

All of a sudden you awaken by a tense squeeze around your neck. You let out a thick gasp. You try to open your eyes, yet all is black. The tight brace pushes tighter and higher on your neck, stretching out every last option for oxygen. You dig your fingers through the strap that holds your throat. At that split second, you lose sense of strength. Something sharp and dense grazes right below your chin, giving you throbbing pain from the nighttime air reaching the cut’s opening. You let out a weak, high-pitched yelp; that of all your gut can carry. The yelp gets cut off before it reaches the walls of your room. Time. Is. Running. Out.


You try to breath in and out but it feels only like air is scraping out, not in. Your brain motions your arms to fight back, but they stay hooked to the ground. You let out your very last breath, stretching every part of your lung. Only a slight squeak escapes your throat from all that effort, before all is gone.

N’s eyes immediately open from your peep. With half-opened lids, he looks around the room, while staying in the covers, and closes back his eyes. He tilts his head, keeping his mouth firm, “Was-was that a mouse?”, he lifts himself out of bed, “No, that sounded like a person.”, N looks back at Leo, “No.”, he looks at the door, “Hope? Did you-”, his mouth suddenly drops, “Ken.”. N races straight to your bedroom and bashes the door open. “KEN!”, N shouts as he jumps on top of  your bed and releases Ken’s hands from your neck. He swings his body over Ken’s and pins him to the floor.

“KEN, GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF!”, N stares deeply into Ken’s worried eyes. They both keep locked.

Leo steps into the room, without making a single sound, and switches your bed lamp on. The room becomes incandescent. N and Ken do not move a muscle. “Is everything okay?”, Leo quietly speaks, trying not to interrupt them.

Is everything okay?”, N tests Ken. He firmly examines his face.

Ken’s eyes glisten with realization. He pushes N off him and dashes up on your bed. He drops, kneeling down on your legs,  having his arms held over his face, “HOPE!”, he cries. You lay there, back to ground, head to sky, peacefully. He moves his arms down slowly, while shaking, “Oh no, no, no, I’m dreadfully sorry Hope… Hope? Hope!”, he puts his hand up against your beaten neck, “She has an unsteady pulse, but now that I’ve let go, she’s able to get oxygen. That doesn't mean it’s not hard for her though.”, he brings his hand back to his chest, “ I know I’ve done something wrong. I knew it when it happened. I couldn’t do anything about it… nor could you.”, he lifts his legs over yours and lays beside you. He leans his head on your shoulder.

    N gets up from the floor and gets onto the other side of the bed, on the right of you. He takes a moment and scans you. “My, I couldn’t even think of what you have gone through.”, N your face, “I was afraid that something like this was going to happen. I’m sorry I wasn’t here earlier, I know you couldn’t have made enough noise anyway. I hope you haven't been scarred.”

    Leo asks, “What happened? Is she alright?”

    “Yeah.”, N breathes with sorrow.

    Ken keeps his eyes on you, “She’s fine now… sort of, but she could have not been if you’d not come on time.”

“Does she need CPR?”, Leo bites his lip.

“Seems like she’s handling it on her own. I mean, ’s not blocked anymore.”, N replies.

“There’s scratches running up her chin.”

“I don’t think those are anything to worry about. They’re very light. I haven’t seen any blood yet.”

“Her neck is a bit pink too.”

“Hmm… The color might disappear after awhile.”

Ken notes, “It was darker before you rushed in.”

“Rest well, Hope.”, N feels your forehead, moving your bangs up.

“What is there to do now?”, Leo questions with care.

“Nothing… we’re just going to have to wait.”

“There’s two of you, should I stay here?”

“We’ll be okay. Thanks for your concern.”

“Okay then, good luck with everything. I’m always here if you need a third hand.”, and with that, he fades into the hallway.

N and Ken lay there on your bed, fixed on you. “You’re not mad at me? Are you?”, Ken mumbles to him.

“It’s happened to us all… She was brave to take us in.”

“She’ll still, like me, right?”

“I’ve already told her. She’ll understand.”

A small, warm smile comes on Ken's face, “Good.”

“Well, I don’t think both of us should stay here. She really only needs one person. If I were in her situation, having two people right in my face as I get up would be kind of frightening. One is best.”

“I want to stay.”

“You sure??”

“I know I attacked her, but I feel like I should be the first person she sees so I can clear things up and give her all she needs.”

N can hear the love in Ken’s heart, “... Urm, if that’s what you feel. But what if you go on rampage again?”

“I won’t.”

“You can’t tell that.”

“I won’t let it happen again. I’ll keep strong.”, Ken clumps the sheet in a fist.

“It’s a risk, but I’ll believe in it.”

“Thank you, N.”

N switches the lamp off. “Stay well Hope, see you when I see you.”. He then your arm and leaves the scene.


He swings his body back through the door, “Yeah!”

“May you close all the doors?”

“All of them? Like the restroom, closet, guest, ours, and this one?”



“What if one of you guys come running in and hurt her, that would make things worse.”

“That’s why you’re here.”, N’s face gets warm, “I’m glad she’s actually alright.”, he looks out in the hallway, “ I’ll still close all the doors. If you’re unsure about something, don’t take your chances, come fetch one of us.”, he leaves.

Ken makes himself comfortable on the top of the covers, at the edge of the bed. He places his head on his arm, “Come back… Kenneth’s waiting for you…”, he whispers to you as he blows a kiss. After 10 minutes or so, he gives up and falls asleep.

Some time passes and you finally start regaining yourself. You unwillingly glance to the side of your bed. You blink your eyes a couple of times.

Uhf… ah… that hurt. It hurts to turn my neck. ACK!

You clench your teeth together.

Am I still alive, here in the room?

You move your fingers around under the covers.


You open your eyes real big.

That black lump looks a lot like Ken… IT IS KEN!!

“K-Ken-nn-”, you stutter.

He immediately jumps up by your side, “YES?!”, his face becomes ecstatic.


“Woah, woah, wait hold on. Don’t stress yourself.”



“Slow-ow down.”, you pant.

“Who am I?”


“Phew, umm, how many fingers am I holding??”, Ken holds two fingers up next to each other.


Ken’s face gets worried, “TWO!”

“We-ll you’re holding them together, it-it’s hard to te-ll”

“How many fingers now?”, Ken holds three fingers apart in the air.

“Four?! I DON’T KNOW!”, you strain your voice.

“Ah, no no. What do I do?”, Ken gets fidgety. “Normally people get it right…”, he mumbles to himself.


“Good point… Umm, just rest. And don’t talk anymore.”

“I ha-a-ave one last thing.”

“What is it?”, Ken whispers desperately back.

“It’s not your fault.”, you fall back in bed. Ken’s whole face freezes. He sighs with relief and sits there looking at you resting.

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