Chapter One

Warmth Within

“If this ever happens, I won’t ever forget that you were once mine.”

 That was what Sehun professed when he and his long-term best friend turned boyfriend, Jongin, decided to give each other a short break after they went through a hell of a relationship. The main trigger stayed unknown but both of them knew what was the best decision to be made for the sake of their love.

Knowing each other since they were still learning on how to stand by their two legs, there were no secrets kept between them but as time goes by, things were destined to change and promises were originally meant to be broken. 'Limit' was not the word that existed in their vocabulary as everything was infinite for both Jongin and Sehun.

Of course, the visual couple, at least, that was what everyone described them, all they need was a short break to give each other time to figure out what they needed to maintain a life-long relationship. This was not the end.


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Walking out from the house groggily as he was not really a morning person, Jongin managed to fix his spectacles and bent down for his shoes. Taking a large amount of the freshly released oxygen coming from the big trees around his neighbourhood, he also secretly hoped that the whole day would be nice to him as for the others, were not giving him the chance to feel some difference as he always, never failed to bump onto Sehun at the coffee shop. It was not like he wanted the former boyfriend to forever disappear, vanished completely from him but that was the reason they broke up, to give time and space for each other. How could someone think properly when his ex and also, the partial cause of his problem was still appearing in front of him every single day?

Thoughts by thoughts kept on appearing on his mind that he did not notice that he was already nearing his favourite morning coffee shop. Taking in the scent of the freshly brewed coffee in front of the entrance, he really cannot wait to have his daily shot of Americano for the day. Jongin, in the beginning, was never a coffee enthusiast, but when he got to know how Sehun loved his coffee in the morning on bed, he successfully learnt  how to make a satisfying cup of coffee, Americano to be exact, for his boyfriend, and gradually becoming to fall in love with the taste and texture of the fresh brewed drink, to become addicted to it as their morning kisses were always coffee flavoured. The side effect of drinking it was also becoming an advantage for him to stay up and finishing his work before the deadline due.

The calming sound of the door chime filling the atmosphere as Jongin gently pushed the door and was greeted politely by the cashier-in-charge. The handsome regular customer has never failed to walk into the shop once they have finished setting up the place for the day. “One shot of Americano topped with hazelnuts sprinkles, Sir?”

“Yes, please! Make sure that it tastes like heaven or else, I won’t be paying.” A playful smirk was planted on his pair of plump sculptured lips while he jokingly .

Making sure that the payment went smoothly, he thanked the cashier and turned to look around for an empty seat. Due to his luck, his favourite spot was still unoccupied so he took the buzzer with him and walked towards the secluded seat right beside the floor- to- ceiling window. Putting aside his bag, he took out his laptop, switching it on and waited for it to be ready for work. There was a reason why he loved sitting near the window, he once said that watching the view of crowded people, walking on their own pace heading towards their supposed destination, accompanied by beautiful weather, gave him the inspiration to do his work. For a writer, things like that were very important Writing was used to be his hobby since he was still in high school and it is not a surprise when a Doctorate graduate became a writer because he loved to write. He took the challenge and instead of being a doctor, he was now a successful writer with books published on many types of platforms. Until now, Jongin had been keeping his mom’s advice deep in his head, ‘Nothing is impossible.’for him and he never failed to express himself through his writings with the help of them. There will sometimes be some random events, occasions for him to transfigure them into a well-written piece of work.

While looking at the crowd outside, he felt a buzzing on his palm, indicating that his coffee was ready to be devoured. It was ice-chilled so the word ‘devour’ was quite appropriate to describe it because he was thirsty at the same time. As soon as he arrived at the pick-up counter, the door chime was heard again, signalling that a new customer coming in. Due to the uneasiness he felt, Jongin stopped moving and stayed still with the thoughts of a tall, godly handsome latter would show up in front of him, again. He closed his eyes, took a very deep breath and tried to turn around, eyes were still closed tightly. Sensing that someone was standing directly in front of him, he slowly opened his eyes only to be greeted with a tall figure wearing a turtleneck long-sleeved shirt with black pants. He diverted his gaze upwards, only to see a sheepish grin by the guy, who was greeting him happily.

“Good morning, my dear Jongin.” Without fail, Sehun managed to give him his infamous, killer wink. The latter let out an annoying grunt, quickly started his hurried steps back to his table, seated there quietly right after he arrived, not wanting to be disturbed by any kind of living entity. “Baby, hear me out will you?” Looking like a kicked puppy, Sehun stood there timidly in front of Jongin.

“What is it? What is it that you desperately need to see me when I clearly told you, approximately three months ago, that I need you to leave me alone?” Words by words were coming out from the annoyed former boyfriend of his. The thing was, Jongin just could not understand why.

“I just miss you. Can’t I just keep-“A pregnant paused was there for a second before he continued, “-Can’t we just keep meeting each other as friends? We were best friends, really close friends before we became a couple. We don’t really have to do this, you know, acting like we are a complete stranger towards each other when we used to be so much more than this.”

