A Move of Sevens

Felix woke up with such amazing aroma. He quickly went to the kitchen to find what it was all about, he saw a man who resembles a bear wearing an apron. “Oh Felix you’re awake,” the guy said and shuffles around the kitchen. Felix was in awe having a whole feast in his eyes. There were fried chicken, kimchi rice, even cheese dip and so on. “And you are?” Felix asked, trying to forget how much food there is. “I’m Woojin, now eat up then go to school. Minho made you go absent for a whole week. You need all the energy you can so eat up, I’m packing you lunch,” Woojin said and shuffled again making a bento box for Felix.

“Ah! Hyung you’re up!” Minho said, yawning and took a glass of orange juice from the fridge, sitting next to Felix. Felix gave him the look, “Ah! You’re basically living with 7 ghosts in the apartment, you’ll meet the others very soon and probably you’ll gain more weight by then,” Minho said as he took some octopus sausage. Felix only took 3 pieces of octopus sausage, one small part of the omelette and half a cup of Kimchi rice. Woojin glared at him, Felix gulped. “I’m sorry but I could only eat this much,” Felix apologized and began eating. Woojin huffed, clearly offended that Felix didn’t take much food than he expected. 

After their hearty breakfast, Felix went off to school. He’s quite early than last week, probably thanks to Woojin’s cooking waking him up early. He went to his classroom, studying Biochemistry early in the morning when he bumped in to another student. 

“I’m sorry,” Felix said as he collected some of the things the latter had dropped. “It’s okay, it was my fault, I’m sorry,” the latter said as he took the items from Felix, he bowed as a sign of thanks. Felix noticed they’re wearing the same ID, “Can I ask from which block you are?” Felix asked. “Oh, I’m from Block 1, I’m actually on my way to Biochem,” he replied. “Oh! I’m also from Block 1, do you want to go together? I’m Felix by the way,” he said, arms stretched. “Hyunjin!" he said, taking Felix's hand and slowly shook it. Somehow there was a sense of familiarity that Felix couldn't brush off probably why he was able to interact freely without worrying that he'll be judged or something. They went to class as per usual.

Entering the room, his eyes went wide when he saw Minho at the end of the classroom staring outside probably contemplating whether he should sleep or not. He stared at Hyunjin, "Who's the guy at near the window?" Felix asked trying to see whether he's the only one who sees Minho, "There's no one there though?" Hyunjin looked at him with questions in his eyes. Felix dropped the topic as Minho decided to sleep and reviewed his notes. Biochemistry is something Felix likes and hates at the same time, it was confusing yet interesting and he just couldn't stop going back to the topics especially when it was time for experiments.

"Felix-ah~ Say ahh~" Woojin said out of the blue. Felix jumped and scrambled on his seat seeing Woojin holding a bar of chocolate with a wide grin on his face. "Woojin what are you doing here?" Felix half whispered, half shouts. "Making sure you're getting the nutrition and food you need, you look like a skeleton dear child," the bear like ghost said as he waves the chocolate. "And that's Woojin hyung for you, now eat this chocolate, it helps your brain work," he said and half smashed, half feeds Felix with the chocolate and disappeared. The younger ate the chocolates slowly, figured that probably it did help him feel a bit more awake and more alert. He smiled at the thought and continued on with his notes.

The person behind him smiles as he sees the other smile. 


It was morning again when Felix woke up with the great aroma that oozes out of his own kitchen, he woke up following it like yesterday. Woojin was busy cooking his breakfast again, he still woke up with a feast on his table and a packed lunch cooling at the end. "Morning Felix," the older smiled as he placed the pancakes on the plate and decoratively placed slices of bananas. "Eat up, I figured you might get small pieces of each again so I made your plate instead," Woojin said as he placed the plate in front of Felix. The younger showed a small smile thinking yesterday was quite embarrassing as he took small amounts, but it was the only thing his stomach can take. 

"What for lunch?" He dared to ask, "Rice, cooked salmon, and kimchi," Woojin said as he took the lunch box and placed it inside Felix's bag. He finished his plate with only a quarter of pancake left, Woojin side as he saw the younger giving him a look of defeat of not being able to finish the whole meal again. He stood up and went to school. 

Felix jumped when he heard a loud but soft shout 5 meters away, "Hi Felix!" Hyunjin said and waved at him with a smile The younger felt warm on the feeling from that smile, it was oddly familiar. "Hi..." Felix trailed off as he forgots his classmate's name, "Hyunjin," he replied with a smile with no hint of anger or offend. "I'm sorry, I'm not really good at memorize people's name" the younger said, Hyunjin only nodded and they went to their room. "Hey did you get the lesson last week? About bit operations I guess," the older asked. Felix remembered not being in that class as Minho was basically holding him hostage for a week until he gradually came around Thursday and Friday, "Yeah, well sorta," Felix lied, he didn't although it was a pretty much easy topic he couldn't think of how to explain it, "Cool, teach me, coz I'm really confused with everything," Hyunjin replied, there was no hint of lie as if Felix was there the whole week or so. 

The younger obliged and thought him, surprisingly, Felix was able to deliver the thought. Thanks to Hyunjin making this easy for him. 

The week went on, Felix ate more and more each day that he was able to fully finish the whole plate Woojin serves him. He gives out an extra snack if ever Felix finishes the meal like an extra chocolate, extra bag of walnuts or an extra iced coffee on the way to school. Woojin gave so much as cooking and making Felix food for 3 meals (sometimes more than 3 as Woojin casually enters the school only to feed Felix even more). On Wednesday he packed Felix chicken, rice and kimchi; On Thursday, he packed Felix a turkey, rice and fermented beans; On Friday, Woojin gave Felix a cheat day to eat pizza, coke and a freebie of 2 cheese sticks. Saturdays doesn't require any packed lunch but Hyunjin suddenly texted Felix he wanted some ice cream and then ate dinner at Felix's apartment eating mostly green foods. Sunday passed by with Felix not bothering to eat less and just let himself be full. 

The next morning, Monday, Hyunjin squealled, "Felix~ You're gaining weight~," he said as he squishes the younger's face. Woojin and Minho smiled at the sight, "What do you put in your food, Felix doesn't eat as much as he does now," Minho said smiling, "It's a secret," he replied and they both disappeared, along with one mark from their wrists

"Oy pass the chips," Felix shouted at the back as the other boys in front eat it, "No, not until you say my food is the best in the world," one replied. They all laughed and one said "Hyung your food is the best it's just that Felix doesn't eat much," "He's our skinny legend, yasss," another one said, they all laughed as one member gave him a cheese stick, "This is my cheese stick," he said with a weird voice making everyone laugh. It was really a nice day for all of them, one has already thought of what he could eat and cook later. 

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