Chapter 21: Mysterious

Lights Go On Again


Chapter 21: Mysterious

Listening to Infinite – Hysterie


=Doojoon’s POV=


I woke up due to the really noisy sound. I abruptly sit in my bed and scrubbing the remaining sleepiness in my eyes.


Faintly, I can hear a soft snoring from the bunk under mine. That lazy boy. But, thst wasn’t the one that waking me up from my sleep.


I look around the bed besides me. To my surprise, they were already empty. Both Yoseob’s and Dongwoon’s.


In curiousity, I climbed down my bed to welcomed by the sight of sleeping Junhyung. His mouth was open and his arms and legs were sprawled all over the bed.


I wonder if any of his fans would see him like this, will there still be any girl to fancy him? I chuckled at my own statement.


But a thing surprised me. The bed besides Junhyung were also empty. What more weird is. The blanket and everything in the bed were neatly placed.


“First, they wake earlier than me. Then, their bed were neatly placed.”I said as looking around the neat beds. “Then I wouldn’t be surprised if Gikwang turn smart.”I chuckled as walking towards the kitchen for some water.


As I walk closer to the kitchen, again I heard the weird noise. It sounds like a dog that you force to sing a song. What making it weird more it sounds like the noise is singing our song. Beautiful.


I peeked to the kitchen, hoping to see anything weird. But as soon as I see the source of the weird noise, I frowned.


There, standing facing the stove is Jungeon hyung. He was singing senselessly as moving around his spot while using the spatula in his hand as a mic.


Sometimes I wonder why 4Minute got a handsome manager while us, B2ST get a weird and old naggy manager.


“Hyung!”I shouted as he stumbled in his spot and turn around to face me. The look in his face is priceless.


“D-doojoon ah!”he stuttered. What a rare things to see.


“Practicing our song are we?”I blurted with a smirk. He just scratch the back of his neck while smiling awkwardly.


I shook my head as walking towards the water bottle in the counter. After taking a few gulp, I put the bottle back down.


“Ah, hyung where are the other?”I asked as watching him eating the scrambled egg he made.


“Yoseob is visiting his mom. Gikwang is gone since the dawn, maybe out with Sohyun.”he paused for awhile to look at his food. “While Dongwoon and Hyunseung are on their double date to the café.”he said with annoyed face. “Only if they allow me to tag along with them. Then I’ll be watching Sukjin’s pretty face by now.”Jungeon said while playing with his egg.


So they’re already in the café. Well, lemme guess. Hyunseung must be with Hyunah, and Dongwoon must be with Jihyun.


“Why aren’t they waking me up? I wanted to go to the café too!”I scowled as walking towards the bathroom to clean myself.




After done washing my face and brushing my teeth, I put on a few layer of warm clothes. When I walk back to the bedroom, Junhyung was still in the same position when I left him.


“Yah! Junhyung ah~”I said as shaking his arm. He stirred a bit before pulling the blanket over his face.


“Okay then if you don’t want to get up.”I shrugged. “I supposed I had to drive alone to the café.”


I already making my way out from the room. In the count of…




“Hyung! HYUNG! Wait for me~”I heard a soft thud before I turn around, facing a messy Junhyung that wiping his drool off his chin. I pulled a face.


“I want to go to the café too.”more like you want to meet Jihee aren’t you? Sly dragon.


“Go get wash and I wait you in the car.”I said as walking toward the front door.




“Yah, hyung. You could’ve wake me up nicely.”Junhyung muttered from the passenger seat.


“If I do that. I can guarantee that you would never wake up from your slumber.”I snorted as Junhyung shows an annoyed face as crossing his arms childishly.


I continued my drive to the café. Slowly as time passed, I could hear a soft snore from beside me. =.=


I decided to let him sleep and wake him up when we arrive.


I begin to think. Why did I feel so eager to come to the café? I never feel this excited before. Maybe once, when I used to be so hyper when I’m about to meet Jihyun.


But why I felt this eagerness again?


Nonetheless, I let it be. It doesn’t feel bad though.


=End of Doojoon’s POV=



When the two were arrived at the café, Junhyung immediately run on his feet to the café. Leaving Doojoon to shook his head in disbelief upon Junhyung’s childish excitement.


“That kid.”Doojoon muttered as watching Junhyung’s gleeful sight.


Doojoon close his car door and lock it before walking across the street.


While waiting for the traffic, Doojoon caught a mysterious looking man with a fedora hat over his head and an aviator shading his eyes with black scarf over his neck walking out from the café and waiting for the traffic to cross the street. Somehow, this man making Doojoon feeling uneasy. But Doojoon just shrug the thought away and crossing the street when the traffic light shows that he finally could.


Doojoon crossed the street leisurely as looking at his feet. Luckily, today wasn’t so crowded like any usual day. Doojoon was halfway in the street when he accidentally bumped to a person. When he look up, he sees the sight of the mysterious man earlier. Doojoon bowed a little as mumbling ‘Sorry’ several times, but the man just stare at him for seconds and continued his way to the other side of the street.


For a few seconds there, Doojoon could feel that the man was glaring at him through the aviator. He’s 100% sure.


Doojoon quickly continued his way to cross the street and enter the café while already pushing the earlier event to the back of his mind.


“Ooh! Yoondoo!”Hyunseung shout said from his seat as waving his hand gleefully. Doojoon just smile in return.


Hyunseung was completely latched onto Hyunah, while Dongwoon is the same with Jihyun. In his instinct,  Doojoon just searching for Junhyung. Only to be welcomed by the sight that Junhyung was completely absorbed in Jihee.