Hearing the pure confession from Sehun, a slight pang was felt on Jongin’s heart, making him felt guilty inside when he should not. Finally, after noticing the looks given by the other customers towards the both of them with him clearly looking like a teacher reprimanding his naughty student seeking for his forgiveness, Jongin finally decided to let the poor guy sat down with him. Only because I don’t want to get embarrassed here in front of people. He thought.

“Stop embarrassing me in public. Just, sit here quietly and I don’t want to hear a word coming out from your mouth. Let me do my work peacefully.”

Just like a well-behaved puppy obeying its owner, Sehun immediately pulled over the chair and quietly sat down without an ounce of sound. Deep inside him, he was smiling even when he heard a soft sigh coming from Jongin. The difference around the atmosphere was not much, it was just the both o them doing their own things while sitting in the busy cafe but that did not last for long as the waiter broke up the silence between them and served two plates of cake slices. One was Chocolate Indulgence rich with creams and one was Red Velvet. Surprisingly was Jongin’s favourite flavour of cake.

Not wanting to argue, he thanked Sehun for still remembering his liking and took a small piece into his mouth. His eyes were luminous glowing with pure happiness followed by some innocent blinks as he started to enjoy the cake, forgetting that Sehun was still there in front of him. “Am I forgiven yet, baby?” That was when the realisation hit him and the mood was taken away, again. “No. Didn’t I told you to not say anything?” Jongin answered, with an unamused tone.

“Why? I treat you your Red Velvet cake, why you’re still like this? I just want us to start over again.”

­­­­­­­­­“Why do you have to make things even more complicated? As far as I remember, we, the two of us have fully agreed that giving each other space and privacy, the time alone to figure out on how to mend what we have broken.” Gradually, Sehun’s brows furrowed as his mouth turned into a pout as Jongin was trying to explain things to make everything clear for the both of them.

He continued, “Please baby. I really need my own space for me to be able to do some thinking. It is hard for me as it is for you. If you’re asking me to beg for it, trust me, I will.” Hearing that, the pout on the latter’s mouth turned pouty, and his eyes were pooling with shiny tears. He just could not believe it that his love was still denying him. He does not want Jongin to beg for anything. It was not like that. Sehun would even sacrifice himself to make his love happy. Feeling disappointed, he pleaded,

“But, what about me? What about my feelings? I’m a normal human too, gifted by God to have feelings within me. The love I have for you, I just couldn’t ignore it. I can’t deny myself every time my heart keeps on telling me to miss you. It hurts, you know. It hurts a lot.”

Taking a few sips of his coffee, Jongin decided to just save the work he was working on and switched off his laptop.

“Where are you going? Sehun mumbled as he was still looking down. The latter could notice a pout forming on his lips but sadly, if only he was giving all his attention to the younger.

“Come on, grab your drink and follow me and please Sehun, you’re not a toddler so stop acting like one. They are not doing any help for you.”

Jongin just continued walking out the shop, followed by Sehun shortly after that.

“Wait for me!”


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Both of them arrived at the park nearby Jongin’s neighbourhood, now sitting on the bench under the shady tree where it used to be their favourite dating spot. It was a strategic spot for a date with the blow of the cool breeze and the sunlight was also not directed to them as it was blocked by the big tree. Easy to say, it was perfect, added with the view of the beautiful blue lake in front of them.

“You miss me, didn’t you? You miss us?” Sehun wondered. A soft smirk was given towards Jongin but the latter ignored all of those.

“You said you missed me. Now, here I am, sitting right beside you. Make sure to remember this perfect view forever because I’m not sure if you’re going to see this again in the future. Make sure to take in all this visual you have in front of you”

Right after he said that, a sound of camera click was heard and a chuckled came out from Sehun.

“Thanks, baby. I will cherish this forever. I’m going to go to print it and put it in a frame, beside my bed so I could see it whenever I miss you.”

Flabbergasted, Jongin turned to face Sehun with a reddish face and without any warning, he felt a pair of soft pillows rested on his plump lips. That one feeling that he had been longing for but never showed it to the younger as the ego in him was stronger than his needs. His eyes were clearly described what he felt at the moment as they became bigger and bigger as time goes by. Meanwhile, the younger was cherishing the precious moment of his life as Jongin could feel his eyes began to close by themselves and also feeling smile began to form against his own lips. Not wanting to make things got more awkward, Sehun pulled away from the innocent kiss but still not moving his face and leaned his forehead towards Jongin’s, making them connected to each other. “Open your eyes, baby.” Sehun cooed. Once Jongin opened his eyes, he was greeted with a pair of hazel, glimmering eyes full of anticipation. As if Sehun was waiting for him to say something but he ended up being speechless. The younger just smiled and gave him another quick peck,

“I love you, and will always will. Remember that Kim Jongin.” 



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“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever” – The Notebook.


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