm sad..because  you are still ..jolly. I can't imagine someone being so happy after what happen. It's like you're ..lying with yourself. With your feelings.  " Sana answered, trying to stop herself from crying. 

The Pierrot shook his head and stood up from the crates and twirl around, making Sana confuse from his action.

"What are you doing? " Sana asked in confusion as the Pierrot stops.

"Making you laugh. I know that your experiencing something that makes you sad and I hate seeing you like that. And I promise you this, I never lied about my feelings. It wasn't that painful." The Pierrot answered but it only makes Sana cry. 

Without them noticing, Mark Tuan, Sana's fiance , was watching them ,glaring at the clown.

Walking away from them, he swore that he will kill him. He will kill the clown. 


"Hey! It's your turn. " Jeongyeon taps the pierrot's shoulder, giving him a goofy smile while Chaeyoung and Dahyun stood behind him,grinning. These guys are his friends since he was a kid until now. They supported him and showered him with affection. The Pierrot give them a thumbs up and walk out from the backstage and make his way towards the ladder. For tonight's performance, he will ride a unicycle ontop of the rope while juggling the balls in his hands. 

Climbing up the ladder,he found himself being nervous but he quickly shook it away and took a deep breath behind his mask.

'I can do this..' He thought. 'I've been doing this since I was 12 .. '  He then reaches the top and look that and spotted Sana from the audience.

Sana look up and found herself staring at her friend. She silently prayed for his safety.

Meanwhile,Mark took a short glance at Sana and inwardly glare at her before looking up and watches the pierrot pick up his unicycle. He inwardly smirks,knowing that something will happen,bad. 

The Pierrot sat on the unicycle before paddling himself toward the rope,not knowing that the rope has been cut loose. Due to the weight of the pierrot and the unicycle, the rope snap.

Before the pierrot can comprehend what happen,he find himself falling down,face first. 

He can hear his friends screaming in horror.

He can hear the audiences panicking. 

And finally,he can hear Sana calling out for him even though she doesn't know his name yet. 

Show me what you're hiding there, beneath the painted mask.
The face that you never show the audience, that's all I ask
The pain that you feel when you are beaten
And tears that you cry when no one's looking
Don't be ashamed, because we all feel the same

It's okay, it's alright
Don't worry, you don't have to fake a smile 
I just want you to be true
Just be true to you 

He inwardly laugh at that then grimace in pain when someone flip his body and lay his head ontop of someone's lap.

He found himself looking at Sana's pretty face then he notice that he can't feel the mask in his face anymore. 

Tilting his head to the side, he found his mask,broken,  beside him,caked with blood and dirt. 

And with that,he feel exposed. Totally exposed from the people around him. 

He remembers the day where he made that mask for himself. 

To hide his feelings from everyone.

From the people who judged him so easily without knowing him.

He remembers himself crying alone,hiding his face with his hands. 

Lifting his right arm weakly, he try to hide his face from Sana but the girl stop him so.

"Don't you dare..hide yourself from me..again. Don't you ever dare! " Sana tearfully said to the pierrot,watching him as he weakly lay down in her lap,blood dripping from his head and to the ground. 

"Stop hiding what you really feel and let me see the real you! The guy behind that mask ! The face that you never show the audience.  The pain that you feel when you are beaten by some kids. The tears you shed after the performance. The sadness behind that smiley mask!" Sana softly said as she wipe off the tears trailing down from pierrot's bare face. She can't bear seeing him suffer like this. 

"I can't..I can't.." He cried. 

It's alright, it's okay 
It doesn't matter what they have to say
You won't face it all alone, I will cry with you" 

It's okay, it's alright
You helped me find what disappeared  inside
It's the face I lost to time, the one that's truly mine

"It's okay,you don't have to be ashamed because you are just human. Humans have the right to feel those feelings..." Sana said as she look down at him with sad expression. "You don't have to fake your feelings won't face it all alone..I am here. I will be here with you.." 

He cried silently in her lap as he feel himself being set free from the burdens he faced throughout his childhood. He can see himself expressing his feeling freely. 

Seeing him crying, Sana pull him to her,hugging the pierrot tightly in her chest,crying together with him. She can feel his sadness and pain. 

"It's alright, it's okay"
It's like a spell, the lie can finally fade


Pushing himself away from Sana's hug, the pierrot gave her a sad,weak smile as if he was thanking her from saving him, as he can feel his life slipping out.  He slowly closes his eyes,mouthing something to Sana then just like that,he passed away in her lap.

And the lying pierrot that I was has gone away

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Chapter 1: Daijoubu Daijoubu ~

Chapter 3: Ohhhhh, yay glad it’s still a happy ending tho
FillDir 306 streak #5
Chapter 2: WOAH. WHUUUUUUUUT that was totally unexpected damn
I mean I didn't expect that but yeah well..
I was feeling kinda sad when I read the first one so this one saved me from feeling sadder hehe
BtsVtaetae #6
Chapter 1: amazing thats all I can say, keep on writing satzu ff :)
Chapter 1: Why is this so sad... ㅠㅡㅠ
Chapter 1: That was a very tearful storyp
Chapter 1: Crap im in tears