Yellow Chrysanthemums


Bang Yongguk owns a small flower shop. One day, a man storms in with a very...odd request.


So I was scrolling through Pinterest and I came across this screenshotted Tumblr post. I wanted to link the original post, but I don't know how to work Tumblr, so I'm instead going to link the site that pin led me to right here. If you don't want to click off onto random sites, it basically said:

"Person A owns a flower shop and Person B comes storming in one day, slaps 20 bucks on the counter and says "How do I passive aggressively say you in flower?""

So, of course, I immediately thought Daejae, promptly forgot about it for a few months, found it again, and wrote a one shot. It took like three hours.

It should also be noted that I'm pretty sure A and B are supposed to be the pairing from the prompt, but I just didn't see it that way. So the Daejae in this is very minimal, given that they're never actually in the same room together.


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Chapter 1: I’m all for this au where it’s daejae from yongguk the florist’s perspective. Just all the time getting orders for flowers for the weirdest situations. And the eventual “so how do I propose to my boyfriend in flower?”
Chapter 1: Aww. So cutee
Chapter 1: Ah Yongguk, you poor poor thing lol
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy I can’t. <3
Chapter 1: Awwwww why so cute!
bamboy #6
Chapter 1: awww this is really adorable! i love dramatic!youngjae and clueless!daehyun and yongguk being all amused by them. thanks for sharing this, it was a really cute read! :)
Chapter 1: Lol, but aww too hehe. I don't know, but I find this adorable ♡.♡