A Move of Sevens


Lee Felix, a college freshmen who refuses to acknowledge his depression and seven ghosts who help him overcome his problems (and depression).


The story is really a punch to the moon plot, but I think it helped me more than it intended. I sincerely hope I would be able to represent those people who are in an emotional battle with theirselves in this story. It may not reflect the entirerity of it but I hope I would be able to convey some or most of your feelings through this story and I hope it may help you a bit more in a positive light and for other people to may understand more about your situation. 


A friendly reminder that I accept criticisms and I may contain some inaccuracies about the emotions portrayed and so on. Please don't be afraid to talk to me, leave a comment, or call me out if I may have offended you through my writing. Thank you and I cheer all of you. 


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