“Do you know where Heejun is?”Doojoon squeaked as every pair of eyes were staring at him.


“You know where to look for her Leader-nim.”Junhyung joked as lean back on his seat. Doojoon squinted his eyes to the rapper. Trying to understand what the rapper means by his word.


Without words, Doojoon just shoved his hands into his coat pocket and walk to where Heejun most likely stay right now. The greenhouse.


As Doojoon pushed the glass door with a creak sound, Heejun immediately turn her head to the source of the noise as waiting for further sound to give her hint of who/what just entered the greenhouse.




“I see you’re waiting for me to talk.”Doojoon said as leisurely walking toward the bench where Heejun is sitted. Seeing Heejun’s face turn back to her usual soft complexion, Doojoon couldn’t help but smiles.


“I thought that something is coming. You scared me there.”Heejun said. Followed with pout.


“Why would I do that? I would never scared you off.”Doojoon chuckled as gazing upon Heejun’s cute pout. “Besides, I love your adorable look better than your terrified look.”Doojoon said as lightly pinching Heejun’s white plump cheek.


Heejun let out a small gasps. Realizing what he just said, Doojoon put back his hand to hi pocket and look away. Obviously missing the sight of blushing Heejun.


“I m-mean i-i just…really, I didn-t mean t-to...”Doojoon scrambled with his word as rolling off his brain to look for something suitable to says in a time like this. “Aish! Forget what is just said. Okay.”Doojoon finally said in much calmer voice. Surprisingly, he just heard Heejun’s soft laugh in reply.


“You sounds cute when you stuttering.”


Upon Heejun’s word, Doojoon’s eyes went twice wider and his jaw literally fell to the floor. Once again, Doojoon look away. But this time he tries to reject the fact that he slightly feel happy and warm in his heart upon Heejun’s word.


‘Why am I feeling these? Plus! Why am I stuttering earlier? Stupid Doojoon.’he mentally slapped his head.







The both started in the same time as silence for awhile before breaking out to a soft laugh,


“You talk first.”Doojoon said with smile.


“Okay, so I’ve been itching to tell you this.”Heejun said as looking down to her feet.


The seemingly curious Doojoon just followed Heejun’s gaze as scooting closer to her.


“What is it?”the curious Doojoon asked with such eagerness that left Heejun laugh.


“Okay Mr.Curious. Why so hurry?”Heejun paused. “I’m getting my eyesight back.”


Doojoon froze for seconds as his mouth gaped open. Doojoon spends the next few seconds to understand what he just heard.


“Doojoon. Are you still here? Why are you so silent?”Heejun said. Words filled with concern.


“I-I’m here. I’m just- I’m just. Is that real? What you just said? That you’re getting your eyesight?”Doojoon once again stuttered. But this time, he filled with this overflowing happiness in his heart.


“Why would i lie to you?”Heejun chuckled but immediately replaced with small gasps.


“Oh my god! I’m so happy for you!”Doojoon said with huge grin in his face as keep his hands embracing Heejun’s petite neck.


Doojoon was so consumed with this happiness that he didn’t realize he was tightly embracing the blind girl too close until he can smell her fresh limegrass shampoo. But that didn’t stop him to feel the  happiness and hugging Heejun tightly in his arm.


But happiness had to be end someways right? And that thing was happening when…


“Ahem…”Doojoon immediately back off to his seat as avoiding every pair of scrutinizing eyes to him.


“Umm, are we interrupting something?”Hyunseung said with amused tone as standing in the door of the greenhouse as Hyunah standing behind him jumping from behind Hyunseung to peek at the sight in the greenhouse.


“Hyung! Don’t disturb them! They’re having their time together”Junhyung shout from the hallway as a few giggles and laughs erupted. “Don’t you tease them.”come a voice that familiar to Doojoon’s ear. Jihyun’s.


“So, Jihee been complaining about Heejun unni not taking her breakfast yet. So we were here to get her one.”Hyunah squeaked as still trying to look over Hyunseung’s shoulder.


“No need to be so irritating Seungie.”Doojoon said as pulling a face.


“Let’s get you something to eat.”Doojoon said as turning to Heejun and grab her hand before  leading her out to the kitchen for some food. Passing Hyunah and Hyunseung in process.


“Jihyun unni and Dongwoon oppa were right. They both look cute together.”Hyunah sighed as crossing her arms. Hyunseung rolled his eyes as placing his hand in Hyunah’s waist as whispering softly to Hyunah’s ear before pecking her lips softly. “But we look cuter.”



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Cutie-PikaGirl #1
b2stie #2
YES. Another update. xD Anyways dujun for love, kyu out of pity. I dont think she wanna see him die although hes an . i wouldnt haha if i were her. xD
Out of pity definitely
Yannna #4
omomg a update yesssss im so happy.
Cutie-PikaGirl #5
b2stie #6
OMG. I thought you were never gonna update again. xD Anyways kyu you better STAY AWAY from them especially if its DUJUN. T.T Dont go to kyu heejin, dujun loves you. T.T Make someone like ANYONE be a hero and come help them! T.T LOL
yaaay. you updated. but I can't bare to see Kyuhyun like that, such a psycho. and noooo, what if Kyuhyun asks Heejun to stay away from Doojoon. DOOOOOOOOOONT. update soon please:)
Cutie-PikaGirl #8
OMO I'm so happy .. since i left you didn't update any chappie and now when i came back you updated again .. hehe ..
I love the chappies .. update soon please ^^
Yannna #9
OMG YOU UPDATED ZklsdJALKSDJ dafuq kyuhyun u so obsessed
Enjoy the 2 update for tonight :)
don't forget to comment guys :)