Fresh Start


Chap 8- Fresh start

~~~~ POV

                I woke up this morning excited and ready to go to school. When I woke up I heard the boys running around the dorm rushing to get ready. Thank god I had my own bathroom. So I jumped in the shower and washed my hair. After I got out and put on my uniform I braided my hair. I walked out of the room to see the boys finally settled down and eating breakfast. I sat down next to myungsoo oppa and Woohyun. I still hated Woohyun but I can try to get along with him. I looked over to him and he gave me a smile. I just smiled back it was the best I could do.


 Sunggyu asked me “~~~~ how was your first day of school beside you beating up Chunji?”


       My first day at school was pretty good besides the s and fight. I had all the guys there to help me out and I am thankful I do. After we finished breakfast we all left to school. I was so excited to go to school and see Chunji. So we could have a fresh starts.


      Just like I expected it was just like yesterday morning, all the fangirls and some fanboys were crowding around us shouting left and right. I just pushed out the crowd. Once they saw me walk out the group everyone was looking and me and some were even trying to hide. Was I really this scary and threatening?? It was only my first day and the second everyone was afraid. But whatever I didn’t care if they were afraid of me at least they knew now not to mess with me. Then Hoya and Dongwoo came over and walked with me since we had first period together.


       I walked into first period expecting to see Chunji. But he wasn’t there. Did I really kick him in the stomach that hard? So I just sat near Dongwoo and Hoya, next to some weird kid. Class started and Chunji didn’t show up yet.


Chunji POV-


       I forgot to set my alarm before I went to sleep. I guess I was too busy texting ~~~~ last night that I forgot to set it. Right after I said bye to ~~~~ I just knocked out on my bed.


          But I couldn’t waste time getting ready or I won’t get to see ~~~~ and have a fresh start. But she really kicked me hard yesterday. But now I know not to get on her bad side. First period is starting and I’m still running to school. I hope I make in time to see her in first period. As soon as I got there I threw my bag over the wall and climbed over it. I have done this so many times before I barely break a sweat anymore. But my stomach pain made it a little hard.


            I jumped over the wall then ran as fast as I could to first period. Luckily I made it just in time for 20 minutes left of class. Mr. Lee let me pass this one time. But next time I am late I have to stay after and clean up. But as I walked I saw ~~~~ sitting next to this goofy looking kid. Why did she sit there when there were so many seats left? Does she not want to talk to me? Is she ignoring me?? Is she still mad at me??? That couldn’t be right we were laughing and texting last night. As the bell for first period ended I slipped ~~~~ a note and left. It said:


          Meet by the gates after school. We could talk and have a fresh start then. Let’s just let school just pass today. <3 Chunji



    I saw her reading in the hallway on her way to second period. She read the note then looked happy and excited. I couldn’t wait to see her after school. At lunch today she didn’t sit with us instead she sat with her brother and infinite. The rest of the day was a drag.


       Finally the final bell rang signaling the end of the day. I rushed to my locker and grabbed my stuff. I walked out to the gates when I saw ~~~~ there just staring at the ground and playing in the dirt with her foot. She looked so cute and innocent. I walked over to her and she looked up at me and her face lit up in happiness.


       We walked to the closest ice cream parlor. I took her to a table then went up to order us some ice cream. I ordered both of us cookies and cream. When I got back to the table she jumped in glee when I gave her the ice cream. Do you like cookies and cream? She just nodded her head and ate her ice cream. I guess we do have something in common we both like the same ice cream. 


            After we ate our ice cream we got to know each other more and laughed. I told her about what I liked and about teen top. She talked about why she went to the U.S and about herself. We had a great time together. I feel like we grew a lot closer and more comfortable around each other It was about 5 I decided to take her home. We thanked each other for the good time and then I went home. This was the best refresh ever and I’m glad we did.



This chapter was a bit longer. I guess it was boring. But please subscribe, comment, and tell if anything is wrong or want fixed. I love you all thank you!!!! Please comment on how you think what should happen in the next capter.































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infinite_kenn #1
chunji <3
ailisu #2
LOL oh woohyun~~
i smell love >:3
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Btw, great job with your fic =]]
awww plz update soon i really wan t to read this