Straight Until I Met You [banghim]

LittleD's Drabbles


I couldn’t help but smile when I looked at the sleeping male next to me. He was beautiful, and it should have disturbed me that I thought that. I figured the shock had worn off. I pulled the blankets up to cover his bare chest because I knew he wouldn’t like it if he woke up exposed. My smile brightened when he mumbled unintelligible words and rolled over onto his stomach.

If someone had told me even a year earlier that one day I would be lying , and completely comfortable, with another man after a night of romance and I probably would have punched them. For years I had been very strictly, and very happily, heteroual. Then a pretty male with rabbit’s teeth walked into my life and turned everything upside down. I smiled at him again and noticed that he had started drooling. I would pretend that I had never seen it, just like I knew he would want me to do.

“You’re ing, Bang Yongguk…” He mumbled after a while. He reached up to wipe the drool off of his mouth but didn’t open his eyes. “I know I’m y, but stop staring at me you creep.” He smeared his saliva on my chest and I knew that if he was actually awake he would have been smirking. The spit could have disgusted me, but I remembered that I’d had worse than that spread on my chest not even an hour earlier.

I bent over to press a kiss to the top of his head. He made a noise that I couldn’t decipher the meaning of, I chose to assume it was one of contentment. “I can’t help it. There’s a beautiful man in my bed.”

He opened one eye and gave me a look of, what I assumed was, disbelief. “I know I gave you the gay, but do you really need to be so gay? Stop being depraved and go to sleep.” I rolled my eyes at him but moved a bit closer to him and got into a horizontal position. He scooted over so his face was pressed right against my side. “I love you…”

I wrapped my arm around his body and smiled again. “I love you too.” 

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Chapter 14: “Let’s make panda babies!” His lips connected with my throat and my entire mind went blank.
Oh gawd ahhaha why
Chapter 20: The DaeJae one is amazing okay <3 It was so funny at first because of the pissing thing (I NEARLY CRIED OMG) and then it got so sad </3 YOUNGJAE, IF YOU CONTINUE BEING LIKE THIS DAEHYUN IS PROLLY GOING TO MARRY FOOD INSTEAD OF YOU ALRIGHT
Chapter 17: That little brat xD
seriously zelo duhh OTL
Chapter 21: If I would be a guy I would be ing over the whole Band ... And some others...-_-
Chapter 21: the banghim chapter was short but so lovely :3 gukkie never thought of he would go gay for a guy hehe till a y rabbit teeth male came!! i love it!
Jojokawaii #6
Chapter 21: Haha “I know I gave you the gay, but do you really need to be so gay?" <-- what the xD
almost crying for daehyunnie on the last one... ;__;
itsKyungMi #8
퍽퍽퍽! ㅠ.ㅠ 왜 ...
I almost cried and I don't even know why. Poor Daehyun.