It's War


Neverland; a Paradise where you're locked in against your will.

Two princes.

Two kingdoms, fighting a war fueled by revenge.

One girl to end it all.


Gazing at what once was a brightly-lit castle, Leeteuk clenched his fists tightly. He put on the hood of his cape and ventured into the dark confines of the building.

When you enter through the second window, there will be a hallway with five doors on each side. It's the farthest door on the left.

He opened the wooden door soundlessly and walked in. 'Strange,' he thought. 'Why aren't there any guards?'

The two cradles in a corner caught his eye and he drew closer.

Take the one swathed in blue.

Leeteuk peered at the sleeping baby's face and he felt his heart squeeze. 'I can't do this. He's just a newborn baby.' His mind flashed back to a conversation three days ago.

Leeteuk ran his hands through his hair and groaned in frustration. "Why are we doing this? Why can't we just leave them in peace?"


The words echoed in the hall, and he felt the weight of the Council's orders bearing down on him.

"You are a Park, and you will do as we say."


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analyn #1
Chapter 15: is this complete? or you're not updating this? nice story though
I love how you made them meet!
I can't wait for the next chapter :D I really loove fantasy fan fic's :) Plz update soon :)
eLiSey #5
I like the story line. I don't lik much bout princes n princesses but for this, I'll make an exception. update soon~
ermm..okay i came here from your "shameless self advertising" and this story got my be sure to update as fast as you can..i'm waiting!!!!!!! ngehehehehe*black aura*
lol just kidding i love you... ^^v